54- Internships Pick

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Aska got up, walked to the front of the class, "My hero name is Raijin"

(A/N: Before you get mad at the name. The poll I had on my pat-reon had 100% on Raijin. PS. If you want to have a say in future decisions involving the story and read ahead, subscribe to my pat-reon Kerolos_Hanna)

"Like the lightning god?" - Kirishima

"Exactly like the lightning god" - Aska smirked.

"No shock in that" - Ms. Midnight fired one more of her puns

"That sounds cooler than Chargebolt" - Kaminai complained

"You got that right. You're a Walmart Aska" - Jiro

'Emotional Damage!' - Aska held himself back from laughing

Once everyone picked their hero names, Mr. Aizawa woke back up.

"Alright class. Now that you have your hero names, we will move onto another very important topic. This will also hold as much importance as your hero name if not more. Internships. Usually we leave that till second year, but for the first time we decided to let you first years participate as well" Mr. Aizawa said as he clicked a button on his remote and the screen in front of the class turned on.

The screen showed the names of people who got invitations to internships. The results were,

Aska Minamoto: 5138 invitations

Shoto Todoroki: 3542 Invitations

Tenya Iida: 1147 Invitations

Momo Yaoyorozu: 934 Invitations

Fumikage Tokoyami: 288 Invitations

Katsuki Bakugo: 206 Invitations

Some others had small number invitations, and others didn't get any at all.

"For those who got invitations, we will hand you a list with all the names of the heroes on it. As for those who weren't picked, you'll get a different list. This list will have about fifty hero agencies that agreed to take on anyone from our school. So everyone will get to go on an internship" - Mr. Aizawa then pulled out a stack of paper.

With the stack of paper in his hands, Mr. Aizawa started walking around the class handing out the lists to the students. Or in Aska case, a packet of names.

After handing out the list, Mr. Aizawa walked back to the front of the class.

"Read through all of them, you have till the end of the day tomorrow. Take your time, research the heroes who sent you invitations. See what they're all about. This is your first exposure to the public as heroes, and first impressions last. Aska, Todoroki, Iida, and Momo. You have a lot of names on your lists, if you want I can give you a smaller list. It will have the top 100 heroes who sent for you." - Mr. Aizawa

Aska then raised his hand right away, "Can I have the smaller list please"

Mr. Aizawa nodded and then looked at the other three with high number of invitations. Momo nodded, but Iida and Shoto weren't interested.

"I already know where I'm going. I'll intern with my older brother so there is no need" - Iida

"I'm going to my father, so no need for me to get the list either" - Shoto said as a complicated look appeared on his face

"Alright, then. Don't forget to get the form to me tomorrow at the latest" - Mr. Aizawa walked out of the room after getting Aska and Momo their smaller lists.

Everyone was engrossed in reading the list they were handed.

Aska read through the list. He didn't care about anyone bellow the tenth rank. Lucky for him, he had all ten invitation, even All Might's.

'What's that about?' - Aska thought as he read through the list.

'All Might is all about taking down villains with his pure power, But I think he will focus more on Midoriya's training...is that why he wants me with him? To help train Midoriya?'

Moving on to the next hero

'Endeavor has the most resolved cases under his name, but I don't really want to deal with that aggressive guy, though he has almost perfect mastery over his quirk, so maybe...'

Aska moved on to the next hero

'Hawks, is more of a nonchalant person, though he moves fast, which is something I don't particularly hate'

Looking down the list, 'Now he's what I originally thought of going with. Best Jeanist. Perfect quirk control. Even with a weak quirk like fiber master, he was able to get to the top 5. That's something'

After was edgeshot. 'He looks cool, and acts cool, but i don't know anything about him, so probably no'

'Then there is crust...no. After crust is that old man, who I have no idea what he does, so also no to him' Aska went to the next name on the list.

'Mirko took ninth place and pushed Ryukyu down to tenth, not bad. She sent me an invitation huh? I thought a muscle head like her would ignore me. I guess if the king of muscle heads sent me an invitation, then why can't she' - Aska glanced back at the name on the very top of the list while chuckling to himself.

Aska looked at the next and last name on the list, Ryukyu. 'Her fighting style is different from mine, but she's strong...WAIT! Eri! I can't believe I forgot about her. I don't know exactly where she is being held, but I do know that it's close to Sir Nighteye's agency' - Aska hurriedly went back to the bigger list and started searching through the names, he finally saw Sir Nighteye's name on the list

'Should I go to Nighteye's agency? He was the only sidekick of All Might, or something like that. Or I can let him know about Eri and leave the rest to him? I can go to a high ranking hero to get more exposure and get some fame' Aska thought about, but then the an image of his family flashed in his mind.

'I'll be an older brother soon, and if I know that my younger sibling is getting used as an experiment subject, and getting tortured, I would kill whoever it is. And that fucker Kai Chisaki is out there doing just that to a little girl. I shouldn't worry about some stupid fame. I'll become number one no matter what' Aska got determined, he pulled out a pen and wrote down his choice

"Hey Aska, did you already pick?" - Momo saw Aska filling his form

"Yes. I decided to go to Sir Nighteye's agency. He's not famous or anything crazy, but his work is interesting to me. What about you?" - Aska

"I haven't decided yet. I'll take the list with me home, to see if dad and mom have any suggestions" - Momo

"Good idea. Also make sure to research the hero you'll pick. Make sure you're interested in their work" - Aska said as he remembered her going with Uwabami, who wasted her time with TV commercials and what not.

Aska got up and was about to leave, when Midoriya approached him suddenly.

"Hey Aska. If you don't mind, can we have a moment of your time, please" - Midoriya

'Who's we?' Aska thought before nodding, "Sure"

Aska followed Midoriya as they exited the classroom and went towards an empty hallway. Getting to the hallway, Aska saw All Might waiting for the two of them.

"Young Minamoto! Thank you for coming!" - All Might with his signature smile

"No problems. So what's up?" - Aska

"I plan on taking Midoriya as my intern, but I also want you to come along. I think having a strong classmate along would help Midoriya grow. You're are the only student who knows about Midoriya's quirk, so you would be the best option. Besides it's not like you won't get anything out of it. You get to see how the best of the best get work done" - All Might

'If he had told me that sooner, I might've agreed, but I have to save a little girl'

"Sorry All Might. I already picked the hero I want to go with. As for helping Midoriya control his quirk" - Aska turned to look at Midoriya,

"You need to stop thinking of the quirk as if it's not yours. Once you get that down, you need to think of how to use the quirk correctly. You saw me use my lightning cloak before, right?" - Aska

"Lightning cloak? Oh! You mean when you wrap your entire body in electricity? I saw it a few times. Cool name by the way" - Midoirya

"Leave my good naming sense for a moment. Tell me what do you notice about my move?" - Aska

"What do I notice?" - Midoriya was confused

"You already said it absentmindedly. I wrap my entire body with "electricity". And if I want to deliver a stronger punch I focus more "electricity" into my hands. What's the difference between what I do, and what you do?" - Aska asked again. Literally shoving the answer down Midoriya's throat

Midoriya's eyes widened in realization. He deeply bowed to Aska, "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" - Midoriya yelled before he ran out of the hallway, probably going somewhere to try the new idea he just got.

All Might stood there, as he watched a first year student give better advice to his successor, then he could.

"Thank you young Minamoto!" - All Might wasn't shocked at all. He knew how talented and smart Aska was.

"Sure, no problems" - Aska walked out of the hallway and went straight towards the teacher's office.

After getting to the teachers' office, Aska left his form on Mr. Aizawa's desk since he wasn't there.

'I should be proactive instead of reactive' - Aska thought as he pulled out his phone, and with a quick google search he found sir Nighteye location.

Aska left the school ground and took the train towards Yamanashi prefecture. He knew that the whole thing happens near Nighteye's agency.

Once Aska found Nighteye's agency he started walking around in hopes of finding something. He expanded his observation haki as far as he can. His aim is to find an underground maze

'How many houses will have an underground maze after all'. Aska kept walking around. He went deeper into the residential areas.

After a couple of hours of walking around and scanning the structure of every house he walked past, he finally found the one.

Aska made a mental note of the location of the house relative to the agency. He already started thinking of how to get in touch with Eri.

After making a rough plan, Aska went back home.


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