Yan ming quietly waited Infront of his brand new gaming capsule which was delivered on the morning of the 7th day as promised in the mail. It was just five minutes left before the launch of ' The world of layfim ' and Yan ming knew if he wanted to make any sizeable contribution in this beta test, he had to start on the day of the launch.

With the mentality of a pro gamer, Yan ming slowly climbed into his gaming capsule and waited for the system to finally set. He laid inside the capsule and got comfortable before flicking the switch to power it on. A rush of air escaped from the machine as the lid slowly closed, sealing him inside. A breathing mask appeared as a panel slid open. He took it in his hand and strapped it over his face. Next, a helmet appeared for him to place his head in. This was responsible for reading his brainwaves so that he could perform complex actions in-game.

Feeling ready and settled, he flicked the second switch and closed his eyes. Bio-gel rushing into the cabin. Wrapping his entire body in its embrace. It was cold against his skin, but strangely comfortable.

Yan ming heard a buzz as the machine came to life. A black space was projected into his mind. from his own perspective, he was hovering in this space in his own body. A few seconds later and extensive holograms began to appear around him. This was the selection menu for the gaming system, but since the world of layfim was the only game created by tokra soft, the menu was vastly empty with only the first slot occupied.

The cover art of the game was of a beautiful blue and green planet. The bottom and top of the planet was barely obscured by some clouds, but it just added to the aesthetic and mysterious aspect of the game.

Yan ming quickly tapped on the game icon and logged into the game. Bright lights flew past as his avatar loaded into the game. Since this was the first deep dive game, Yan ming didn't know what to expect. He appeared in his own body, with the exact same features as he had in real life, which gave him a degree of shock.

'Wont my identity be exposed in-game?' he thought when a familiar screen appeared in his front.



It was a character creation screen. It seemed that even if it was a deep dive game, a game was still a game.

Yan ming knew that since he could no longer use his username from his pro gamer days, he would have to come up with a new name. After thinking for a while, he finally had an idea that brought a smile to his face.

USERNAME: lights bane

since he had left the light, why doesn't he play in the shadows this time. With that thought in mind, Yan ming tapped on the next tab.


HUMAN RACE: The most common and largest race in layfim which takes up about 50% of the worlds population.

Race bonus:

* +10 friendliness with all humans.

more starting point choices.

* jack of all trades master of none( all stats starts at 10)

* +5 friendliness with factions of the righteous circle.



Out of the 3 beginning races, it seemed that only the human race was available. Maybe it would be available after the beta, but for now he could only accept the human race.

After selecting his race, it was time to design his characters appearance.


Yan ming quickly quickly changed his appearance until he was satisfied with what he saw. he made changes to his hair, eyes and facial structure to fit the 15% requirements. He made his hair and eyes black, while making his face angular and a little bit more ordinary. He increased his height by some inches to become 5'11. when he was finally satisfied with his appearance, he went directly to spawn location.

In this tab area, there where countless spawn locations to be chosen, and not much information about them so Yan ming just pressed randomize. Without warning a bright light flared, causing him to shut his eyes


When Yan ming opened his eyes once more, he was now in the middle of a village square being surrounded by spawning players. Although it was a beta test, tokra soft had given hundreds of thousands of people beta tester opportunities. Most of the players ran towards the villagers, while some ran to the forest to kill wild animals. Instead of following the multitudes, Yan ming instead found a corner to sit down, before inspecting his stats.




LEVEL: 1 (0/1000)


HP: 30

Mp: 15

Stamina: 100

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10

DANGER LEVEL: Classless Human

Skills: Classless.

Gold: 150(starting bonus)


Staring at his status, Yan ming couldn't help but have a little headache.

'What does danger level mean.' at first his plan was to check his stats before finding a quest, but now it seemed like he was going to have to gain information before doing anything thing else.

It didn't take long to find and purchase a book on status screens for 20 gold. After finding a place to sit down, Yan ming calmly read the book.


Danger level is an indicator to show how strong an entity is. Although levels do the same thing, levels are only used if the two entities are of the same danger level.

For entities that are not monsters, the fastest way to evolve into danger level ☠️ is for them to get a class. A classless person is a vulnerable person.

The lowest level recorded for a monster or entities that are not human is danger level ☠️. There is no record showing other races being lower than danger level ☠️ even when classless.


Although the book was short, Yan ming still felt that it was worth the price. He could only imagine running out the village only to get killed by a rabbit. *shivers*. Just the thought of it gave him shivers.

now that he had the information he wanted, it was now time for him time to get a class.