70- IDK

I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. I have five chapters a head, and I will publish three chapters a week, I also made it very cheap. So check it out!!


After they had their fill, the four of them split up. Aska decided to go back to his parents. Momo was tired so she went back to her room. Lenox and Amelia decided to go watch a movie in the theater, it was a new movie staring the famous hero, Godzillo.

After calling his parents, Aska found that they were in the hospital. Before he got freaked out, his father told him that they were there for a routine checkup.

While Aska was on his way to the hospital he saw other groups of students roaming around, 'It seems that there are a lot of students from the academies around the world. I mean this is a heaven for pro heroes and up and coming ones as well'

After walking for a little more, Aska saw a massive building with a huge + sign on it, with "Central Hospital" under it.

Walking through the sliding doors, Aska was hit with the smell of a hospital. He saw different people walking around with a white uniform on, they were walking at a fast pace. Aska can tell that they were nurses, and obviously they were busy.

Aska ignored everything else and walked towards the front desk. It was a massive semi-circle with a few nurses sitting behind.

"Hello, how can I help you?" - The nurse asked

"My parents are here for a checkup, I just wanted to know what room are they in" - Aska

"What are your parents last name" - The nurse

"Last name Minamoto" - Aska

"One moment please" - The nurse went on her computer and typed in the name. After finding them, she picked up the phone

"Hello Mr. Minamoto, there is a teenager in the reception area, he says that he's your son. Were you perhaps expecting him?" - The nurse

"Yes, white hair and blue eyes...I understand" - The nurse hung up after.

"Your parents are on the second floor, room 218" - The nurse turned to Aska and said.

Making his way towards the elevator, Aska was able to get to the second floor. Looking at the small sign on the wall, he was able to find his way to room 218.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Aska knocked before opening the door to the room.

Inside the room his mother was laying on a bed while an ultrasonic machine was next to her and a doctor aiming the scanner at his mothers stomach area. While his father was standing to the side.

"How was your day" - Mom asked as she saw Aska walk in

"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming here?" - Aska

"Even we didn't know that we were coming here. But when we were walking around we saw the hospital and decided to see if we can have a checkup here. Surprisingly they take any and all health insurance, from any country. So we thought why not. And here we are" - Dad

"Oh, well, how is everything" - Aska\

"Everything is great. Mrs. Minamoto is in great health, and the baby inside is just as healthy. You will have a naughty younger brother though. He keeps moving around" - The doctor said as she chuckled

"A brother? So it's a boy" - Dad

"Yes, the results just came in" - the doctor said as she pointed at the computer next her.

Dad walked closer to the screen and saw that the lab had just sent the results over.

"This is great! You'll be a great big brother" - Mom looked at Aska

"Of course" - Aska had a huge smile on his face. He was happy to hear that his mother and his brother are fine. After that, the doctor gave them some more instructions. Once that was done, they were able to leave the hospital.

"I think we have to go somewhere to celebrate" - Dad

"Yeah, pick somewhere you want to go mom" - Aska

"There is a flower garden. It has some very pretty scenery. I think we should go" - Mom

Aska pulled out his phone, and after looking at the map, he was able to locate the flower garden. Not wasting anymore time, they took a car to the garden.

Getting there they saw a long path that intertwined with a few small hills. Walking through the path, on either side of them they can see hills full of flowers from every shape, color and size. Mom loved the scenery, the air was filled with flowery fragrances, as the tree leaves danced with the light wind. Taking some pictures here and there, they spent their time enjoying the place. By the time they had their fill from the flower garden, it had gotten to night time. They went to a restaurant to eat before going back to their hotel.

Time passed by in a flash, and it was time to leave back to Japan already. The small family made their way to the airport.

After getting to their gate, they had some more time before the plane took off. Aska stood near a glass wall where he can see I-island in the distance. 'There was no attack like in the original story. Oh well, all's well, so why should I worry'


The family had made it home safely. Aska would have to go to the training camp soon. He wasn't sure if the the attack would happen or not. Either way, he would be lethal. One of his greater regrets is that he didn't kill Shigaraki back in the USJ. He had a clear chance, but he chose to not kill as to not warrant any suspicion, but he was ready to take the lives of those who make it to the camp. Hi determination had gotten more apparent because of the addition to his family. Thinking of his younger brother living in Japan while Shigaraki and All For One were running havoc, pissed him off.

A sharp glint passed over Aska's eyes as he kept thinking over and over again about how to deal with them. He was certain that Toga won't be there, since he was able to divert her away from becoming a villain. He was also certain that his presence had caused many changes. He lost one of his advantages; future knowledge.


*2 Days Later*

Aska looks at the class group chat. They had planned to go to a mall near the school campus to shop for a few things. At first he didn't want to go, but after Momo and Kaminari insisted, he gave in and decided to go as well.

Aska got dressed in some black shorts and silver shirt, he made his way towards the mall. Getting there he saw a group of people gathered together. Seeing them, Aska smiled and walked over to them.

Bakugo and Midoriya were arguing about something. Momo was looking at a store at the center of the mall, but the store looked to expensive for the others. Iida was talking to Sero about a store near by that has some really good running shoes.

"Ahum!" - Aska coughed to get their attention. "It seems that we all are planning on getting different things, so how about we split up into small groups. Who wants to shop from some new clothes?" - Aska asked as he looked at his classmates

At his questions a few of them raised their hands.

"Ok you will be a group. You can go together. Next anyone who wants to shop for shoes?" - Aska

Again a few raised their hands

"You will be a group. Next, anyone who's looking to buy any training equipment, or work-out clothes?" - Aska asked

A few others raised their hands

"Good, then you will be a group. Lastly, anyone who doesn't really have anything in mind, and will just window-shop, you will be a group. Lets meet back here in two hours. Keep an eye on each other and don't be late" - Aska

With that the class broke into small groups of four or five each. Aska didn't move from his place, he noticed three others that didn't leave either. Momo, Kaminari and lastly Takashi.

"What about you?" - Momo asked Aska

"I'll just go get ice cream. It has gotten hot. What about you?" - Aska

"All the stuff I need had been purchased by my butler. I'm just going to walk around with you" - Momo

"Ok. What about you two then" - Aska looked over at Takashi and Kaminari.

"I don't know about him, but I would like to talk to you" - Takashi was the first to speak

"Same here. I would like to ask you something" - Kamiari jumped in

"Alright then, we can talk over ice cream" - Aska said as he made his way to the second floor where the food court is. Getting there he found an ice cream place and started to pick the flavors he wants.

"Momo which flavor do you want?" - Aska

"What did you get?" - Momo

"I got the strawberry and the cookies and cream" - Aska

"Then I'll take the pineapple one and the chocolate chip" - Momo said to the cashier

"Why did you aske me before ordering?" - Aska

Momo didn't answer she just giggled. Takashi and Kamiari ordered as well. The group found an empty table and they sat down.

"Alright so what did the two of you want to talk to me about" - Aska asked but before they can answer, Aska saw Momo reach over to his bowl and take a scoop out of ice cream

Aska didn't say anything, he just kept his eyes on the other two.

"We wanted to ask you more about how you train. How are you so strong?" - Kaminari


Aska was interrupted by Momo reaching over to his bowl taking another scoop.

"Momo? Do you want my bowl?" - Aska was confused a little

"No, I wanted to try the strawberry ice cream and cookies and cream ice cream. But since you got them I just got two other flavors I wanted. This way I get to try all four flavors. You're not mad are you?" - Momo

"No wonder you wanted to know what flavors I got. I'm not mad, but this goes both ways. You better leave me some of your ice cream" - Aska said as held back laughter. He was trying to have a serious conversation with the other two.

"Can you two stop that. I'm asking you a very important question" - Takashi slammed the table

"The reason for being so strong is-