62- You're That Rich?!

I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. I have five chapters a head, and I will publish three chapters a week, I also made it very cheap. So check it out!!


Aska and his family made it to I-Island. Once they got there, they got to the hotel, where they're staying. It was a suite. It had a big common room, with a room. The room also had a private jacuzzi. There were two rooms, each with it's own bathroom. Aska took the smaller room, while his parents took the bigger the room

After settling down, Aska decided to go on a walk, his parents on the other hand had decided to rest.

Walking around, Aska saw a whole bunch of pro heroes from all over the place. He even saw the Russian number one hero, and the Chinese number one hero.

Walking around, he went to the place Kaminari told him about. When Aska got there, he found Kmainari and Kirishima running around serving people.

Aska walked in, and took a seat. Kaminari came up to him, "Hey there Aska. How have you been here? Have you seen this place? It's so big with so many famous heroes. I can't wait to tour around more on my next break" - Kaminari said excitedly

"I've been here before. I got to play around here so much before" - Aska said as he grabbed the menu Kamiari was holding

Kaminari kept talking about all the fun things he saw so far. As they were talking Kirishima walked to them.

"Hey there Aska" - Kirishima

"Hey Kirishima, how are you?" - Aska

"I'm doing great. Have you seen how big this place is. It's huge, I tried to explore some on my last break. It was so huge and manly" - Kirishima said just as excitedly as Kaminari

"Anyway, I'll take a Hughe custom blend coffee with cream and sugar and a cream danish please" - Aska

"Right on it" - Kirishima wrote his order down and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey Aska" - Kaminari called to Aska

Aska looked over and saw a serious look on his face,

"Yes?" - Aska

"You said that if we wanted to know who were up against if we go to America, then we should come here. So who is it we're going up against?" - Kaminari asked

"When do you get off work?" - Aska

"I have half a shift today. So I'll be out of here around 3:00 pm." - Kaminari

"What about Kirishima?" - Aska

"Kirishima and Bakugo also have half shifts" - Kaminari

"Alright, I'll come pick all three of you up around 3:00 today. Maybe you'll get to see what I mean then" - Aska said as he saw Kirishima come out with his order.

Aska pulled out his phone, he was browsing the internet while drinking his coffee. He also texted Momo to see if she made it yet, he also got in touch with Lenox.

After drinking his coffee and eating his danish, Aska said his good beys and left. He walked towards a hotel that was close to where he was staying. Once he got there, he walked into the receptionist,

"Hello, I'm here for Momo Yaoyorozu." - Aska said

"Sure, if you don't mind, what is your name sir?" - The receptionist

"Aska Minamoto"

"Give me a moment please" - The receptionist said with a smile, before she made a quick call

"Hello ma'am. Mr. Aska Minamoto is here for you...I understand" - The receptionist said before she turned to Aska

"Ms. Yaoyorozu is waiting for you in room P3. Just go to the elevator. tell the operator the room number and he will guide you there sir" - The receptionist

"Thank you" - Aska said and walked towards the elevator

After going up for many floors, the elevator finally stopped and Aska exited to find himself in a very luxurious hallway. In the entire hallway he can only see four doors. The distance between the doors were massive. The first was P1 after walking for a little while he reached P2, he then got to P3 afterwards.

Aska Knocked on the door, and Momo opened a moment after.

"Hey Aska" - Momo said as she signaled Aska to come in.

Aska walked in. He looked around to find himself in a massive luxuries suite. The entire reception area of the suite had glass walls. One can view the entire island from the room. The floors were marble, and there were golden ornaments hanging from the walls. A big fancy crystal chandelier was hanging in the middle of the suite. Aska looked around to find that the suite had a hanging pool outside the balcony. The pool was completely glass, it looked like you're swimming on air.

'Just how rich is this girl. I'll become rich too' Aska thought with determination as he walked to the couch placed in the suite and sat down.

"Do you have anything planned? Is there anything you want to do?" - Momo asked

"It's only 11:00 am right now. I know around 3:00 pm we'll go to a café near here where we'll pick up Kaminari, Kirishima, and Bakugo. But till the I have nothing planned" - Aska

"The weather is very nice today, so we should do something outdoors. How about we go for a swim in the pool" - Momo

"I don't have swim shorts" - Aska

"That's fine" - Momo said as she grabbed the phone and made a call. She told someone to bring my size in swim shorts.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door, and a woman gave Momo a bag. Inside the bag there was three swim shorts Aska's size.

"Wow, you can just make a call and they will bring it?" - Aska

"hehe Of course. Anyway here pick one and put it on" - Momo handed Aska the shorts. Momo didn't waste anytime and put on her swim suite in one of the many rooms around.

Aska picked the black and blue one, and put it on. The two went on to the balcony where a whole outdoors dinning area was placed to the side, and a massive swimming pool placed at the edge.

Momo jumped right into the pool.

"C'mon Aska, jump in" - Momo

"Yeah, I'm coming" - Aska jumped in.


*Two Hours Later*

Aska had gotten out of the pool and took a shower and put on the clothes that Momo had them bring for him.

'I feel like I'm her bit-

"Aska do you want to eat something" - Momo brought Aska out of his thoughts

"Sure, why not. But not here, let's go to a restaurant." - Aska

"Ok" - The two made their way out of the hotel, and went towards an area where there was a very good restaurant.

Aska and Momo made it to the place, just as Aska was sitting down on his chair, he sensed someone on another table, someone he knew very well. Looking behind him, Aska saw Lenox, with a another person.

Just as Aska looked at Lenox, Lenox's eyes drifted towards Aska. Once they made eye contact, Aska and Lenox had a huge smile on their faces.

Momo followed Aksa's line of sight and she saw him looked at another table, "Do you know them?" - Momo asked

"Yes. Actually he's my friend" - Aska said

Momo was really shocked. Aska had never called anyone his friend before.

A moment later and Lenox and the lady that was with him came walking towards Aska's table.

"Hey man" - Lenox

"How you been? Have a seat." - Aska ushered

"I've been alright, what about you?" - Lenox said as he sat down

"I've been alright too" - Aska

"Let me introduce you. This is Momo, she's my VP in class, and a deer friend of mine" - Aska

"Hello Momo. Sorry you have to deal with him all the time" - Lenox said as he shook hands with Momo

"Well, this right here is Amelia, my classmate and girlfriend" - Lenox

"Hello Amelia" - Aska shook Amelia's hand

Momo and Amelia also greeted each other.

"So is your whole class here?" - Lenox suddenly asked

"Not sure. I know at least four more are here" - Aska

"Are they any good?" - Lenox

"As good as good can be" - Aska

"That's not good" - Lenox smirked

"Well, two of them are decent anyway" - Aska

"Alright, what is this about" - Amelia

"Well, Aska and I have found this game many years ago. It's a team's game. We never found other good people to play the game with us. So when we knew that some of our classmates are coming, we thought that we can have a go at the game" - Lenox explained

"What game is it?" - Momo asked

"You'll have to wait Momo. You'll know later" - Aska

"I want to know as well" - Amelia pouted slightly

"You'll know in a little while" - Lenox

"Lenox, tell me" - Amelia's tone got cold all of the sudden

'Holly shit! He's dating a psycho' - Aska looked at Lenox and felt sad for him

After some more chatter, the group of four ordered food. They enjoyed eating and chatting. Aska and Lenox were catching up on sort of things. From random stuff like the newest movies that came out, to their training regimen. Some tips about their fighting style, to even move names.

The two girls seemed to be getting along nicely as well. Momo is cheerful and bubbly, Amelia also seemed to be the same. Since both girls come from rich families, they started talking about rich girls stuff

After their meal, Aska and Lenox went to an area, where they can see the ocean as I-Island drifted through the water.

As the girls were cahtting, Aska and Lenox also had their own conversation.

"So, what's up with you two?" - Lenox

"I'm not sure. Were hit it off, we talk, and hang out outside of school. Other than that, nothing major happened between us" - Aska

"Just be patient. You'll be as awesome as me some day" - Lenox

"Yeah right" - Aska

"Anyway, you got anything planned for this visit to I-Island, or will you be looking at tech like the other times" - Lenox

"I'm not sure. I got here because I won first place in the sports festival, so I have this invitation to this party getting held tomorrow. Other than that. I'll just hand around. Maybe try the relaxing side of the island instead of the training side" - Aska

"Wait, you got an invitation because you won the sports festival?" - Lenox

"Yes. Don't tell me you don't have one" - Aska

"I do have an invitation to the party, it's just I got it because we own shares in the island, not because I won" - Lenox

"How come Atlas doesn't give invitations to the winners?" - Aska

"Not sure" - Lenox

"Did you say you own shares of the island?" - Aska had just realized what Lenox said

"Yes" - Lenox

"You come from a family that rich?" - Aska asked

"Yes, why are you surprised" - Lenox mocked Aska's reaction

"I mean, I know you have that invisible maid that's been following you the whole time, but since you don't act as a young master, I never took you to be this rich" - Aska

"hahaha. Say Aska, do you know who makes the US dollars?" - Lenox asked

"The Federal Continental Bureau is responsible for making the money, no?" - Aska

"Correct. Well, my family is one of three owners of that" - Lenox

"Of what?" - Aska

"The Federal Continental Bureau" - Lenox

"I thought that was a government branch" - Aska

"It does have the word federal in it, but it's not a government branch. You see our business is making the money the US uses. We literally own the money" - Lenox said with a smirk

"Explain to me more, how does that work?" - Aska was confused

"There are three families. The Rockefellers, the Burns, and the Beifongs. Those three families together own the Federal Continental Bureau. We print the money to the US government. There is this inside joke the three families have, it's about how we don't report our income to the government, it's the government that reports their income to us"

Aska looked at Lenox dumbstruck for a while. "You're that rich?"


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