63- Capture The Flag

Aska looked at Lenox dumbstruck for a while. "You're that rich?"

Lenox laughed at Aska's reaction. A moment later Aska was able to compose himself.

"Anyway, It's almost 3:00. Let's meet at this place in an hour" - Lenox gave Aska a location, before he and Amelia left.

"I never thought you had a friend this close" - Momo

"What do you mean?" - Aska

"Amelia was telling me about all the thing you and Lenox did as kids. Apparently Lenox told her all everything" - Momo

"Oh, that? We compete a lot. I guess it's helpful to keep me pushing, you know?" - Aska

"Yeah, but I was surprised that you keep records. If I told the class that our number one never was able to beat his rival not once, they would call me craz-

"Hold it! What do you mean I never beat him?" - Aska

"Amelia told me that you and Lenox keep score of how many wins each of you have. Lenox told her that the record right now is 156 to 0" - Momo

"That son of a bitch said what now? He beat me 156 times?! I'll kick his ass so hard. C'mon Momo. We have to go get our team before kicking his ass!" - Aska stormed off

Momo ran after Aska. Aska arrived in front of the coffee where he saw three people waiting. "You're late!" - Bakugo

"It's nice to see you too Bakugo" - Aska

"Yeah man, what took you so long. We barly kept Bakugo from leaving" - Kirishima

"I was only ten minutes late, no big deal. Anyway let's go. We have a pompous rich son of a bitch to beat up" - Aska

On their walk there, Aska texted everyone in the class, Asking if anyone else is on I-Island. Everyone said yes. He told everyone who was on the island to go over to a certain location for a fun competition. He also told Takashi to come over if he wants to see what he's up against.

40 minutes later, 20 young people could be seen walking towards a certain area. It was a massive open arena. The arena was as big as the UA arena, but this arena was more like a half built concrete city. There were small buildings, and random walls and rubble was all over the place. The arena seemed to be an extension off the island. It was like a small island connected to the main island. After the 20 individuals arrived there, they saw a group of another 20 people waiting for them.

The two groups of 20 stood facing each other for a moment.

"I thought you said that we're going up against your rival and his class? What is this? They're a bunch of disappointments" - A blond haired kid. Aksa was able to recognize him. He came third in the Atlas hero tournament.

"Alright everyone. This guy over there is Aska Minamoto. He's my childhood friend and rival. He's the class president of UA's 1A. He also this years winner of their sports festival" - Lenox introduced Aska to his classmates

"This is Lenox Burns, and like you heard, he's my friend and rival. He also won this is years Atlas hero tournament. Anyway, were here to pl-

"And the class president" - Lenox cut Aska off

"Shut up" - Aska

"I gave you a nice introduction, and then you give this half assed intro. What's up with that?" - Lenox

"Fine! He's my friend and rival. He is Atlas' first years class president and he also won this is years Atlas hero tournament. Happy?" - Aska said in a mocking tone

"Thank you very much. You may procced" - Lenox nodded his head in satisfaction

"*sigh* Anyway, like I was saying we will play a game. Capture the flag" - Aska

"But there are extra rules. If you get knocked out off the arena, you're out and can't keep playing. If you get knocked out unconscious then you're also out and can't come back in. The point is to steel the other side's flag and deliver it all the way back to your side. You have to have both flags to win, so if we take their flag and they take ours, that means we have to keep going" - Lenox explained

After that, both teams moved to the arena. They have 10 minutes before the game starts.

"Alright, here is the plan. We'll split into two teams attack and defense. Defense will be Ayoma, Ashido, Uraraka, Ojiro, Satou, Shouji, Jirou, Todoroki and lastly Momo. You guys will be responsible for protecting our flag. Momo can make equipment for you to use. So be flexable and think outside the box. And incase someone attacks, you have Shouji and Jiro to sniff out any sneak attacks, and Todorko for any big attacks that you might need to make. Hold nothing back! As for the rest we're going to go after their flag. Midoriya, Sero and Tokoyami, you'll attack from the left. Asui, Iida and Bakugo, you will take the right side. Kaminari, Kirishima, Takashi will go from the center. Hagakure you're a free-roamer. Go wherever you feel is best. Try to sneak around people and reach the flag" - Aska said.

After that the 10 minutes were over, and the game is about to begin. Both teams took their places and were ready. With a buzzer both teams took off. Since there was a massive arena, the team couldn't huddle up and protect the flag this way. So it ended up being multiple one V one battles all over the place.

Aska stood still, he kept his eyes on Lenox, but he was observing the entire arena. He can see everyone with his observation haki. The first to come over was the blond haired kid, he had the speed quirk. The person to stop was Ashido, who covered a huge area with acid.

Navel laser started firing in all directions, as Ayoma was trying to push back the people attacking. Momo had made a sniper and was picking off people one by one with tranquilizer darts. She was able to knock two people out before someone started firing bullets at her. Momo quickly made a barricade and made a different type of gun. She then started trading gun shots with someone who had a gun quirk.

Ojiro and Satou were taking care of the ones who came closer. They handled two people who had physical enhancement and power up quirks.

Uraraka was picking up concrete slabs from near by and then sent them floating above the attackers, she then would wait for the signal from Shouji to tell her that the slab was above the enemy, then she would drop them.

Todoroki was just waiting next to the flag, he was waiting for someone strong to make through the others, be fore he delt with him.

Jirou on the other hand was relaying the information on the attacking side to them, in case they capture the flag and need extra backup to bring it over.

On the attacking side, Bakugo was going bonkers. He was blasting everyone and everything in his way. He was giving them a hard time. It took two of their defenders to keep him at bay.

Midoriya and Sero were working together to make a break through from the left side. Iida was also trying to work with Asui to make a break through from the right.

Tokoyami was sending his dark shadow to higher up in the air to stop an attacker from going over to their flag. The attacker's quirk was some kind of white wings so he would've been trouble if he made it there.

Kaminari, Kirishima, and Takashi were going down the center, they made it the furthest, before a rumbling sound shook the area. Suddenly earth pillars started flaring up, sending all of the UA attackers up in the air.

'She's making a move' - Aska couldn't help but smile