Two system alerts flashed into view as the battle finished. to say that varz was surprised, would be an understatement.

varz looked at his victorious comrade in shock as he tried to wrap his head around what just happened.

To start it all, his brethren that he thought was only going to be bait so he could escape, not only beat the hellhound but he or she beat it flawlessly without taking any damage in return. and now the system took running away for his dear life as his participation in the fight?, the little amount of exp given when a stronger enemy died and lastly to sum it up, he somehow created a new skill while running for his dear life. ' well what are the odds of that happening everyday'



Level 1 (5/1000)


Race: Pure Fire Elemental ( Young)

HP: 150


Strength: 20

Agility: 25

Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 5

Charisma: 3


stat points: 0

stat points:0


FIREBALL (active): uses 15 mp to form a ball of flames against target dealing 10hp while also adding burn effect(1hp per second)

FLAME AURA(passive): As a fire elemental you naturally increase the surrounding temperature to extreme heights giving burn to afflicted targets(1hp per second) until they leave the range of the skill

FLAME MANIPULATION (active): As a flame elemental, you inherently know how to control and manipulate flames according to your will(mp cost depends on your manipulation)

A COWARDS SCREECH (active incomplete): user uses 30mp to release a screech of a natural coward, dealing 15hp damage to every entity that is 5 meters around while also increasing users running speed by 5%(this skill is incomplete so it uses more mp to cast)


varz looked through his status and couldn't help but notice some glaring changes.

The first thing varz noticed was that his exp bar was not more empty but instead now had a 5. he also noticed a new skill that he was unknowingly developing. as he read through the skill name, the smile that was originally on his face instantly disappeared, being replaced by anger "what the fuck do you mean by a cowards SCREECH!!! I was clearly making a strategic retreat!" varz roared in disbelief. He only calmed down when he saw the description of the skill thinking that it was at least good skill.

When varz was done examining his status, he noticed that the other elemental had been staring at him all this time. varz nervously scratched his flaming head while thinking of what to say when it suddenly spoke

"who are you and what tribe do you belong to?"

varz looked at the elemental in disbelief. " you can talk?" varz asked in shock causing the fire elemental to look at him as if he was an idiot

"so you mean that you can talk but I can't??" the elemental asked in a sarcastic tone. when varz heard the way the elemental talked, he couldn't help but actually agree with it. ' how do we even talk if we don't have vocal chords?'

"well who are you? what tribe are you from" the elemental repeated and this time, it sounded female for some reason.

varz shook all unnecessary thoughts from his head and replied shyly " umm my name is too long to say"

"are you stupid or what! why would you want to tell someone you don't know your true name!?" she looked at mark and shook her head like she was talking to an idiot "just tell me the shorted form and your tribe. that's all I want to know"

when mark heard what she said he sighed in relief but soon after frowned "why shouldn't we say our true names?"

"why would you? do you want to be controlled like a slave?? don't you know that your true name is attached to your soul!!?"

"what!!!" varz shouted fully shocked about the sudden revelation. now he was glad that he met this female voiced elemental. while thinking for a bit mark finally replied "my name is varz, and I don't really belong to any tribe"

she appeared visibly shocked that he did not belong to a tribe but still didn't comment. how varz knew she was shocked he didn't know but he went with it.

"varz huh? what a strange name. well my name is laha" she introduced before walking in a certain direction

'well that's my new direction' Mark thought as he followed his new exp machine.

"where are we by the way?" varz asked causing laha to stop and stare at him with her flamy face

"are you actually retarded or just plainly stupid?"

varz felt incensed but still replied politely "none. I am just an elemental looking for somewhere safe"

"now I know that you're just plainly stupid. where else would be safe for a fire elemental if not the home of fire elemental's?? I mean have you seen the environment!!?" laha was suddenly regretting the fact that she saved varz.

the questions he asked where so annoying that she felt like she should just end his life right here, but her conscience would not be ok with that. her kind where already few in number so instead she chose to have patience with this particular idiot.

"do you have any other questions? if not let's walk in silence" varz seemed to be hesitating so she just said this line to help him find the courage to ask.

it seemed to help as varz finally seemed relaxed

"umm can u tell me everything about us, this place and how you were able to beat that hellhound that was stronger than you??"

laha looked at varz in disbelief and regret for even allowing this idiot to ask her questions, but she wasn't going to go back on her words.

"Fire elemental's where one of the original godly beings in this world called layfim, but as time passed our bloodline got diluted and our powers got weaker and weaker. the only way for an elemental to become pure again is by becoming stronger. the most impure of the elemental's had the word youth attached to them. the stage after is called adolescent, adult, master, grandmaster and lastly original.

Each tier of growth had their own danger level, with youth being the lowest. youth's had a danger level of ☠️☠️☠️☠️, which is the lowest the elemental's were. a level 1 danger level of ☠️☠️☠️☠️ can beat a lv 40 danger level ☠️. each danger level means that entity can beat another entity that is 10 times stronger than them but of lower danger level. that's why laha was able to beat the hellhound even though it was 5 times her level.

with each stage of an elemental, the danger level increases by ☠️. that means that and adolescent would have a danger level of ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️,

and an adult would have a danger level of ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️.

with every increase in danger level, the entity would go back to level 1 of that danger level. so if a level 100 danger level ☠️ rises to danger level ☠️☠️, then his level would go to level 1 of danger level ☠️☠️. as for the place we are in , we are at the south of the the empire arthoin, in the plains of sakor which is also known as the home of the fire elemental's" at the end of her lengthy class, laha looked at varz to see if he understood.

varz suddenly looked at laha with a look of understanding and sorrow

"so you mean to tell me that I was stronger than that stupid mutt"