
After killing the beasts that surrounded the portal Light headed into the house.

"Defense," Light said, A barrier appeared around the house he sat down on the couch.

*Rank 13:Jake Hart with 1000 points*

"I have dropped out of the top 10" Light said scrolling up and something caught his eye.

* Rank 6: Sakurai Mikoto with 2300 points*

"She is still stronger than me," Light said.

"You just broke through, and she had already broken through, and she is most definitely using her powers which you must not, "Mani said.

"I'll think about that later," Light said, as he closed his eyes to sleep.

The next morning, Light woke up had his shower, and put on a new pair of clothes.

"Retrieve" Light said, the house started folding in after detaching it reverting into the small object, Light picked it up putting it in the storage cube. He sped off from the spot he was to find some beasts and after killing them for about twenty minutes.

"This isn't even productive," Light said, looking at his rank with was at rank 23 with 2580 points.

* Would you like to advance to the next level*


Light was enveloped in blue light the blue-haired three-eyed lion jumped toward him

"Poison slash," Light said, the lion was split in perfectly with its blood splashing over Light's clothes.

*You have received 30 points*

"You bastard how dare you steal my kill" Light heard a voice looking back he saw a short black-haired boy with average looks.

"Oh the voice was coming from down there," Light said, bending a little be on eye level with the guy.

"You fucker!" He said, punching Light directly on his cheek who didn't even react taking the punch head-on with a smile on his face as he was sent flying.

"Take that you thief," He said, with a look of pride on his face.

"Oh, that hurt you must have super strength, but you're still mortal rank three unfortunately for you," Light said, emerging from the dust holding his cheeks.

"You survived that I guess they didn't put you here for nothing," He said, rushing over to Light who still had a smile on his face.

"I'm going to wipe that smile off your face! Pretty boy!" He shouted, with a punch coming towards Light who just stood still.

"He may be slightly stronger than me but in other aspects" Light thought, swinging his sword towards him and dodging the punch.

"You didn't even do anything," He said, immediately all his clothes came off, and he tried to cover up Light was already behind him changing his sword to a gun and firing them at the guy's balls.

"ARRRGH! ARRRGH!" He screamed in pain his eyes turned white as he fell to the ground.

"The poison in those bullets will work their way from your balls to your brain you'll die from the poison, or you'll get eaten by beasts either way when you return you'll be in excruciating pain and so you won't even be able to muster enough energy to stand and run," Light said, shooting him in the legs.

"ARRRGH! YOU BASTARD! I'm going to use everything I have to make your death so excruciatingly painful" He screamed.

"I'll be waiting," Light said, jumping up into the trees and jumping through the trees.

"You sure like to make more enemies than friends," Mani said."I don't care I'm here to win and make everyone fear me and if I make enemies in the process. So be it" Light said, as he stared down at a few beasts which were feasting on a large beast.

"Five Three-horned Tiger pigs," Light said, jumping down from the trees and landing on one of the beasts shooting the head of the wards Light did a flip dodging the pig shooting it in the head, but it still charged on.

"I should have gone with the sword from the start their hides are too thick," Light said, tossing his guns in the air and pulling out his sword.

"Poison slash " Light said, as a green slash went towards one of the pigs he jumped back as a poison mist surrounded the pigs who started dropping one by one.

*You have received 150 points*

*You have received 1200 points from Caleb Gibbs*

*Rank 12: Jake Hart with 3930 points*

"He finally gave up, but I wonder about the heart-wrenching screams he would scream when he awakens in the assessment room" Light thought with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile, "This Jake kid is ruthless and also very calm, but I haven't seen him use his powers even once I wonder what they are" Mr Rick said.

"Even his teachers haven't seen him use his powers, but he hasn't been backed into a corner yet" One of the female teachers.

"He used some type of healing powers on the first day, but I don't think that's all to it," A female teacher said.

"Well it may not be long before he is forced to use It," She said as all of them focused on the scream.

"AHH! HELP ME" Light heard a scream from the forest as he looked over to where the scream came from and continued to go towards the direction he was going.

"To cliché to fall for," Light said.

"It didn't work we need to go with another strategy he didn't fall for it," One guy said to the girl who was on the floor and dusted herself and said.

"Plan B: Surround"

"Ok," Light noticed some movements, but he just changed his direction, and they were still following he stopped.

"Come out this is pointless," Light said, a brown-haired girl with brown eyes and a beautiful face jumped out of one of the trees.

"It can't believe you didn't try to be the 'knight in shining armor' and you're bold enough even though you're outnumbered," She said.

"Numbers doesn't matter to me all your goons can come at me at once, and I'm still going to win," Light said.

"You are confident but can you match your confidence guys you can come out" She said, five guys jumped out of the trees and Light smiled.

"This is going to be interesting," He said.