Lawman follows the exploits of Relovan, a Human Police Enforcer stationed on the Blargonian Planets – a series of small planets on which pure Essence is mined, and refined into fuel. On his day off, he finds himself and his fellow Enforcers caught up in a fight between two Void Lords,
beings of immense power, who answer only to the Council, after the pair of Void Lords touch down on the Station, seeking to refuel their respective Void Walkers. In the ensuing clash, Relovan punches above his weight and subdues a number of Void Knights – those in the service
of the Void Lords – before becoming directly involved in the confrontation between the Void Lords themselves. His performance during the incident catches the attention of the current Police Chief, Nura, who essentially takes him under his wing, and assists him in various ways, including when he is summoned to answer before the Council for getting involved in the spat between the two Void Lords. The book ends after the conclusion of the Hearing. Relovan is a stickler for the Law – something that prompted him to learn not only the laws of various territories and planetary systems, but also the native languages and customs, so as to
uphold the law as best he can. As a highly trained, and immensely skilled former soldier, Relovan’s abilities along with his latent talent regarding the use of Essence, allow him to hang with beings infinitely more powerful than him.