5 vs 1

"ATTACK!" She said as all of them took their formation with one of them jumping into the trees.

"Wait! Can all of you introduce yourselves I don't want this to be confusing?" Light said.

"How are we sure that it doesn't have anything to do with your powers," She said.

"I assure you I swear on the heavens," Light said.

"Ok, I'm Laura," She said.

"Luca," The muscular guy said.

"Oliver," The blue-haired guy said.

"James and this is Lucas" The black haired introduced himself and the other dark-haired guy they were in a pentagon shape with Light facing Laura with Luca and Oliver to his left and right respectively with the remaining two behind him. Light put his sword in its hilt putting it at his back with both guns in his hands.

"Are you sure you can take them on?" Mani asked.

"Don't underestimate me" Light said, as he tried to jump into the trees to eliminate the aerial threat while firing shots randomly at the five of them.

"Where do you think you are going," Oliver said, punching Light who raised his hands to block as he landed on his feet creating a tiny crater on the ground.

"He is fast, " Light said, as the dust cleared up Light stood up he saw a huge fist coming towards him, he just did a flip dodging the punch grabbing Luca, and launching him into the remaining two he was then shot in the leg by an arrow.

"Ouch, that hurts," Light said, pulling out the arrow his vision got a little hazy the next thing he was already in the air placing his hand on his leg the wound closed up as he landed on a tree.

"I still don't know what those two powers have figured out two" Light thought.

"You think you've time"

*BANG* The top of the tree fell Light had dodged the hi from Oliver who was now holding two twin daggers Light threw his guns high in the air pulling out his sword while still on a tree branch

*CLANG* The sound of their weapons clashing they continued fighting while moving at brilliant speed.

"Don't forget about me!" Luca shouted, thrusting toward Light who jumped to retrieve his gun firing two bullets towards Luca who raised his spiky gloves using them to deflect the bullets.

"Wind Slice," Oliver said, putting his daggers together as a white gleam towards Light.

"SHIT!" Light said as he put his hands to block there was a huge cut on both of his arms as he fell to the ground landing on his feet again.

"What's with this mist," Light said, as he looked around he couldn't see anything.

"Water arrow" Light heard as something pierced through his shoulders.

"ARRGH!" Light yelled in pain, but there was no time to rest as he heard.

"Multi water shots" Light clumsily moved around to dodge the hits, but several cuts appeared on his body.

"Water bullet!" Light heard as he was pierced in his thighs with a full of pain.

"You can't run away" Light heard as he was punched in his face grabbing into the mist, but he didn't grab anything a couple more hits landed on him and he fell to one knee.

"I wasn't planning to run," Light said, pulling out a ball from his storage cube making sure not to reveal it with a remote in his hands as he punched the ball into the ground running away without knowing where he was going.

"I thought he wasn't running let's go after h"

*BOOM BOOM* A deafening explosion destroyed the surrounding trees turning to dust with the mist clearing. Light placed his hands on himself as his wounds started to close.

*You have received 1430 points from James Renault*

*You have received 1640 points Lucas Park*

"Killing people with points is more effective and that means only two died," Light said, standing up from behind the tree he used as a cover.

"Die you bastard," Luca and Oliver said in unison as they jumped towards him from different sides he jumped in the air to avoid the hit, but Luca grabbed his leg.

" Fuck!" Light said, putting his hands behind his head as he was slammed into the ground creating a medium-sized crater Luca smashed him into the ground a couple of times before tossing him in the air with Light still gripping tightly on his weapons jumping through the trees was Oliver who pierced Light with his daggers in his stomach.

"Keuk, Cough Cough" Light coughed out blood pulling out his sword Oliver kicked Light towards the ground.

*THUD!* The sound of Light's body hitting the ground seemingly lifeless but still holding on to his sword and gun

"COUGH!" Light coughed out blood Luca dragged his body towards a tree and sat him up. Laura emerged from nowhere walking towards Light with a smile on her face Luca stood over Light with a look of pride.

"Thank you, Laura" Luca said, as Oliver finally got to the ground.

"Thank you, Laura, we would have been dead if not for you this second year is full of surprises," Oliver said, the archer finally got down, and they all stood all over Light's body.

During the explosion, Light had taken cover behind a tree.

"It's useless," Luca said, as he looked down at Light with black goggles with rainbow-colored lenses with Oliver putting on the same goggles.

*BOOM BOOM* The explosion enveloped the two, but they were suddenly covered up in vines that protected them from the explosion.

"He even killed Luca and James," Laura said, as a vine came out of the ground raising Light's head there was a huge smile on his face.

"RUN!" Laura shouted, but it was too late.

"HALT" Light said, as everything around stopped moving only Light he tossed his sword towards the head of the archer who was already in midair placing his gun on Laura's head and firing a bullet on her head. Light shoots two bullets on each arm of Luca before shooting him in the head shooting Oliver in his legs and head before shooting the archer in both his hands as time continued. Light's sword pierced through the head of the archer the bullet into Laura's head and his remaining shots hit their targets all the teachers in the assessment room were in shock.

15 seconds ago, all the screens in the assessment room went off to the surprise of everyone and didn't come back on for a couple of seconds when it turned on all the people surrounding Light were already dead as they were all in shock with one thought in their mind.

"Who the fuck is this kid"