
You are back (3).

" I don't know ask him." Owen gave answer. Then she walked away leaving Emily to herself.

" Shit!... I have to find out who this Zacky is." Emily talked to herself.

That's when Ryu descended down from the stairs, Emily stared at Ryu lovestruck.

" Ryu!" Owen yelled as she flew to his side. Then she held his arms.

" I seriously want to go to cold stone🍨." Owen pursed her lips.

" Really?" Ryu asked as he glanced at her, the coldness in his eyes melted instantly. Emily noticed this and she closed her eyes as she clutched her fists into a ball.

Owen nodded her head" Yesss!".

Ryu held Owen's hand then he pulled her towards the entrance, Emily looked at them as all the color on her face drain away.

Owen and Ryu we're inside Ryu's black Bentley, he paused looked at her as he peeked at her.

"Am a playboy?" Ryu asked with a smirk, Owen turned to look at him before saying " Aren't you?"

Ryu tilted his head to the left before answering "Aye, I am."

He started the car and that's when his phone started ringing. He threw the phone towards Owen, who caught it with a confused look on her face.

" Why ar..." Owen wanted to ask.

" Answer it and put it on loud speaker." Ryu ordered as he concentrated on the road.

" Oh!" Owen mumbled.

Then she answered the call and immediately put it on loudspeaker.

" Ryu!!!" A man's infuriated voice came through the phone.

Ryu immediately frowned upon hearing the voice " What do you want?"

" Can't I chat with you again?" The man asked.

" No." Ryu reacted coldly.

" So when are you going to introduce her to me ?" The man inquired with his voice abruptly frigid.

" You don't deserve to know anything about my life." Ryu spat out those words as his expression unexpectedly darkened.

" Cut the call." Ryu instructed Owen who immediately ended the call.