69- Noice ;)

I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. I have five chapters a head, and I will publish three chapters a week, I also made it very cheap. So check it out!!


Lenox stood on one side of the field looking straight at the five on the opposite side.

"You're Scarlet, Marco and Emma. Who are the other two?" - Leonx

"This is Tobi" - Scarlet said as she pointed at the tall dark skinned boy with a short hair trim.

"And this is Arthur" - Scar pointed at the other tall white blond kid.

Lenox eyed the two additions for a second. The first one, Tobi, looked sturdy like he works out a lot. Then there was Arthur. Arthur looked like a noble with a calm air about him.

"Are you ready?" - Lenox

"Yes" - Scarlet said with determination in her eyes

"I guess we can start then" - Lenox said as the ground under him turned red from the heat he released

Arthur stepped forward. Some silver smoke enveloped him for a second. Out of the silver smoke a medieval knight stepped out. The knight was clad in a full armor from head to toe with a longsword in his hand.

"What is that!" - Amelia asked the teachers next to her

Shelby had a smug smile on his face, "That's Arthur's quirk: Knight. It envelops him in a full armor and equip him with a sword"

"That's kinda cool. Say is the armor his skin, or does he get dressed in an armor?" - Aska

"Why does it matter to you" - Shelby gave Aska a side eye. He knew that Scarlet wanted to fight Aska as well. He didn't want to give away any of the innerworkings of their quirks

"I just wanted to know if he will get scorched or boiled that's all" - Aska. After saying that, Aska focused his observation haki on Arthur for a second. Apparently he is in an armor. Aska shook his head, 'Too bad, it looks like he will get boiled'

Aska's attention was attracted by something else. The dark skinned boy, Tobi, had turned into almost translucent.

"Did he turn into diamond?" - Momo asked

"Looks like it. Though there is a necklace around his neck. This necklace has different types of metal on it. I think he can turn into any metal or element, or even non-metals that he's touching" - Aska explained

"..." - Shelby wanted to say something but he was surprised by how quick Aska was able to determine Tobi's quirk. Tobi had the necklace under his shirt, so it wasn't visible.

"By the way Aska, why did you and Lenox go that far in your spar" - Damon, the American teacher stepped closer to Aska

"For that" - Aska pointed at Scarlet

"To fight Scarlet?" - Another student from the European schools asked

"No, I'm talking about the motivation. You came at the last part of our game, yet all of you wanted to jump in and push your quirks to the limit just like us. Even if that wasn't your thought, I'm sure all of you wanted to go back and train your quirks to reach our level. All the students from our classes feel the same. There is always a bigger fish in the sea. Because we got into UA and fought some villains, thy got complacent. They think they can become pros already. I'm certain Lenox felt the same way about the Atlas students. Sure in the end we got too excited ant decided to battle it out between the two of us, but the whole purpose of this was to give the rest of our classes a wake up call" - Aska

"I see, but they were knocked out. There is no way they saw the fight like we did" - Damon

Ask looked at one of the corners of the arena and pointed at it, Damon and the others looked at the corner. They saw a camera. They looked at the other corners and saw many cameras, there were at least eight cameras filming the fight

"The reason we made the rules so that getting knocked out eliminated you for good, was because in this game getting knocked out meant death. If a villain has the chance to knock out the hero, chances are they will kill them before escaping. Petty thieves and street thugs might not go that far, but actual villains are different" - Aska explained

By the time Aska was done explaining all of the students were knocked out except for Scarlet. Lenox who was sanding in the same spot with a lava pool around himself. The lava was bubbling gently, it looked so composed, but dangerous.

"Do we have to do this, let's just stop here, I want to go eat" - Lenox complained

Scarlet ignored him, "First Regalia" - she said. Light pink colored lines appeared all over her body.

"Second Regalia" - She said again as the lines got darker and became red in color.

"Third Regalia" - She said again as the lines became deep crimson color

Aska noticed the aura around her increase. She was pushing herself to the limit. She launched herself at Lenox, once she got a certain distance from him, smoke had started to come off of her body, the sweat on her body was evaporated.

As she came closer to Lenox the smoke increased, it was more than just sweat, her own skin was getting burned. She gritted her teeth and kept running at Lenox.

Lenox was surprised, she had actually gotten this far and her quirk wasn't a counter to his or anything.

Just as she was a few feet away from him, Lenox panicked, he had to turn down the heat or she would die. Scarlet gave one last push before she was able to reach him. Lenox didn't move, he stood still as Scarlet landed a punch on his face before she blacked out.

Lenox stared at the unconscious body of Scarlet. He seemed to be thinking about something, as if he was evaluating her.

After a minute of thinking Lenox decided that it's enough. Lenox calmly walked out of the arena, "I think we should go, I'm hungry"

"Then let's go. Oh by the way, I know that all of you are a wake, you better get up and train harder, that was a poor showing" - Aska

All of the students' flinched. They had woken up a minute ago, and were depressed because of their humiliation. They wanted to wait till Aska and Lenox had left, or at least until someone else took the initiative to get up first.

Hearing Aska's voice they all flinched in fear. They were all shaken to their cores from that fight. Lenox was scary to them as well. The way they felt their insides getting twisted from the heat, caused them to shudder. Amelia and Momo were an exception since they didn't want to hurt their girls so they diverted the majority of the damage away from them. The rest however had to take the full power of their attacks.

"Young Minamoto, I would like to talk to you for a moment" - All Might who was tending to the students just a second ago said.

"Sure" - Aska followed All Might to a farther spot from the rest

Once they were far enough, All Might turned to Aska, "Do you remember my request from before internship? I would like you to give more advice to young Midoriya during the training camp. Your advice helped him a lot"

"All Might, I usually wouldn't bother with the details, but explain to me your quirk so that I can help him" - Aska

"My quirk is a transferable quirk that stockpiles power. The more users it has, the more power it holds. Technically speaking, Midoriya at his 100% should be stronger than me at my 100%. That's all there is to my quirk" - All Might

'Is he actually ignorant, or is he trying to hide as much information from me as possible? Besides all that, isn't he the teacher, why am I helping?' - Aska thought about All Might's answer.

"I understand. I'll try to think of ways to help him. Hopefully I come up with something" - Aska said as he left

'I might just say that I couldn't come up with anything and just focus on myself...no, I should help him. I have a sibling coming on the way. And this country turns to shit in the near future. I think I want to have as many strong people around as possible' Aska made up his mind and decided to help Midoriya and even the rest of the class.


Aska, Momo, Lenox and Amelia were sitting down in a fancy restaurant. The two girls were chatting about a line of new fashion that is coming out soon by some famous fashion designer. the biys were quietly eating.

Hours later and the two boys were finally done eating. They had ordered food multiple times, till they were satisfied.

Aska noticed it earlier this day, but it seemed that they just finish eating and then they leave without the check ever coming to the table. Aska had a habit of restricting his observation haki in public places, just out of respect to the people around him, but this time he was paying close attention to the whole place. A moment later he saw Lenox's maid walk to the bathroom, which was shocking since she never leaves his side. Her aura fluctuated for a moment, then she walked out of the bathroom and went straight to the counter. He can see her pay for their table and then she went back to the bathroom. Her aura fluctuated one more time before she walked out of the bathroom and went straight to stand next to Lenox.

'She goes out of sight to cancel her quirk. She then would pay, go back out of sight and activate her quirk again. Damn, I wish I had someone to make my life this convenient'


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