

Owen stared at Ryu before she walked away, leaving only Ryu and Robin.

" Do you really like her?" Ryu asked Robin.

" Yes...ever since I met her." Robin answered, " Were you the guy who had answered her phone."

Ryu ignored the question as he walked away he continued with his baking.

Owen was inside her room sitting on the bad as she thought about what Robin had told her, that's when her room door opened she already know who it was so she didn't bother to turn around.

" I thought I had told you not to think too much." Ryu joked as he took a sit on the cold floor in front of her.

" What do you want?" Owen asked.

" Your snack is ready, here." Ryu showed her a tray . Owen tryed really hard to pretend to be not

intersted in the desert right in front of her.

" I know you want some donuts." Ryu said as he pick one up and placed it right in front of Owen's mouth.

That was tempting, Owen licked her
