
Grace collapsed on the floor after cumming gaining the attention of the other girls

"This girl is such a bitch" Divine said, still looking at Grace pathetic stage. "See how she ate Grace hard"

"You have guts Bella.. should we teach you a lesson?" Joy added and l began to panic. What lesson do they want to teach me?

I was still baffled at what Joy said when l felt a finger slowly entering my opening. My head snapped down immediately and l saw Joy and Grace, both kneeling between my legs, their butt shooting out as they bend to focus on my pussy. l knew l am in for a long thing that instant. The finger began to twist and turn, hitting my insides and l felt overwhelmed by the new feeling. A mouth found my already hard, swollen and painful clit once again and began to suck with the finger still in me. l let out a scream as electric current moved through me. Another finger was added to my opening and l tried to close my legs which had been tied dutifully. l wriggled my head from left to right as the finger began to thrust in and out violently. l wished they were less violent. Don't they know l am a virgin? My V released more fluids and l tried not to imagine how wet my bedsheet is. Grace had finally regained her energy. She stood behind the girls that were busy with my V. l felt a hand spread my lips and ran her tongue in it. My moan is so load that l am certain my voice can be heard outside the room. l kept struggling and wiggling and pleading with them to leave me but another finger was added to my V instead. Three fingers were buried deeply in me and a tongue is running over the nook and cranny of my pussy. Tears flowe down my eyes and l felt my orgasm building. l closed my eyes to concentrate on my first ever orgasm that is slowly but furiously building from within me when l felt something strange on me. l screamed on top of my voice at the intrusion and began to violently shake. My brain seemed to breakdown at that moment and l could hear only my screams. The bed began to make creaking sounds due to the violent shaking of my body. l went berserk with my screams and l felt like l had gone mad. The object was not removed from my V so my body was unable to calm down. l tugged at the headrest trying effortlessly to free my hand. l wanted to run away. The pleasure is too much for my body. My orgasm that was previously building slowly changed it's gear and hit me with full force. No, l was squirting. My first orgasm was a squirt. I released loads of fluids that ran down my legs and heavily wet the already wet sheet. After about a minute of screams and wiggling, my body motionless and my breathing became slow. l lost track of my surroundings and could only hear hushed voices of the girls.

"I don't know that this method will bring about this reaction from her. l only wanted to punish her." Joy said

"You guys must use ice on me too!" Grace giggled happily

"l have never seen someone squirt before. It was a sight to behold" Divine commented

My brain that had previously gone haywire began to cool and my mind reflected what just happened. l had felt something so cold on my extremely hot and burning pussy that l couldn't control my body from reacting in the strange way it did. The girls used ice on me! Wow..l was supposed to mad at them but l want to do nothing but thank them for making me experience such exclusive experience.

I felt them untie my hand and legs and l became relieved. They were beginning to ache already. My eyes are still close as l am too weak to open them. I felt someone wipe my body with a wet towel. From my face, down to my legs. They turned me over, earning a groan from me as l felt my weak body ache more. They wiped my back clean before carrying me to a fresh bed. l guess Grace bed. Someone spread my legs and wiped my sweet spot and l felt tingles run down my spine. l moaned unintentionally as the towel moved over my V. l could still feel the impact of their hands and mouth on my body like the actions are still being performed. The person that was cleaning me up finally left me and l layed there like a log withy eyes closed as l drifted into sleep. l was fatigued.

I woke up still weak but a little bit revived. l tried to lift my arm but it felt heavy. Even my legs could not be lifted. it was then I realised that Grace and divine are sleeping by my side, their legs and hands are interwined with mine. I stared in awe at them as we are all in our bedroom suits. After what seems like forever, I removed my legs and arms with so much effort and jumped out of the bed. I made for the bathroom and filled the tub before sinking in. l filled the water with soap and fragrance and stayed there reminiscing over all that happened yesterday. I don't know what the time says but I know it is almost morning or it is morning already. Today is a Sunday and l will surely go to church. The school has a church and a mosque for students. How will I go to church after committing such a grave crime in the night before? How will I cope with my guilt filled heart? I don't think I'll be able to go to church today. l thought. My mind drifted to my mum and dad, my sisters too. What would they think of me when they find out what I have done? I never planned for this for Christ's sake. I was beginning to regret deeply what transpired yesterday. I was still deep in thought when I felt a presence behind me but I did not bother looking back cause I know it will be one of the girls. I felt someone wet my hair before applying something that smelled like shampoo. the person begins to massage my scalp and every iota of thought I was having flew out of my head as I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling. I felt hands on my body as well as they began to scrub me with sponge and soap. I let them do what they were doing as I had no strength to stop them or argue with them. I didn't even want to talk to them, not after they raped me yesterday. Well, it doesn't seem like a rape though... After washing my hair and cleaning my body, someone moved to my V and used warm water to wash it causing me to stiffen before I slowly began to relax. The helped me out of the tub and even dried the water off my body. At this point, l had opened my eyes. Grace gently walked me out of the bathroom while Joy and Divine stayed back to take their bath. In the room, Grace applied lotion on my body while I sat comfortably on the bed. Gosh! what is with the queen's treatment? I sat down while she help me with my hair and picked out some lovely dress for me from the wardrobe out of the ones I bought yesterday. She then went to the bathroom to join her fellow lesbian friends. Can I say that again? My bed had been made and the previous bed sheet from yesterday had been removed. I should appreciate these girls at least.. I lied down, not knowing what to do and sleep drove me away. I woke up to someone tapping me lightly and of course, it was Grace. Behind her are her two friends looking so innocent like they weren't the oned that did what they did yesterday. I wanted to scream at 'What do you want from me now' but I kept to myself.

"hey babe. Good morning we're sorry about what we did to you yesterday it was the fantasy that we've been having towards you since all this while that pushed us. We want to assure you that last night will never happen again unless you want it to happen and we will not disturb you with our escapade so we would like you to keep your own part of the deal by not reporting us" Grace started.

"Yes." Divine continued. "Though I would like us to have more of what we had last night but if you don't want it we won't force it on you again"

"We have a video of everything that happened yesterday" Joy said, bringing out a phone which had a video of me tied to the bed while they were doing whatever they were doing to me. My mouth hung opened. What are these girls up to? I stared wide-eyed at them.. "So don't think of ratting us out to the hostel mistress or the receptionist or else, we will show them this video that you're one of us" Joy uttered

"You might think you will tell them it was rape but your moaning and screams of ecstasy will betray you obviously" Divine continued.

I wanted to cry but I kept it in. That is what I get for being unable to control my body and lust. I picked up my bag and some few things and walked past them but I was stopped by grace who grabbed my hand. I turned, ready to haul at her but I was surprised at what she did next. She locked lips with me. I wasn't able to react so she dived into my mouth and explored it like she did the previous night. Just that in this case, she was slow and sensual. l didn't want it to end.. This is not me. she ended the kiss and winked at me while I turned towards the door and left the room like I was being controlled.