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Dear Author.

'What now?' l asked irritatingly

"Don't report us" Divine replied pleadingly and l felt my anger rush back to me. 'Are you okay at all? You had the guts to block my way just because of the trash you want to say??? This will even prompt me to report you guys today!! It is no longer tomorrow!' l replied with a smirk on my face. Why had l not thought about this? Why did l have to postpone reporting them till tomorrow? Now, l will do that today. I began to move but Divine won't budge. She just wouldn't get out of my way. Is this girl mental? l moved to her right but she moved too hence, blocking me. I did the same to the left but she blocked me again. At this point, l am willing to use force to push her out of the way when l felt presence behind me. l looked back and locked eyes with Grace. Joy was by my side too. At this point, l began to panic. What do they want from me? Do they want to murder me? Do they want to beat me to a pulp? Different thoughts raced through my mind and my legs began to shake.

"Don't report us!" Grace screamed

What? Are they bullying me now? Do they think l will back off because of their childish tatics? Hell no! l thought, even though l am scared to my wits. 'I will report you' l said.

"Then we are left with no choice" Joy said with a sigh and my legs began to shake ferociously. Divine who is in front of me extended her arms and tugged at my towel. My hands reflexly sprang to the towel. What are they trying to do? They want to rape me!?! l did not have enough time to process my new discovery when l heard Grace say 'bring the ropes' Hell! what have l gotten myself into? l tried to wiggle out of their grip but if was fruitless. l can't possibly overpower them, can l? l resorted to my last option which is pleading. l began to plead 'Please don't do this to me...' My pleas fell on deaf hears as they proceeded to drag me towards my bed. The pushed me on the bed and spread me eagled after they've succeeded in removing my towel. l was now naked as the day l was born, spread shamelessly for them to ogle at. At this point, l knew l had to act fast. 'l won't report you guys again!' l blurted out. 'I wont!' l affirmed, when l felt their actions cease.

"You sure?"

'Yes. Very sure!' l replied in relief as l closed my legs that had been previously thrown apart. l tried getting up but was pushed back to the bed by the trio. What again this time?

"Still, we want you." Grace said abashedly

"Yes!" the other girls announced. l felt my world crumbling. l wanted to scream and l did just that but the girls were quick to tie a cloth round my mouth making my screams come out muffled. They used a piece of cloth that had been designed in form of a rope to tie my hands to the headrest while my legs were tied to the bed too. l kept wriggling, trying to free myself from them but they had me under control. My eyes kept moving from Grace to Joy hoping they will release me if they see the plead in my gaze but they were blinded with lust already. Their gaze are on my body as they stared like they can't wait to devour me. l had always been proud of my body shape but now, l hate it!

"l had always thought she is beautiful but never knew she is this beautiful" Grace said, pulling others out of their lustful trance

"Wow! l can't believe this body is lying hopelessly, waiting for me to act on it." Divine added. "Bella baby...just relax and enjoy our torture. We won't hurt you and we promise you will enjoy it" she continued

Warm fluids gushed out of my V at her utterance and l felt like slapping myself hard across the face. l had to get them off my back fast. 'l will report you guys!' l said. But it came out muffled. l tried pulling my legs from the bed but whoever tied them did a good job. Grace laughed like a maniac on seeing my struggle and l felt like a prey. Divine took a step towards me and the beating of my heart tripled. My struggling movement ceased as l awaited what she is about to do. My wait was cut short as Divine knelt between my legs. Her head disappeared between my thighs and l felt more fluids seep out of me.

"Gosh! the slut is sooo wet" Divine announced

"Really? And she was pretending like she hated it" Joy interjected with a smirk.

I closed my eyes, anticipating what Divine was going to do but l only felt her hot breath on the skin of my inner thighs

"She is clean too" Grace said and l almost pushed my V to her face. If they want to rape me they should at least do it well. Why is she delaying? seconds passed, yet there was no action. l could not take it anymore so l opened my eyes and locked eyes with Grace. l looked at her pleadingly. Not pleading for her to untie me, but for her to touch me. My body is heating so much that l fear l will burn at this rate. Grace conceded and moved towards me. She tangled her fingers in my hair and played with the curls. At the same time, Divine moved closer to my V and blowed air on it. This time around, l couldn't hold it in as l thrust my hips to her face requesting an action from her but she only moved further away from me. What is with this torture? l threw caution to the wind and began thrusting my hips to Divine urging her to do something while keeping my pleading gaze on Grace who kept playing with my hair like it gives her pleasure.

Unexpectedly, Divine jammed her lips on my middle lips gaining a loud muffled moan from me. l felt relief wash over me before l began to feel heat once again. Grace removed the fold from my mouth and jammed her lips on mine. I had never kissed before so l had difficulty adjusting to her. But she wouldn't budge as she kept exploring the insides of my mouth, pushing her tongue to my depths, sucking on my tongue, and giving me crazy pleasures. Divine was not making it easy for me as she is also sucking crazily on my clit. The feelings l am experiencing at this moment are new to me and l had no idea how to take them. l wanted to push Grace off me but my hands are tied. l thought l had had everything until Joy began her actions. She settled with my nipples that were already hard and pouting painfully, crying for attention. The first thing she did was to rub my mould and l went berserk. l couldn't take it. l began to wiggle my head from left to right as it is the only way to convey my feelings. As if to caution me, Joy bit hard on my already hard and painful nipple. The pain soared through me and l felt my eyes sting with tears. l wanted to push her off but again, l am helpless. So many hands were on me, so many actions were being performed on my body and l had no option but to take it all. Divine wouldn't stop sucking on my clit like a lollipop as she made popping sounds that filled the room along with Joy's moan as she sucked hard on my nipples while grazing them with her teeth at the same time. Grace finally released my mouth and l breath in air greedily. She removed her clothes and the next thing, she was sitting on my mouth. Grinding her V on me. The strong but alluring smell of her V hit me hard and l tried to swap my head to the right however, Grace held my head in place and resumed grinding herself on me. She began to moan loudly

"Suck me bitch! Use your tongue Bella!" Grace commanded.

It wasn't like l had another option. Moreover, l need to pass the frustration l am feeling due to the actions that are being performed on my body on someone else so l channeled my energy on Grace's pussy. l have watched videos on head jobs so l know exactly what to do. l grazed my teeth aggressively on her clit and l heard her suck in a breath. l wrapped my lips on her protuded clitoris and sucked it ferociously just like Divine is doing down there. Her breath became ragged and she began to scream. 'Errr what a screamer' l thought. Her screams encouraged me so l used more force in sucking her dry. l released her clit and found her opening. l forced my tongue in roughly as l lifted my head up so my tongue can go deeper. l wished my hand was freed so l can pin her down. She began riding my tongue. raising her ass and landing back right on my face. Her moans were music to my ears as it got louder as she thrust down. l removed my tongue from her as her V was releasing too much fluid in my mouth. l resumed sucking her clit and she tried pushing her hips off me when l was sucking too hard. l decided to get my revenge on her by not letting her clit go. l held it firmly between my lips and would not let it go no matter how much she pushed my head back. She began to scream louder and at that moment, l knew she is about to cum so l kept her clit locked in my lips. She kept trying to pull away from me which only increased the friction hence, the pleasure. Then, suddenly, she began to shake vigorously as she released loads of fluids on my face. The fluids flowed to my eyes, mouth, ears, and neck. l wanted to slap her hard across the face...