The Service

"if you are yet to give your life to Christ, please step forward to get the anointing of God and declare Jesus Christ as your lord and personal saviour." The priest announced through the deafening church microphone. My heart began to beat loudly in my rib cage as l heard the words. What category am l now? Of course! I'm born again but then, I had committed a grave sin against the Lord. My butt stayed rooted on the chair and I didn't make an effort to move to the front. I can't even go to the front of the church not when lots of cute guys and sophisticated ladies are sitted all around me. Though there are some people that have no iota of shame in them that stepped forward without thinking twice. All through the sermon, I wasn't paying much attention because my heart is heavy even to the extent that I felt that listening to the sermon is not meant for a sinner like me. During the sermon, all l did was fondle with my phone while some guys made passes at me and hell no! they were not on my list of guys that I would love to hang out with. I just scoffed at him and made faces at him to scare him off but the guy wouldn't back off. He kept smiling stupidly at me and he did a good job being a distraction to me. The service came to an end and I've made up my mind never to get involved in such activities like I did yesterday. I reached for my bag and kept my Bible in it safely before rushing out of the cathedral like I was being chased. I knew the idiotic guy from earlier will come after me and I did not want to insult anybody in the holy place but luck was not on my side as this guy came running after me

"Hello Hello" He called

I had no intention of stopping at first cuz I was not even in the mood to listen to small talks from stupid guys but then, l had to stop as he was becoming a nuisance already. It was beginning to draw attention to us and I don't want to be tagged 'the proud girl's by students around us so l stopped and turned to the source of the voice, expecting to see the annoying smile of the guy but I was amazed when I saw this handsome dude. I recognised him as the drummer in the church that caught my attention earlier but due to my sour mood, I was unable to dwell so much on him. But then, here he is! He was putting on a blue round necked, body fitted top, a matching joggers and sneakers to complete. l couldn't stop drooling but was snapped out of my daydream by his deep, commanding voice.

"l have been calling you since you stepped out of the church but you decided to ignore me" He voiced

'No..l can't do that. My mind is not really settled so l am oblivious to my surroundings'

"Ok do you mind sharing the problem with me?"

'No, it is not of great importance like that. It is just girls issue you know...'

"Alright. So I wanted to introduce myself to you. My name is Kelvin. I am the drummer of the church. I saw you when you walked inside the church and with that loving aura all around you, I was left speechless. I so much wanted to tell you how beautiful you are and yes! You are beautiful". He ranted, all smiles. "I would like us to get to know each other. Can we exchange numbers?"

'I don't really give my number to people like that Kelvin, but because you look cute, I will give you'

"Ok babe..thank you!"

Kelvin and I exchanged numbers and he walked me some meters away from the church where I was able to catch a cab to the hostel. He waited till the car moved a great distance before he left. Getting nearer to the hostel, I began to get annoyed once again. I could feel my guilt finding its way back to me. God is there no end to my suffering? I hope those girls are not home because I want my privacy. Even if they are around, I'm going to ask them to excuse me because Grace is my only roommates. I don't know why they are always in our room. Don't they have theirs? l sighed exhaustedly before walking into the hostel.

Today's class had been tiring. After the first class which was Biology, we moved on to physics. It is my best subject but I was not in the greatest mood to participate that much in class. However, I know so well that I understood what the lecturer taught than 80% of the class. I am now on my way to the cafeteria to grab some coffee and appetizers before the next class would begin. Grace who sits beside me had refused to sit beside me this time around and I could not be more grateful. I was alone all through. My class is filled with nerds and beautiful girls but not much cute guys so there was no guy to admire. On getting to the cafeteria, I found an isolated place to settle down after grabbing my appetizer and I slowly and patiently ate my meal. That was when I heard someone calling my name. The voice was distant, meaning the person is too far away from me. I shrugged it off because obviously, I am not the only one bearing Bella in the whole school so I continued eating. Just when the voice got nearer, l realized that I am the one that is being called. I turned my head to the source of the voice and what I saw was a surprise to me because I never expected to see him in the school

'Kelvin!' I called, surprised. 'You didn't tell me you attend this university'

"Oh yes.. Sorry. My bad. I was carried away by your beauty that day that everything I planned to say flew out of my head. Of course! I attend this university. I'm so glad you attend this university too. I saw you walking down the corridor and I had problem believing my eyes so I decided to trail behind you and confirm you are the one before making my move. Thank God it is you. How you doing babe?"

'l am good Kelvin. How are you doing too?'

" I'm fine"

'what department are you in?'

"l am in medicine. You?"


"Wow.. that is so cool of you"


"So you stay in the hostel?"


"l stay in the boy's hostel too. Can I come over to pick you up for a date?"

'Of course, yes. But you have to tell me earlier so I can check my schedule if I would be free'

"Of course! I would. let me grab something so I'll sit by this beautiful angel"

'How you flatter me' Kelvin and me had some conversation and he walked me to my next class which is Botany. We planned to meet tomorrow evening for a date and I could not wait. Kevin is too handsome for me to ignore or throw aside. I walked into my class with a smile plastered on my face. I got to my seat and made to sit down when I noticed that Grace is back to her sit.


What is this girl looking for?

'Hey' l replied

"I saw you with that cute guy earlier. Who is it?"

'It is none of your business rapist' l retorted. "Don't be so harsh!" Grace snapped

'Ohh so you can say l am harsh now? When you girls tied me to the bed and did to me as you liked, you didn't know I was harsh then'

"But we all enjoyed it.."


"Tell me you did not enjoy it" Grace demanded

'Stupid!' l said and sat down, bringing out my book for the next class. The lecturer came in shortly after. She was a female and she began teaching immediately without further ado. Halfway into the class, I felt someone's hand on my laps. I was putting on a knee length skirt so it was easy for the person to have direct contact with my skin. My head snapped to the source of the hand and of course! Grace was so focused on the board like she doesn't know what she was doing. I angrily pushed her hands off me and my action caught the attention of the lecturer. I smiled at her to keep her at bay and she resumed her teaching. After what seemed like some seconds, Grace hand once again found my thigh. I glared at Grace once again but she acted like nothing was going on. I didn't want to push her hand roughly away again so the teacher wouldn't get pissed at me so I whispered to her 'What the f*** are you doing?' She didn't reply and I was beginning to lose my cool when I felt her hand get nearer to my sweet spot. She began to rub my inner thighs slowly, softly and sensually. Moving her hands up and down and rubbing in circular motion but not touching my V..