Pagan's Mission (2)

The trail led the group deeper into the forest, going even past the water springs. Once again, the vegetation around them slowly began to change in appearance, until eventually, they were in a section of the forest even more alien than the one prior.

In this section the trees, if they could even still be called that, had been reduced to the width of soda cans. What should've been bark, was now a weird shimmering coating, that seemed to change color depending on what angle it was being viewed from.

The grass, which now formed a sort of blanket over the ground, seemed to be made of glass. However, the way it swayed in the breeze and its rather soft texture made it apparent that it was not the case.

The leaves that hung on the thickets of bushes, which formed the majority of the vegetation here, were made of different colored crystals, a few of which Lucius collected to inspect later.