
Strengthening. (10)

The force of the entire thing caused the ground, as well as the structure to shake violently, with the noise it produced making the staff fear for their lives as they all thought the compound was under attack. It took around ten seconds or so, but things did calm down, and once they did, Nura stood up to his full height while shaking his now open right hand slowly. He looked down at Relovan, whose body was practically embedded in the floor, and grinned while nodding.

"You're the real deal, Lawman. Fucking hell."

Rhee, who was still in something of a daze after watching the conclusion of the fight, stared on in silence.

"Excuse me, Rhee? I think this might be the best time to heal the Lawman, unless you want him to die."

"Yes, of course!"

Rhee scrambled as he moved towards Relovan, however he quickly stopped moving as what he saw before him shocked him once again. There was a bit of a twitch that came from his right leg, but then Relovan's fists clenched as he tried to remove himself from the floor. Due to how firmly he had been embedded in said floor, it was a bit of a struggle to free himself. He managed to do it however, pulling each arm free first, before sitting up with a fair amount of effort. His face was a bloody mess, and Relovan had clearly sustained breaks and fractures to said face, but for the first time after being on the receiving end of a punch from the Chief, the Enforcer was still conscious. His breathing was ragged, and his face was an absolute shambles, however he was conscious. His eyes began to glow as he looked at Nura and he slowly struggled to his feet without looking away from him.

"I will… not perish."

The declaration made Nura laugh and clap like an infant.

"You're damn right you won't! Not even Vox will be able to kill you!"

Relovan just sneered before nodding and snorting triumphantly. The snort proved to be a painful endeavor, and blood shot out of the crushed nostrils, causing Nura to laugh even more. Relovan himself joined in, letting out disturbingly wet sounding laughs before suddenly flopping over and losing consciousness. Rhee rushed over to the Enforcer while Nura continued to laugh, and as he began to heal the Human, the Chief looked at Relovan while shaking his head slowly.

"This guy… you said he locked himself in the other room for a week, right?"

"That's right, Chief."

"Did you see how he trained?"

"I did… he equipped a bunch of weighted items and used the gravity machine. That said, I didn't see what he did when he shut himself in there – he lowered the shutters from the inside."

Upon hearing that, Nura turned around and made his way to that room. He turned the light on and couldn't believe what he saw. He entered and used voice commands to bring up usage log of the Gravity Simulator. A holographic display appeared, and Nura broke out into a cold sweat.

"Rhee." He called out, using The Voice. "Once you're done there, I need you to come in here."

Once Relovan's body was floating in an artificial bubble of the same fluid he had been in during his time on Nala, Juxtae's Void Walker, Rhee got up and went to join Nura in that weight room. Before he even walked in, the aroma hit him hard. After which, what he saw left him absolutely gob smacked. All of the body weights that Relovan had equipped were in the floor. Not on it, but in it, as if they had been tossed onto the ground while the gravity had been altered. There were multiple holes in the floor and walls, some of the barbells were bent in the centre, benches and treadmills were in pieces, a crazy amount of non-lethal combat drones were all in pieces on the floor, with some of them still smoking. There were refuse bags filled with food scraps and plates, while the entire supply of toilet paper was depleted. As Rhee looked around at the damage, Nura waved him over to where he was standing. The Void Knight walked over to him, and looked at the status screen that was hovering in front of the Chief, who simply pointed to it. Rhee's eyes scanned the screen and then almost popped out of his eyes.

"He set the gravity in this room to that of Planet Ouji?! That's almost a hundred times the gravity of this planet! How?!"

"I told you before, didn't I Rhee? Lawman is going to be an absolute fucking MONSTER."

"…you really weren't lying, Chief." Rhee said as he swallowed a lump in his throat and nodded in agreement.

The next morning, Relovan woke up in a bed that wasn't in the Training Building for the first time since he arrived at the compound. In fact, he was in a bed that was far superior to the one he had in his apartment, and he couldn't even guess the thread count of the sheets. He sat up slowly and shook his head before stepping out of bed and clutching his stomach with one hand.

"Hungry." He said to himself before looking around.

There was a Holocron sitting on the bedside table, and Relovan eyed it suspiciously. He stepped closer to it, and just like the one Juxtae left for him, this one automatically activated itself as well.

"Lawman!" Nura boomed while eating some kind of giant bird leg. "Everybody says you stink! I know you bathed using that tiny sink in the Training Room, but some of these delicate wallflowers couldn't handle the manly smell! So take a proper fucking shower after you wake up, and then come join me for breakfast! Later!"

Relovan watched on with grim fascination as Nura's teeth crunched through and made short work of bones so thick, he doubted even Rhee could snap them with his hands. Relovan did recoil after sniffing hits pits however, and quickly made his way over the en-suite bathroom. It took him a few minutes to figure out how the fancy shower worked, but once he got the hang of it, it was all good. His scraggly facial hair and large afro were given special attention and washed properly, and half an hour later, Relovan made his way out the bedroom he was in and strode towards the dining room. He got there to find a collection of empty plates on a second dining room table, as well as a bunch of plates with food on the table Nura and Rhee were seated at. Rhee was watching Nura eat with a look on his face that almost caused Relovan to burst out laughing. The two men noticed Relovan approaching, and Nura raised a grease covered hand.

"Lawman!" He greeted with a smile.

"Enforcer." Rhee said with a nod.

"Chief, Rhee." Relovan said as he nodded back. "I trust you are both well?"

"Yeah, we're just peachy! Sit, join us, eat!"

"Don't mind if I do, Chief." Relovan said as he pulled a chair and sat opposite Nura.

"Lawman's here! Bring him his food!" Nura boomed, causing Relovan to look at Rhee.

"…have you had any of this food?"

"This food? No. My empty plates were taken away with the first batch."

"…first batch?"

"Don't even ask, Enforcer."

Food was wheeled in to the dining room, and an assortment of breakfast meals were placed on the table in front of him. Relovan wasted no time digging in, and he too ate like a man possessed. He wasn't tearing into the food like it was his last meal like Nura, but he was practically inhaling it, which caused Rhee to give him a similar look he was giving the Chief. While the two men ate, talking was at a premium. Somehow, Relovan still finished his food before Nura, and he sat in his chair looking satiated and satisfied. He nodded his appreciation to those who took the plates away and soon, the three men were left alone.