61- Exchange Program

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After the exams. Aska went back home. When he got home his mother was there, but his father was still at work.

"How was the practical exam Aska?" - Mom

"It was fine. We had to fight teachers to pass the exam. Though the teachers didn't go all out, they gave us a chance to pass of course" - Aska

"That's great to hear" - Mom said as she went back tp watching the news on the TV.

Just as Aska was about to go upstairs to his room, his mother's phone started ringing.

"Can you get me that Aska" - Mom

Aska walked to the kitchen counter, where her phone was, and he brought it back to her.

Mom looked at the phone, "Oh, it's your school. Hello"

"Yes, this is she... Oh that's great, I'm glad to hear that...If you say so, but I still have to ask his father first... I can come on that day...alright, bye bye"

"What was that?" - Aska asked

"Your school called. It was your homeroom teacher. He told me that you aced your exams" - Mom

"Yeah, but what was the part about asking dad" - Aska

"The Japanese student in Atlas academy whose there as an exchange student decided to come back to UA. So they were calling to see if any of the other students wants to go to America as an exchange student instead" - Mom

"No way. I'm not going to America" - Aska

"Well, there is some kind of orientation. It's to explain more about how the exchange student program works. I think we can at least go and check it our before you decide" - Mom

"..." Aska looked at his mother for a moment, then he shrugged his shoulder, "ok"

Later that day, Aska's father was back. When they were having dinner, mom brought up the topic

"I think it's a great idea. And don't worry about moving there. There is a branch of the company in the US. We can all go together" - Dad

"What if I don't want to go to America" - Aska

"Why not? Atlas is not as big as UA, sure, but their just as good" - Mom

"Well, my rival goes to Atlas. I go there then it would be boring meeting him every day. It's fun that we meet once every year or so and then compete. Going there would take the fun out of our competition" - Aska replied. He was a bit embarrassed at what he said.

"Hahahahaha" - Dad burst into laughter

"Aska~ It's ok darling. How about we go to the orientation. Then the decision will be all yours" - Mom patted my head

Dad kept laughing for a bit more, until mom elbowed him.

After dinner was done, they went to their bedrooms, and Aska went straight to sleep.


The next morning, Aska did his daily training, and then decided to take a bath. Around afternoon, the two of them, him and his mother, went to the UA campus. Once they got there, they made their way to the conference room where the information about the exchange program will be held.

Entering the room, Aska saw a few students from class 1B. He saw the beast boy, the scales guy and the mushroom girl. Then he saw a couple of students from class 1A. He saw Kaminari, and Takashi.

On one side of the room, Aska saw a bunch of adults, from their looks he can tell who's parent are who. Anyway his mother went to the side with the other parents and introduced herself.

Aska on the other hand, went to the area where all the students were, and took a seat.

"Yo Aska, you here too?" - Kaminari

"Yeah, I didn't want to, but my parents wanted me to at least come to the conference" - Aska

"Oh, I see" - Kaminari

"What about you? Why are you here?" - Aska

"I want to go to America. I bet it will be super fun over there" - Kaminari

Aska looked at Kaminari smile, but then a thought suddenly popped in his head. 'Is he going there because he fells that he's in my shadow here?' Aska thought about it for a moment, it seemed to be a viable option. There he would be away from him, and he won't be compared to Aska, as the other electric type.

"What about you Takashi? Why do you want to go to America?" - Aska

"My favorite hero is a teacher in Atlas. I want to learn from him. Its the number three hero, Sonic. When I go there, I'll become the best in my class, and then become the best in America" - Takashi

"Yeah man! I can become the best too!" - Kaminari

"You won't" - Aska said interrupting their daydreams

"What did you say?" - Takashi frowned at Aska

"Why do you say that" - Kaminari also asked

"If you try hard, then you might become third in the class. If you try really really hard, then you can get second, and I highly doubt you will be able to get that, let alone first place" - Aska

"Come again you bastard" - Takashi got angry, he stood up and got closer to Aska, in a threatening manner. Aska stayed in his seat, not bothering with Takashi's attitude.

"Calm down Takashi. He might be trying to say something" - Kaminari tried to stop the fight. Thankfully, the parents on the other side of the room hadn't noticed yet

"Tech" - Takashi walked back to his chair

"Why did you say that" - Kaminari asked Aska

"Because he's there" - Aska

"Who's he" - Kaminari asked, but Aska can tell that Takashi also wanted to know

"Say, do you two plan on going to I-Island this year?" - Aska

"I am. I'm already applied for a temporary job there. I get to tour the island on my break time" - Kaminari

"What about you?" - Aska turned to Takashi

"Why is that any of your business" - Takashi

"Well, if you want to know what you're up against when you go to America, then I would recommend you be there" - Aska

The door, opened, and Mr. Aizawa, and Mr. Vlad walked in. The principal was standing on Mr. Aizawa's shoulder

"Greeting s everyone. Thank you all for coming" - Nezu. In response everyone in the room greeted back.

After the greetings were over, everyone went and sat around a big table placed in the middle of the room. All of them faced one way, the wall where the screen was.

Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Vlad started the presentation. First they talked about what Atlas academy is, then where it's located exactly. Then they went on to explain their curriculum. After that, it was mentioned that graduating from Atlas was in line with the laws of Japan, meaning that after graduating, the student can come back and get their hero licenses in japan as well. Then it was the time of the exchange. It would happen after the summer break.

After the presentation was over, Mr. Aizawa then told them that they have a two weeks to think it over. After that the parent can get in touch with the school and then they can start the process.

After that, Aska and his mother left.

"So what do you think?" - Mom asked as she drove the car back home

"No. I really don't see myself going to America anytime soon. Maybe latter down the line" - Aska

"Alright. As long as you're sure of what you want" - Mom


*A few days later*

Aska's parents were getting into a taxi.

"C'mon Aska, were gonna be late!" - Mom called from the taxi

Aska ran out of the house, "Sorry, I was looking for my headphones"

After Aska got into the taxi, "I thought you would be the first in the taxi, since you get to meet your rival and all" - Dad said as he laughed

Aska in the back seat was read with embarrassment 'This old man doesn't let anything slide'

"Mom, dad has a girlfriend" - Aska looked at his mother

"PFFFT! Aska how can you say that about me?!" - Dad almost chocked on the water he was drinking

"Honey?" - Mom said sweetly

"Darling, he's obviously joking, he's trying to get back at me for making fun of him. Tell her Aska!" - Dad defended himself.

The driver, just pretended he wasn't there.

'That's what you get old man' "It's ok mom. I think I just got mixed up" - Aska smiled

Dad reached his hand and grabbed Aska closer to him. he then whispered to him

"What the hell was that about runt" - Dad whispered

"Just letting you know that I can fight back, old man" - Aska whispered

"Oh look at you future number one, running to your mommy" - Dad mocked Aska

"Your one to talk. You're the man scared of his wife" - Aska mocked back at his dad

Not long after, they made it to the airport. They made it through the security check, and then went to their flight gate, and waited till it was time for them to board the plain.


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