55- I'm Here to Save You

I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. I have five chapters a head, and I will publish three chapters a week, I also made it very cheap. So check it out!!


Aska went back home, and had dinner with his parents.

"I might be late tomorrow" - Aska

"Sure, but why?" - Dad

"I'll go to the area where I'll be interning. I just want to see what it looks like in person that's all" - Aska

After dinner Aska went up to his room and kept planning the finer details of his plan.

The next day Aska went to school as usual. Everyone had made their selection by the end of the day.

At the end of the day Aska went towards Nighteye's agency. Once he got there, he went to the Shie Hassaikai base.

Expanding his observation haki, he was able to get an accurate scan of the entire base.

Aska walked around until he found an area in the back garden with no one around. Aska silently jumped over the wall. He started making his way towards one of the entrances of the underground structure.

Aska spent a lot of time avoiding all of the servants that worked there, he finally made it to one of the entrances.

Looking around Aska saw a bunch of statues placed on either side of the hall way. Each statue was about four meters in height. One of those statues was the entrance. Aska decided to hide and wait until he saw how the entrance was opened.

Aska climbed on top one of the statues near the entrance and waited. Two hours later the statue started moving forward. Behind the statue a doorway was visible to Aska. Walking out of that doorway was Chisaki himself. Aska held his breath and calmed himself so to not get caught.

Aska was going to jump into the doorway before the statue went back to it's original place, but Chisaki took out his phone and made a phone call while standing next to the entrance.

'No need to rush' - Aska reminded himself.

Chisaki walked away after, three hours later, Aska was still in his position. He was going to give up, It's gotten late and his parents probably are starting to worry about him at this point. But just as he was thinking of leaving, one of the minions of the Chisaki made his way towards the statue.

Aska paid close attention to the way he opened the doorway. He had to move one of ornaments around the state's neck in a specific pattern.

Aska waited some more until he was sure the coast is clear, and Aska decide to leave.


The next day Aska went to school like normal. Today there were no classes. The students were dropped off at the train station with their costumes.

"Make sure to be on your best behavior. You represent more that just yourselves, you represent UA out there! Also don't lose you costumes. It will be a pain to have them replaced" - Mr. Aizawa

"Yes sir!" - The class said in unison

After that the class went separate ways to reach different platforms to board their trains. Aska had used the train a couple of times to get to and from Yamanashi prefecture, so he had no issues figuring his way around.

With his costume, Aska boarded the train. In time he made it to Yamanashi prefecture. Making his way towards Nighteye's agency he, saw the familiar large five-story building.

Walking inside the building, There was a reception area with a semicircle desk with a person sitting behind the desk. The person was a fairly well-built young woman with a rather slim build, her skin is light blue in color. She has short, ruffled dark blue hair that curves downwards around her head, parted to her right, and wide yellow eyes with thick eyelashes.

"Welcome to Nighteye agency. How can we help yo- OH! You're the intern aren't you? I saw you TV!" - Bubble girl said excitedly

"Hello. Nice to meet. As you already know I am Aska Minamoto, I'll be interning here for the next week" - Aska

"Nice to meet you too. I'm sorry I got excited their. My name is Kaoruko Awata. Hero name Bubble Girl." - Bubble Girl laughed embarrassingly at her reaction

"It's ok" - Aska said with a smile

"If you can follow me please" - She stood up from her seat and went towards the elevator. Using the elevator inside the building, the two of them made it to the top floor.

Bubble Girl led Aska to a moderately spacious office, with All Might posters all over the walls.

"If you don't mind waiting here, Sir Nighteye will be here shortly. He's out on patrol with Centipeder" - Bubble Girl

"Thank you so much... uhm Kaoruko? or should I refer to you as bubble girl?" - Aska

"When we are alone, you can call me by my name, but if we're out in public, then please use my hero name. Oh right. I never got to know your hero name" - Bubble girl

"My hero name is Raijin" - Aska

"I see. It's a really cool name. Well anyway Raijin there are some snacks and drinks over at the table, if you need anything I'll be downstairs" - Bubble girl

"Thank you" - Aska said before taking one of the seats in the office

Some time later Sir Nighteye and Centipeder made it back from their patrol. When bubble girl saw them, she told them that Aska is waiting in the office upstairs. Centipeder wanted to meet the new intern, so he went upstairs to meet Aska.

After Centipeder and Aska met, Nighteye signaled for Centipeder to leave the office.

"I see your here earlier than I expected" - Nighteye

"I want to give my internship my best" - Aska

"So why are you here?" - Nighteye

"I want to save a certain someone who lives near here" - Aska knew exactly what Nighteye was asking

"I see. I was wondering why someone who has invitations from all the top heroes would come to me" - Nighteye

"Well, anyway. We will go out on patrols soon, that is if there were no calls for back up from the police. We will wait for someone to join us before going out. For the time being I'll have bubble girl five you a tour of the building. She'll show you to the room you'll sleep in, and the other facilities we have here" - Nighteye

Aska nodded. Nighteye pressed a button on his desk, and a minute later Bubble girl was standing in front of him.

"Take him around the building. Show him the room he'll stay in, and the rest of the floors as well." - Nighteye

"Yes sir" - Bubble girl said before taking Aska out of the office with her.

"We'll start touring the building top to bottom. The fifth floor is Sir Nighteye's personal space. His office, and his personal room." - Bubble girl said as she led Aska to the elevator. She then took them down one floor.

"Then we have the fourth floor. This floor has rooms for the people who work here. Especially the heroes who might have to work over night on some cases" - Bubble girl took Aska to one of the rooms,

"This will be your room for the time you spend with us. You get to have the whole floor to yourself. Centipeder and myself go back to our houses, and the back office people leave as well the end of the day" - Bubble girl took Aska to the elevator again and went down to the third floor

"Third floor is for working out, relaxation and fun in general" - Bubble girl took him to different areas of the floor. There was a small gym, a small indoor pool with a jacuzzi. A sauna, and a game room with a pool table and a leisure area with a few sofas and a big TV

Bubble girl moved on to the elevator again, "Then we have the second floor. This one is our archive. That's where we save all of the documentation. Not as fun as the last floor is it?" - Bubble girl laughed as she led Aska to the elevator again

"Lastly we have the first floor, or the reception area. This is where we meet people who come in, and answer any phone calls" - Bubble girl turned around to look at Aska

"So what do you think. I know it's not big or fancy" - Bubble girl

"It's very nice. I will enjoy working here" - Aska

"Glad to hear it. Anyway sir Nighteye said you'll wait for Lemillion to come, so you're free to do as you please until then. I have to go back to the front desk, but feel free to come to me with any questions, ok?" - Bubble girl said with a sweet smile.

"Thank you. I'll let you know if I need anything" - Aska said before going back to the elevator and going to the fourth floor, and going to his room.

Later that day Mirio came after school.

"Hey there first year!" - Mirio's cheerful personality was very apparent.

"Hi. My name is Aska Minamoto, I'll be interning here" - Aska

"You'll love it a bunch here" - Mirio smiled brightly like usual.

"Alright. Now that you're here, we'll go on patrol" - Nighteye

Aska and Mirio put on his hero costume, while Nighteye was wearing the same suite he has been wearing the whole day. Bubble girl came along while Centipeder stayed in the agency.

Sir Nighteye split them into two teams. Lemillion and Raijin were to go one way, while Nighteye and Bubble girl go the other.

Aska had started walking after Lemillion. Luckily he walked towards the area where Shie Hassaikai is located.

Thee two of them walked around the busier streets. They stopped purse snatcher, other than that, the whole time was uneventful.

They went back to the agency later, and then went out again on patrols.

Once it was nighttime, Nighteye dismissed everyone. Aska was the only one left in the building.

Once they were all gone, Aska put on simple black pants and a plain black hoodie. He ran out of the agency and went towards the Shie Hassaikai hideout.

Aska did the same thing like last time and entered through the statue in the long hall.

Once he got through the entrance he started making his way around. There were some cameras placed around. When Aska came near one, he would dash across, practically appearing like a blur on the screen. Unless some one was intently looking, they wouldn't notice him on their screen. Aska was able to find his way around, because he had already scanned the entire place.

Luckily for Aska the entrance was near where Eri is being held captive. Aska snuck until he reacehd her.

Waiting outside the room, Aska can sense three people inside the room. In the middle of the room there is a small girl held down with straps. Standing on one side of the bed was non other than Overhaul. The second person was standing on the other side of the bed, it was Overhaul's aid, Chronostasis.

"We finally found the strand of her power that affects quirks" - Chronostasis

"Yes. But we have a long way to go" - Overhaul

"I think the best way to push our research forward is to get our hands on Erasure head" - Chronostasis

"Yes, but he's a slippery one. All of his day is spent inside UA, and at night no one can track him. We only where he's at after he gets someone arrested. And even after that he would vanish right after" - Overhaul

"We can plant a trap for him. We know where he works most of the time, so maybe we can lure him in" - Chronostasis

"That would be unnecessary. With this we can achieve our goal" - Overhaul said as he held up a small glass container with a red liquid inside.

Eri was strapped to the bed, one of her arms was bleeding, and tears were streaming down her cheeks.

She had something blocking her mouth so she couldn't even scream.

Aska was trembling wwith anger. He wanted nothing more than to bust into that room and kill the two of them and take Eri out.

'Calm down Aska, this needs to be handled the right way' - Aska reminded himself

Aska was hiding outside the room, he can hear the muffled screams of little Eri, while Overhaul and Cronostasis would talk with each other occasionally

Three hours later, Overhaul and his aid left the room.

"Send someone with food for her. The last thing I want is for her to die before the drug is complete." - Overhaul commanded as he walked out of the room.

Aska took this chance to talk with Eri.

He snuck into the room as the two villains walked away.

He saw Eri with lifeless eyes staring off into the dark corner of the room.

When he stepped into the room, she got scared again. Poor girl thought she was done for tonight, but then some weird person walked into her room.

Aska went to her side and took off the gag, "Don't be scared. I'm here to help you"

She stared at him without saying anything. "I know it's hard to believe. But I need you to help me help you" - Aska said as he sat near her.

She tried to crawl away from him, but the straps held her in place.

"I can't take you out of the straps or the others will get suspicious" - Aska

Eri is still quite but her eyes were staring at him.

"Someone is coming here to get you food, so I don't have a lot of time. Hold on a little more, I'll get you out of here" - Aska wasn't good with comforting people, so he was just trying to win her trust.

She didn;t respond. Aska got up to leave, as he got to the door,

"You promise you will save me?" - A small shaking voice

"Yes. For now you have to pretend that nothing happened. I know it's hard but I will take you out of here" - Aska walked back to her and looked her in the eye

"I know you hate this but we need to make sure there are no room for mistakes" - Aska said as he gently put the gag back in her mouth.

Aska patted her head and walked away.


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