

" You don't have to worry here it is." Emily said with a seductive smile as she handed Ryu the first aid box.

But to her greatest disappointment Ryu didn't even spear her a gaze.

" It's okay, I just pierced it alittle..." Owen trailed off immediately she noticed the way Ryu was staring at her.

" It's okay, Owen has always been clumsy ever since she has been three years." Clara said trying to calm Ryu down, who was putting an oniment on her finger.

" Ryuichi, it's okay." Owen said as she tried to pull her hands away.

Ryu still held her hands firmly, Emily walked out of the kitchen.

Immediately she returned to her room, immediately threw her pillow away.

" How can he just ignore me like that?!" Emily screamed crazily. " Who the hell does he think he is?!, And Owen she thinks she can just

have anything she wants. I will teach her a lesson she will never forget.!" Emily picked up a glass of water and gulped everything down in one go.

" Emily, calm down... You need to calm down. Owen, you will...I will make you regret ever crossing my part."

She grabbed her hair then she let go before, she picked up her phone then she dialled a number.

" I want you to help me with something." She said immediately the line went through.

" Yeah, what do want?" The person said over the phone.


Owen was sitting on the couch when Emily walked down the stairs wearing a bomshort with a half cut.

Owen really couldn't stand her seducing Ryu anymore and she didn't even know why?.

But it was getting really irritating right now, She stood up then she hurriedly walked to the back. There Ryu was helping Clara to dry some clothes.

" Ryu!" Owen called out making Ryu to turn around to look around her. " Let's go out, I am not feeling." She tugged his arm as she back at the door.

Ryu looked at her before he brushed her hair nicely.

" Aunty, I will bring Owen out for a moment." Ryu said to Clara who had nod in response. Owen immediately dragged Ryu out through the back exit.

When they were far away from her house, she stopped then she gave a sigh of relief.

" Finally ..." Owen said as she held her knee trying to catch her breath

" You know my car in is there and I am not with the keys." Ryu pointed out making Owen to look at him.

" I know, I just wanted to get you out of the house. Let's go to the station." Owqen said with a smile.

way " Are you jealous?" Ryu asked suddenly making Owen to pause as her face turned red immediately.



Dear readers.

I am so sorry for all these issues of not posting I was busy.

But I want you all to bear with me, i have an upcoming college entrance exam coming up and I need to focus on my studies that's why I haven't been posting for some while but once I am done I promise to give you guys five bonus chaps.

Byeee, with loveee♥️♥️♥️♥️.
