Chapter 1

Deep in the volcanic mountains of sakor, there stood a figure made of fire. the figure stared at the endless cycle of fire, lava and destruction almost as if in a trance.

"aish!!" the figure exclaimed with a sad face "aish!! what made me want to act like a fucking hero!!" he stared at the vast expanse of destruction he could only reminisce on how he got into this situation.

His name was mark hood and he was a prominent manager in Samsung phone company, and everything he wanted was gotten just with a phone call.

one early morning mark was jogging round his neighborhood when he noticed a house on fire, and since it was still fairly early there was nobody there to stop the fire, so as a idiot mark hurriedly rushed into the building to save whoever was in it. With a cloth covering his nose, mark ran from room to room searching for anybody he could find, but to his dismay there was nobody there. it seems like the house was burning because of leaking gas and he as an idiot rushed in to save imaginary people. Before mark could run out the building, one of the supporting pillars fell on him crushing and burning him to death.

As mark remembered his untimely death he could only shake his head at how stupid he behaved

"well, that's that. but where the fuck am I?"

mark looked around and could honestly say that he knew not where he was. like how does someone go from dieing to appearing in a flaming waste ground while appearing as a human torch like what the fuck?

'what am I' mark mused and almost immediately a blue screen appeared in his front almost scaring the living shit out of him.

"WHAT THE FUCK" mark yelled as he stumbled backwards. he warily stood up while watching the floating screen in the air.

"am I dreaming"ark asked although knowing the answer himself. in doubt mark stretched his hand to touch the screen but like a ghost his hand passed through it.

'hmmm that's strange, it's looks almost like a status screen in a game' mark mused as he observed the screen


Level 1 (0/1000)


Race: Pure Fire Elemental ( Young)

HP: 150


Strength: 20

Agility: 25

Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 5

Charisma: 3



FIREBALL (active): uses 15 mp to form a ball of flames against target dealing 10hp while also adding burn effect(1hp per second)

FLAME AURA(passive): As a fire elemental you naturally increase the surrounding temperature to extreme heights giving burn to afflicted targets(1hp per second)

FLAME MANIPULATION (active): As a flame elemental, you inherently know how to control and manipulate flames according to your will(mp cost depends on your manipulation)

Mark looked at the status screen solemnly as he read the first line over and over again

"what the fuck does this thing mean by NPC?. is this a fucking joke!?" mark was incensed as he kept reading that line over and over again in anger and disbelief. How did he turn from a very successful manager working in Samsung to a fucking non player character that is meant to be killed by players?.

'no no no no no' Mark thought as he backpedaled in horror as he tried to convince himself that this was all a bad dream, and that he would suddenly open his eyes and laugh it off, but deep down he knew this was the truth.

Mark didn't know what to do at the moment l. he just stood still and stared blankly into space. if he could cry, he would've but as fate would make it, he couldn't because he was made out of fucking fire.

Another dangerous thought immediately entered his head. as he recalled, his race in the status screen read "Fire elemental'' which meant that he was literally made out fire. so with much haste mark looked down to check for his crown jewels, and to his dismay it was gone. just a flickering surface made of flames took it's place.

"Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!. so not only do I have to be hunted and killed by fucking players, but I dont even have my identity as a MALE NO MORE!!!" mark roared in rage as he imagined his new life without his crown jewels. it was at this moment mark realized the true meaning behind "enjoy what you have while you still have it".

He felt like he had lost everything special to him. his jewels, his job and now his freedom because apparently he was now made to be entertainment for players?.


He may have lost his life, his job, even his fucking balls but he was not going to lose his new life to players. no matter how shitty it was, it was still his life and he was definitely going to not just forfeit it to the players. if they wanted to get any exp from him, they would have to get it from his lifeless corpse or something.

with new found motivation, mark continued to look through his status to come up with a plan. after calming down he finally looked at the bright side of things. even though he lost his balls, at least he wasn't going to be collecting anybody's crown jewels, and with that new thought mark trudged through the tough terrain feeling like he still had a bit of luck.