Mark carefully climbed the mountain unsure if a fall from high up will even affect a mass of flames, but still he didn't want to lose his life after consoling himself. While climbing down the mountain, mark was really glad that he wasn't human anymore or else he was sure that even if he managed to climb down the mountain safely, he would have a lot of scares and muscle pain to tell the tale

'at least another good thing about this whole ordeal' Mark thought as he successfully descended the mountain with a sense of accomplishment in mind, but he suddenly froze and slowly looked up

' Why didn't I study my surroundings when I was up there' mark suddenly thought as a groan escaped his lips but he didn't even entertain the thought of climbing back up the mountain and continued on his way in a random direction ' When one page closes, you open another chapter? is that how the saying goes?? well that's what am going with' Mark thought as he trekked through the molten wasteland.

He didn't have to trek far before he finally encountered another creature in the shape of a flaming wolf.

In marks past life he had always wanted to get a dog so when he saw the flaming wolf, mark just thought of it as a big dog with cosmetic effects and as his boss always said if u wanna tame a man or animal, you have to show it who is the boss. Mark straightened his fiery back, pumped out his fiery bum and walked straight to the wolf to show his confidence .

As he approached the wolf mark pumped himself up by by repeating ' it's just a bigger dog' over and over again. as he crossed the 5 meter mark, mark saw something that crushed his confidence immediately.






"HOLY SHIT!!!" mark screamed in shock at the sudden revelation. he quickly turned around and ran for his life praying that this big doggy didn't see him but alas faith proved otherwise. the hellhound pup had apparently heard him and was currently running in his direction.

"oh dear lord am sorry if I have offended you, if you save me now I promise I will perform a crusade against the players in your favor " mark prayed to the higher power for help as he ran for his dear life. The thought of even fighting this beast didn't even cross his mind as this big doggy was apparently 10 times stronger than him and that's an awful amount of times in marks book.

He ran in any direction hoping that he would be able to lose the beast, but it was still behind him and quickly catching up. All hope seemed list until mark saw a flaming man at the edge of his vision.

' if one flame man isn't enough to terrify this stubborn mutt, then two will, right?' without a second thought he quickly changed direction and ran towards the other fire elemental 'at least if we can't beat the dog I can still use the other elemental to hold this mutt back'

when he got closer, information suddenly entered his head as he analyzed the other fire elemental

*****************************************FIRE ELEMENTAL (youth)




'well bait it is then' Mark thought as he saw the Fire elemental's level. he didn't even hesitate to pass his fellow flame man passing the baton for attention at the same time as he scurried away like a little child ' dont worry comrade, I won't let your sacrifice be in vain. when I become stronger I will domesticate that stubborn mutt for both our sakes' mark saluted the soon to be dead fire elemental in his head.

Not long after mark passed his brethren, explosions sounded off behind him announcing the start of the battle. As mark continued his run, he was suddenly curious on how the fight would go. although he knew that this was a stupid idea, he still wanted to find out how his people fight. so like the stupid Chad he was, he stopped running and turned around to watch the fire show. if everything went south, he would have to depend on his 25 agility to escape.

Contrary to his thoughts in the beginning, his brethren was kicking the hellhound Peruvian ass. Everytime the hellhound lunged to take a piece of flame, a flame wall would erupt from the ground knocking it away. everytime it tried to swipe at the elemental, it would recieve a fireball straight to it's face. overall the fight was pretty much one-sided and as the hellhound let out it's last wail, mark got a sudden notification

*****************************************SUPPORT EXP 2500 (Helped in leading the hellhound into a trap)



"what the hell? that's possible?"