
Scuffle! (7)

The instant he landed on the ground, Relovan was at it again; resuming the same fighting stance however this time, he crouched down particularly low and slid forward as if being propelled or pushed. The Knight reacted to this in time however, and slid backwards himself, despite his feet being flat on the ground. The two slid across the ground for a good few meters and once they both came to a stop, Relovan quickly launched an attack consisting of a series of body punches. The barrage of lefts and rights to the ribs also seemed to have an effect on the tall, thin Knight, as he was doubled over again. While this happened though, the Knight had his eyes open the entire time, carefully scrutinizing Relovan's fists. Once he was satisfied that he had seen all that he had to, the Knight suddenly stood up straight and swatted away both of Relovan's arms. He then reached out with his right hand, as if aiming for the Enforcer's neck with the intention to strangle him. Relovan saw this coming however, and quickly reached up with his left hand. He grabbed the right wrist with his left hand, then grabbed a handful of the Knight's robes with his right. His right foot slid forward along the ground as he turned his body to generate momentum, he actually let out a roar of exertion as he used pure strength to lift the surprisingly heavy Knight up and over his body. As Vox's Knight flew over his head, Relovan's feet actually left the ground and for a moment, both were airborne. The moment was brief however and without relinquishing his grip of the Knight's wrist, Relovan slammed him into the ground while simultaneously spreading his legs and landing on his butt; completing something of a sit-down powerbomb type hybrid slam. It may have been improvised, but the shaking of the ground and he dust cloud coupled with the fluttering of Relovan's cape made it all look incredibly epic.

Relovan looked as though he was going to try and lock in an armbar, however the glowing of the Knight's hand alerted him to impending danger. The arm suddenly bent at the wrist and aimed up towards the Enforcer's face, prompting him to not only release the hand, but kick it away and roll off to the side as quickly as he could manage – which was all just as well as another beam of dense flames blasted by him. The residual heat was enough to scorch the already battered police uniform even more, but Relovan gritted his teeth and scrambled to his feet and resumed his fighting stance. The Personal Knight, who was still on his back, simply smacked the ground with both palms and rose up to his feet without even bending his knees. He had a look in his eyes and a grin on his face that prompted Relovan to raise his left hand and form a far more defense-minded guard. The Personal Knight took the guard as a sign of sorts and charged Relovan with the kind of speed he had yet to display during their scuffle. The Knight closed the space between the two within the blink of an eye and raising his left arm and bracing it with his left hand to form a block was all Relovan could manage before a looping, sweeping open handed hook ripped through the air and connected with his armoured forearm. Relovan's bones shattered as though he suffered from the most brittle of brittle bone syndromes, and the breaks occurred throughout the entire arm, not just his forearm. The pain was blinding, and Relovan only just managed to stifle not only a wail of immense bail, but also managed to hang on to his consciousness. He was then barely able to swing his torso back and avoid a similar attack from his right side, and then another from his left again, however the third attack connected. An absolutely thunderous open-handed strike directly to the midriff not only doubled the Enforcer over in midair, but also shattered his ribs. Blood spewed out from Relovan's mouth as he was sent flying backwards so rapidly, he left shockwaves in his wake. A rather large convoy of luxury and armoured vehicles which had been abandoned sometime during the entire skirmish were suddenly hit by something moving so quickly it sounded as though a missile of some sort crashed into them. The car that suffered the initial impact was actually on its side, and whatever had smashed into it had hit the roof so hard, it caused it to not only flip back onto its wheels, but also slide into the cars behind it.

There was a period of stillness and quiet and after a few moments of persistent silence, it was broken by the sound of approaching footsteps. The sound of a multitude of rapid footsteps echoed throughout the air and sounded as though some kind of millipede was scuttling across the ground. Soon enough, Vox's Knight appeared as he walked with his hands behind his back.

"Human Policeman!" He bellowed a bit too happily. "You truly do astound me! To have held out as long as you did, and not only dodge and evade, but to also attempt to subdue me with your superb fists when your weapons were no longer available. Truly outstanding."

Despite praising Relovan continuously, the Personal Knight seemed to be saying this all from a place of amusement, rather than actually being impressed. He reached the smoking heap of vehicles which had the broken looking Enforcer in a dent in the middle of a roof. The Human lay motionless, prompting the Knight to reach down, grab him by the head and pull him out from the wreckage, before holding him up. Relovan just hung limp and lifeless, however this did not deter Vox's subordinate from continuing to speak.

"I really do wish we had more time to continue this dance of ours, however that weakling will likely break free from the cage very soon, so we will have to end things here. Farewell, Human Policeman."

The Knight began to squeeze the Enforcer's head as a sadistic smiled creeped across his face. His giant hand's grip tightened as he squeezed harder and harder, trying to pop Relovan's head like a grape. The grin grew ever wider with each passing second and considering the power the wiry Knight had displayed just moments before, it was clear that he was taking his time – as if waiting to hear Relovan's screams before killing him. Suddenly, bright blue light flared from the Knight's waist, and he looked down to see multiple streaks of blue and white lightning dancing around a certain point on his left hip. Relovan had his stun baton in his right hand, and at some point during the head squeezing, he had removed it from his hip and attempted to use it on the Knight.

"Bravo." The Personal Knight said as he nodded. "Truly."

The grin on the Knight's face suddenly disappeared as he looked down. The lightning streaks appeared to be increasing not only in number, but in intensity as well. The Knight focused his gaze on Relovan's arm and noticed the same thing from before swirling all around his entire arm.

"I thought it was just some kind of anomaly, however…"

The Knight was interrupted as the lightning started to increase and within the blink of an eye, his entire body was covered in the blue and white streaks.

"HA!" He chortled. "Are you banking on me being stunned to submission? Interesting, Human Policeman – let's see how long you can keep this up before you destroy yourself!"

The amusement was right back on the Knight's twisted face, and his teeth-baring grin made its appearance once more. The seconds passed, and the lightning streaks continued to crackle and snap all over the seemingly unfazed Personal Knight's body. As time passed, he noticed a gradual change in the colour of the streaks as they darkened.

'What is this?' He thought to himself as he focused his attention completely on the still darkening lightning.

Suddenly, the rate of the change in colour escalated, and the lightning went from being a darkish blue to a somewhat light purple. This sudden change seemed to not only affect the colour of the lightning, but it's properties as well, as the Personal Knight reacted to the change.

"What is this?!" He cried out before looking up at the Enforcer, who was still dangling from his hand. "What is with thi—"