
Scuffle! (2)

The two Knights, who had stopped fighting long enough to catch what Relovan had said glanced at each other, before looking back at the Enforcer.

"What if we don't want to?" Juxtae's Knight asked.

"Then I will subdue you both by force."

Relovan said this as he raised his gun, which he held with both hands, spread his legs shoulder width apart and bent his knees slightly. He did all this so quickly; it almost caught the two Personal Knights off Knight.

"I repeat, deactivate any and all Essence Powers you are currently using, and—"

Relovan had no time to finish his command as he suddenly saw a massive right fist enveloped by Flame Essence absolutely hurtling towards him. He barely had enough time to blink, let alone dodge, however he managed to do just that, dropping his arms and tilting his head to the side about as quickly as he could manage. Even then, that wasn't quite enough as the right side of the helmet he was still wearing suddenly cracked and shattered, exposing half of his face. He didn't stand on ceremony however, and Relovan moved quickly, adjusting his feet and body to give himself enough room and launched a series of kicks into the Knight's midriff. The midriff in question was not only hard as Irolian Diamond, but also about as hot as anything Relovan had ever touched. Thankfully, the greaves he had on negated the effects of both to a degree, and he managed to get in three hard and fast kicks before he had to dodge once again. He did so in the nick of time, as a large elbow zipped towards his head, as if aiming to crack it open like a gourd. Relovan just managed to duck beneath the elbow as his cape moved in the direction the fist had flown past him. The back of the helmet proceeded to shatter into many small pieces, and this in itself made the remaining part to fall to the ground and shatter as well. While managing to ignore the breaking of his helmet, Relovan then reached inside his cape with one hand and with rather impressive speed, before slapping a shackle of sorts onto the wrist of the arm that had flown past him. He then instinctively evaded as if another blow was incoming – which it actually was. He shot up from his squat and leaned his upper body back as quickly as it could. As the clubbing blow zoomed past his torso, Relovan grimaced ever so slightly as the clearly skin tight top rippled from the sheer force of the fist moving past it. He dashed backwards and raised the gun with speed again to try and fire off a close-range shot, however he was rushed once again by the Knight who seemed intent on crushing the Enforcer. The space between them was closed within the blink on an eye and once again, the now cuffed right fist came flying towards Relovan, who had darted to his left as soon as the gap had been closed. He then ducked low, practically squatting again before dashing to his right now and sliding beneath the extended right arm as he reached under his cape once more. He then darted towards the rising left arm that appeared to be headed straight for him and as quickly as he had with the right wrist, he clasped another one of those shackles onto the Knight's left wrist before dashing away and sliding to a stop behind the Knight.

"You're just as bad as that cowardly wisp." Vox's Knight said as he turned to look at Relovan and spat on the floor.

"Is that so?" Relovan asked his grip on his pistol tightened somewhat. Would you prefer it if I fought like a man?"

"You probably don't have the balls to, Human."

Relovan sighed slightly as he lowered his left hand down to his belt and pressed a button of some sort with an audible click. All of a sudden, light blue lights on both cuffs started blinking, before blue energy tendrils shot out from the base of both cuffs. Within a matter of moments, the tendrils connected, and immediately changed shape, becoming more like a chain than anything else, and once the change had happened, the Knight's hands started moving to the front of his body. He kicked up quite the fuss as he struggled against the sheer force of the cuffs, however the struggle was all for naught as close to half a minute later, both of his wrists had been forced together. Before he could do or say anything else, the sound of a gunshot rang out and less than a second later, a multitude of lightning streaks of different shades of blue danced around the Knight's body, causing him to scream rather enthusiastically. He struggled and tried to pulls his wrists apart, but the more he struggled, the more intense the lightning became and battle between the man and his handcuffs was quickly won by the cuffs as he fell to his knees, and then onto his side. The streaks died down as he appeared to lose consciousness, and the sound of approaching footsteps caught his waning attention.

"You're under arrest. Was that manly enough for you?" Relovan asked simply, before turning around and leaving the smoking brute lying on his side.

He held his pistol in his right hand as he slowly approached Juxtae's Personal Knight.

"Surrender yourself to the law and you won't have to be hurt like that."

"Oh please." The Knight said as she scoffed. "Do you think me an imbecile that overgrown buffoon? Besides, I am a Storm Knight – your little stun bullets won't work on me."

Juxtae's Knight's voice was dripping with confidence as she looked at Relovan from behind her shields, which suddenly crackled with streaks of lightning as if to emphasize her point. The shields of varying sizes all floated and occasionally shifted positions. Relovan just looked at her, and began to approach the woman.

"Last chance – stand down."

"Go fuck yourself." She spat in reply.

Relovan started to pick up the pace, walking faster as he got closer until he was practically jogging. The Knight had her arms raised as if she was waiting to unleash an attack or something onto the onrushing Enforcer. He suddenly broke into a sprint, his left hand still down by his waist. Once he had closed the gap between them to a certain point, Relovan tossed something small from his waist towards the Knight, and she wasted no time in firing off a thin lightning bolt at said projectile, which exploded into a smoke cloud. Moments after the smoke grenade exploded, something pierced through the cloud and hit the largest shield, which was more or less shielding her entire body.

"What the –?" She exclaimed as the damage done to the shield was minuscule at best.

"HA!" The Knight cackled as she relaxed a little as she began to look to her sides, expecting Relovan to attempt to a surprise attack from her flanks of back, which were all also shielded.

All of a sudden, whatever had hit her shield started to have an effect as within seconds, the entire large Storm Shield had become completely frozen; and unfortunately for the Knight, immediately after it froze, the shield then shattered as Relovan flew through it, right knee first. His cape had been wrapped around him like a protective layer of sorts, and the instant he broke through the frozen shield, he let go of the cape and raised his right hand into the air. It was holding onto the gun, which now had a transformed butt. It had not only grown in size, but it was shaped like the head of a hammer. He then brought his right hand down and struck the Void Lord's Knight on the jaw with such force that there was not only an audible crack, but she went from being upright, to having the side of her head bounce off the tarmac below so hard that it was anybody's guess how her head didn't crack open like a melon. Relovan landed on the ground with a thud, and kept his energy pistol at the ready, however once it became readily apparent that the Knight was not going to get up, he walked over to her and slapped cuffs on both her wrists.

"Squishy." He remarked as he stood up.