Pagan's Mission (1)

~The leaflings need to start pulling their own weight as soon as possible. If that thing continues to do as it pleases, the decay might eventually spread deeper into the forest,~ Lucius thought to himself, before grabbing Hannibal and Alpha with his tail, and galloping towards the camp.

On his way there, he pondered over things more carefully. Could he and that creature be linked somehow?

It was far-fetched, but he had felt abnormal levels of hostility towards the creature's energy. Like magnets repelling each other.

~In fact, what the hell am I even doing in this world?~

Lucius had long accepted that this wasn't a dream, and perhaps due to his former training, he had gotten over that fact a little too quickly. However, he had never actually stopped to ask himself why. Why was he here? Who brought him here?

At the very least, he knew that whoever brought him here must've had a very important reason. Otherwise, why else would he have a system attached to his brain?