In the past, anytime Yan ming played rpg games, he would always play as a guardian, tanking and taking all the blows for his teammates. But this time he was alone. He didn't need to tank blows for anybody this time around, instead he had to be the one doing damage.

Yan ming didn't have to think long on the class he wanted. As a guardian, he had to defend against a lot of mobs and players, bit only one class left a deep impression on him. That was the thief class.

Not only did thieves have great survival ability, they also had good sustainability. They could traverse multiple terrain and had great damage dealing abilities. So for him who had nobody to play with this class was golden.

He searched round town for a class building, but to no avail. No matter where he searched, he couldn't find a single class building. The only buildings that actually stood out we're a church, a barracks, a tavern and some other commercial buildings.

'Is there no class building in this game? how is this game realistic if the beginning is this ha__' Yan ming suddenly felt like a bolt of lightning struck him

"Of course!!"

He quickly headed to the tavern.

How could he be so stupid.

The game was pursuing reality, so they didn't wanna give everything to the players at face value. Instead they dropped subtle clues round town for the players.

He walked into the tavern, seeing it full to the brim with customers. Not paying attention to the rest, Yan ming headed to the bar counter and had a seat.

"What are you having today?"

A female bartender asked with a friendly smile.

"I wanna become a thief"

When she heard his reply, the originally friendly smile widened further.

"Oh! and what makes you think we offer those services here?"

"I don't know. Let's just say I have a gut feeling" Yan ming replied

"Kukukukuku" She suddenly started to laugh, catching Yan ming off guard. "I like you. Well you came to the right place."

Yan ming felt a burden leave his chest at her reply. He had taken a huge gamble by actually do in ng this

*Ding: Congratulations for being the first player that has found out the secret of quests. User has earned the title "Thief's progenitor"*

Yan ming was caught off guard by the sudden system notification.

'So that's possible? hmm interesting'

"Well, do you still wanna be a thief?" the bartender asked

"Off course"

"That's gonna be 50 gold please" the bartender said with smiles.




LEVEL: 1 (0/1000)


Title: Thief's progenitor

Class: Thief(tier 1)

HP: 30

Mp: 15

Stamina: 100

Strength: 14

Agility: 22

Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 7



Stealth beginner(0/1000): makes it harder for others to spot you

Lockpick beginner(0/1000)

Beginner marksmanship beginner (0/1500): Rapid reloading +2, Firing range +2. When using a bow or crossbow +2 ignore level.

Lacerate beginner(0/1000): Hitting a targets vitals, causes an additional 5% extra damage, marking target with a damage debuff

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Requirements: weapon

Restrictions: Thief, warrior, paladin, knight.

Gold: 60


Thief(tier 1): +4 strength, +7 agility, +3 constitution, -3 charisma.

Thief's progenitor: +5 agility and increased speed for gathering skill proficiency.

Yan ming felt bitter In his heart on the loss of his money. But at least he had gotten what he wanted.

Yan ming spent a total of 70 gold for a class and dagger.

Now that he finally got a class, Yan ming walked out of the village and into the fields filled with players being slaughtered by rabbits.

"Damnit! aren't these bunnies too strong for level 1" a player complained

Yan ming inspected the bunny, before understanding why the source of their anger

Name: Rabid bunny

Level 1(☠️)

HP: 50/50

Yan ming released a sigh. He had unknowingly dodged a bullet by actively looking for information, instead of booking it like other players.

Ignoring the players plight, Yan ming strolled towards an unmanned bunny.

"Hey look! another sacrifice" a player joked

"How long do you think he is gonna last"

"I bet five seconds"

"Five? I bet two."

Unknown to them, Yan ming could hear their conversation clearly. His pride as a pro gamer couldn't allow room for such comments.

'Hmm! this daddy will show you what mount Tai looks like.'

The players snickered as they watched Yan ming carelessly approach the bunny from hell, when he suddenly disappeared from view.

Yan ming entered stealth and carefully stalked the bunny. He silently moved behind the bunny, before pouncing.

His right hand stabbed the neck of the bunny. Blood splattered everywhere, and the bunny shrieked in pain.


The smell of blood disoriented Yan ming, but he didn't let it distract him. While the bunny was shrieking in pain, Yan ming pressed his advantage once more by swiping his dagger across it's neck, taking it's last bit of hp

*Ding: exp +50*

The whole fight lasted two seconds, and the bunny was not able to react to Yan ming's attacks.

After the fight, Yan ming stood still and analyzed the whole fight. If he fought someone else that had good battle awareness, he would have lost, due to his slight loss of concentration.

He didn't realize that the game would also take into account of realistic blood.

After studying his last fight, Yan ming went into the forest to find something else to kill.

He didn't walk far before seeing another bunny. Like before, he entered stealth and crept closer to the bunny. But this time, he wanted to test out the ability of a thief. He slowly moved closer to the bunny, taking awareness of his surroundings as he went. He moved with the wind, constantly moving when the wind favoured him, and halting his steps when it didn't.

He passed the two meter mark, and the bunny had yet to react. Yan ming became scared of his class when he stood beside the bunny, but still it had yet to notice.

'I should prepare against other thieves in the future.'

A cold glint flashed passed the bunnies eye's, effectively blinding it.

-40(critical damage)

The bunny lunged where the attack came from last, but by then Yan ming had already rounded it's back. With a Stab in the back of it's head, the battle was over.

*Ding: exp +50*

Yan ming stood above the dead bunny, picking up it's loot while deep in thought.

'For some reason, the body disappears but the bloody scene and bloody dagger never clears up. Even the blood that splatters on his body doesn't disappear. Why was that?'


Breaking away his train of thoughts was the howl of a wolf. Soon after, footsteps echoed throughout the forest.