
Interim. (6)

"Apparently, a strict order was given by the Chief himself that nobody was to visit you or even reveal the name of the hospital you were in."

"Oh? Why was that?"

"Well, word from the Chief's office was that journalists and reporters were really looking for you. The Chief has spent the past two publicly singing your praises."


"He's been saying you played the biggest role out of everybody else. I heard that he actually went against direct orders from above to do that. The official statement was supposed to have said something about a specialised team of operatives."

"I see." Relovan said as he managed not to scoff before taking a swig of his drink.

"So, what actually happened? Did the top dogs actually hide underground with the civilians while you and a few others ran around up top and confronted those Void Lords and their people?"

"Whatever the official statement is, is what happened." Relovan said before downing the rest of his drink.

Ralph poured Relovan another drink, however as he was pulling the bottle back, the Enforcer held it and looked into the barkeep's eyes.

"Send the bottle over to my booth."

"The entire thing?"

"I believe I didn't stutter."

"Yes, of course. I will bring it over personally."

"Appreciate that." Relovan said before releasing the bottle and standing up.

He held the glass with his good hand and gingerly got off the seat. He made his way over to a booth that was closed and upon reaching the booth, he slowly raised his left arm up. A red light scanned his wrist, and a holographic version of his badge appeared just in front of his wrist. The door unlocked upon completion of the scan, and it opened enough for Relovan to walk in, he sat down at what looked to be a bar that was almost identical to the one outside. The booth also had a few tables in it, but he chose to sit at the bar. The moment he did, soft ambient light filled the room, as did the sound of music. The drink was placed on the bar and a few minutes later, Ralph walked in with the bottle and an assortment of Blargonian snacks. The barman was dismissed with a nod, and he walked out without saying a word. Relovan downed the contents of the glass before pouring himself another drink, which he nursed for the longest time in absolute silence. Relovan's perception of time all but ceased to exist as he drank. After an unknown period of time, there was a knock on the door to the booth, however Relovan didn't say a thing or move a muscle. The knock was repeated more than a few times before the door was tentatively opened. Ralph poked his head through the gap.

"Excuse me Enforcer, I was just checking to see if everything was alright."

Relovan turned his head to look at the barman who usually had the sense to know not to disturb him while he was in his booth. The Enforcer took it to mean that there were people who had insisted that he disturb him. The look on Ralph's face was apologetic, but also hinted at him having had no choice.

"Everything is fine, Ralph." Relovan said before nodding slightly and facing the front again.

The barman quickly scuttled away and almost immediately afterwards, more than a few men and women entered the booth. A number of Enforcers stood in the booth, with many of the makeshift commanders in there, including Ura and the rest. Relovan didn't even look back at them and continued to drink in silence.

"Enforcer Relovan." One of them greeted after an extended period of awkwardness. "We heard you had discharged yourself from the hospital."

"We would have come to see you, but orders from above barred all of us from disturbing your recovery – your own precinct included." A female Enforcer said. "In fact, we weren't even allowed to ask which hospital you were in."

"Are you sure that you're okay to be up and about like this?" Bibin asked.

There was absolutely no answer from Relovan, who just stared at his glass. It was if the presence of his colleagues did not even register on his consciousness. They continued to make feeble and uncomfortable attempts at conversation, but Relovan ignored them all. The atmosphere inside the booth was becoming almost unbearably uncomfortable, and one of the temporary commanders rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Well, we can see you aren't in the mood for company, so we'll just leave you to it, Relovan. We've told this Ralph that we will cover your tab tonight, so drink and eat as much as you want."

There was yet another period of silence, which prompted those inside the booth to begin to file out. They suddenly heard something that gave them pause and caused Ura to speak for the first time.

"What did you just say?"

"I said… I don't need your money. I'll pay my own tab."

"What the fuck? We're trying to show you some kindness here!"

"Bullshit. You're trying to cleanse yourselves of your shame and guilt. Do you think that cowering underground while leaving a mere Human to combat two Void Lords and their subordinates and the shame that brings can simply be erased by paying for a bottle of liquor? Your cowardice was exposed. Nothing can change that."

"We were not hiding or cowering! We were protecting the civilians and ordinary citizens of the planet!"

"You were hiding and hoping someone else would handle things FOR you, and you ALL know it." Relovan retorted.

"You piece of—"

"I saw these Void Lords and their people fight up close – they weren't actually fighting; they were simply sparring. They showed absolutely no interest in any of us, in any capacity. The best way to actually protect those civilians you were all so concerned about was to actually stop those super-powered delinquents before they destroyed the planet. Those of you who were selected to be temporary commanders are experienced and intelligent enough to have deduced that yourselves, which leads me to believe that you had figured that much out, yet you chose to stay underground with people who weren't in immediate danger because that meant that you also wouldn't be in immediate danger yourselves. After all the bullshit I catch for being 'only Human', I was the one who was left to deal with this alone – so please forgive me if I don't feel the need to accept this gesture from you cowards."

The group fell silent and just looked at Relovan with their mouths agape and their eyes wide open. It was as if they weren't expecting to receive such a response, and upon completing his little rant, the Human Enforcer took a calm swig of his drink. Ura, the Enforcer who had stationed Relovan over at the Terminal clenched his fist so tightly that his knuckles cracked and stared at Relovan rage filled eyes and gritted teeth.

"How dare you?! Merely Human, yet you feel you can speak to us like that?! If it wasn't for the apparent hero status you have with the Chief, I would—"

Ura was interrupted by the sound of Relovan's stool squeaking as it slid back. They all watched as he stood up slowly and set his drink down before turning to face them, a sneer about as intense as it could get draped across his face. He moved gingerly and tucked his left arm in close – clearly favouring it. He only took a few steps forward until he was right in front of the group and looked at them all.

"…you would what?" Relovan simply asked, before raising his right arm to shoulder height. "I am right here – all of you, do what you feel you must."

The group stared at Relovan with yet another look of disbelief as they could comprehend what was going on in front of them. The sheer bravado displayed by Relovan caught them off Knight, and they all stood there, as if waiting for somebody to do something. The wait lasted for a brief period before Relovan scoffed and lowered his arm. He shook his head ever so slightly before letting out a sigh.

"This is precisely why I call you all cowards. The enemy to your pride stands before you and all you can do is cower behind one another. Those Void Lords were attacking not only your pride but the vow you all made to uphold and protect the law. Here I am, insulting your pride and I am right in front of you. I carry serious injuries and we are in a space that allows for members of the police force to air out their differences without repercussion, yet you stand there, seemingly without the desire to defend your honour as Officers of the Law. Pathetic."