
Scuffle! (1)

As it descended, Relovan pulled a small metal case out from the utility belt he had equipped and opened it, revealing two small strips that were suspended in some kind of fluid. He carefully placed one at the base of his ear, beneath the lobe and the other beneath his chin, making sure that they adhered to his skin. He then closed the case and pressed a button on back, resulting in a brief bout of discomfort which caused Relovan to shake his head violently. He slid the case back into the compartment he had taken it out from and quickly made his way towards the exit. Instructions were being relayed over the speaker system within the Terminal, as one of the head clerks explained the situation not only to the staff, but to those who were already in the Terminal, waiting to fly out and such. There wasn't much panic within the Terminal, however people were concerned and they were sticking close to things they could hang on to in the event of another tremor. Questions were being asked of the Security Officers, and Relovan quickly found a side exit so as to avoid having to answer asinine questions. His brisk walk quickly turned into a jog as he looked around. He found what he was looking for, as there was an entire row of police motorcycles parked in one of the designated areas. He clenched his right fist and once he reached the row, he chose a bike that he liked and held his wrist to a scanner near the console of the vehicle.

"Police Officer Relovan: First Rank Enforcer. S-Class License. Permission granted to use this vehicle."

After the robotic sounding voice confirmed all this, the bike started on its own, extending its handle bars, lowering the seat, and all sorts. It was undergoing a mini transformation of sorts, and it went from being a standard issue motorcycle, to one that was a lot sleeker, and looked akin to a racing Hyper Bike than a police bike. There were multiple screens which had holographic heads up displays that relayed all kinds of information. Once the process was complete, Relovan quickly hopped onto the bike, taking his hat off and stowing it in a compartment which housed a sleek and almost form fitting helmet. He slid the helmet on, and it too went through a brief transformation as it became even sleeker than it had been before. Seconds later, it pulled off the lot, the high-pitched whine echoing as it did.

"This is Relovan, can anybody hear me? I have left the Terminal and am en route to the location of the first explosion. Am I correct in assuming that the tenuous peace between the Void Lords and their respective camps has broken down, and that they are now engaged in combat?"

Relovan, who was speaking on the police channel was waiting for a response from one of his fellow Enforcers. When he received none, he continued speaking.

"I have ordered the shutdown of operations at the Terminal to try and avoid an influx of more Void Knights and subordinates so we can focus our efforts on containing the situation as well as bringing the fighting to an end. I suggest we set a rendezvous point where we can assemble and then come up with a suitable strategy to apprehend the Void Lords, as we will have a higher chance of success if we do it together."

Once again, there was no response to what he was saying, and this prompted Relovan to look down at a screen on the motorcycle which was displaying a map. He navigated his way through the map with a few hand gestures, looking for possible rendezvous points. As the motorbike zipped into a tunnel, Relovan felt a shift in the atmosphere again which caused him to stop looking at the map and focusing entirely on his surroundings. The tunnel had a long, sweeping curve and the further he progressed through the tunnel, the stronger the feeling Relovan had became and the moment he exited the tunnel, he could see why. There were cars on their sides and their roofs, others were frantically speeding and trying to get away from something, driving on the opposite side of the road. Some cars were flying illegally, causing them to come dangerously close to crashing into other cars, the cars on the roads that were still able to drive were doing so on any inch of a drivable surface. It was absolute chaos and Relovan, who had stopped his bike for a moment to observe it all, just watched on in silence. The road he was on was raised and surprisingly empty, but also gave him yet another vantage point, allowing him to plot a course beforehand. Before he set off again, there was yet another tremor, although this time, he actually saw what was responsible for this one. Another of the smaller Essence domes erupted from a point a little deeper into the city from where he was, and Relovan looked at the dome with a look of disdain on his face.

He spent just another second or two looking at the cars below before shooting off from where he had been parked and heading down the road. The reason for the road being empty was revealed as a rather impressive pileup of cars behind a massive pile of rocks made it clear that there was no chance of Relovan proceeding down the road. Without missing a beat, the Enforcer turned onto the hill leading down to the congested roads below. He avoided those cars that were moving towards the Terminal as well as those that were beached on the grass. The bike screeched onto the tarmac with a flourish and Relovan cranked it, zipping down the road with the wail of the motorbike at near deafening volume levels. He weaved in between both oncoming and stationary vehicles with the type of ease and skill that would really boggle the mind if people weren't in a frantic panic. He continued down the road for a little longer, and the further down it he went, the more the surrounding buildings started to look progressively rougher. The worse the shape of the buildings became, the thicker the air became and Relovan suddenly found himself having to bring the motorcycle to a screeching halt as one of the hulking Personal Knights of Void Lord Vox flew across the road and into a building, before quickly being pursued by a thin Knight of Void Lord Juxtae, who was enveloped in a light blue shroud of sorts, surrounded by Shields and flying towards Vox's Knight. Something else happened that was loud and caused the ground to shake somewhat violently, prompting Relovan to dismount his bike. Moments later, the pair emerged from wherever it was they had been clashing and fought right in front of Relovan now in the middle of the road. The hulking Knight was busy throwing punches that each come across as death blows, while the sleight Knight had a multitude of Shields up which looked to be made of Storm Essence. The blows were coming into contact with the Shields with such force that the streaks of lightning that would periodically dance across the shield actually changed colour, becoming red as they were filled with Flame Essence. The strikes were fast and ferocious, and if it wasn't for the Shields, it was clear that Juxtae's Knight would have been in serious trouble.

"HA!" The lummox boomed as he unleashed a barrage. "You cowardly, peace loving, grass eating weakling! Why won't you lower those shields and fight like a man?! HUH?!"

"Because I am neither stupid, nor a man, you simpleton!" The thin one responded in annoyance.

Relovan, who had already started walking towards the two fighters. He reached down towards his hip and pulled his pistol out from its holster. Without even looking at the gun, he loaded the energy pods that housed the different types of ammunition and turned a dial on it to 'STUN'. While approaching the pair and seemingly ignoring his current predicament, the Enforcer addressed the Void Knights.

"This is Police Enforcer Relovan!" He stated, his voice carrying rather well, considering what was going on. "Line six, paragraph twenty-three of the Chapter 'Laws of the Void and Void Lords' within the Constitution states that 'All Void Lords (and those that serve them) on or within property or assets owned directly by the Coalition – which are considered Neutral Zones – are prohibited from engaging in any form of combat and are to maintain a truce until they leave. Breaking this law will result in punishment decided upon by the Council'." Relovan quoted the Constitution as though he was reading general knowledge off the back of a gum wrapper. "You two are in direct contravention of this law, and thus must surrender and subject yourselves to the processes of the law. Deactivate any and all Essence Powers you are currently using and place your hands behind your heads."