Chapter 7: A puppeteer never reveals himself to the enemy

Yan ming hastily dashed back to town. The sound of wolves got closer, and Yan ming was already losing hope of survival when he suddenly heard voices up ahead.

Making you his mind, Yan ming quickly scaled up the nearest tree and entered stealth disappearing from view.

Not long after a pack of seven wolves ran past his hiding place, heading towards the voices he heard earlier.

"I thank you for your sacrifice." Yan ming held a silent prayer for his helpers in his time of need.

He was about to jump down , when a wolf came back and started sniffing the area. His heart was in his mouth when he saw the wolf doing this.

'Damn developers! must you make the game so realistic!' Yan ming cursed in his mind. It was at this moment that he cracked the short mystery of the semi permanent bloodstains of battle.

'These fucking developers fucking have it out for us! What if a young couple rush out to the forest at night to have fun for the first time in their life!' Yan ming inwardly complained, smiling at the end. 'Well I am sure it would be unforgettable, as well as a good learning experience.'

The wolf circled the area, before coming to a halt at Yan ming's tree. It looked up the tree, baring it's teeth as it stared at Yan ming directly.

'so much for hiding!'

Yan ming jumped down the tree, intent on stabbing the wolf straight in it's head. The wolf as if expecting this, jumped backwards, giving the two of them four meters space in-between.

Yan ming glared at the wolf, not making any unnecessary moves. He inspected the wolf, and almost immediately his will to fight crumbled.

Name: Dire wolf

Level 10 (☠️)

HP: 500/500

"Why the fuck is this mutt so strong!!" Without a second to waste, Yan ming dashed towards the town, prepared to show other players his new friend.

Deep in the plains of sakor, Varz who was walking with laha suddenly stopped and stared in the sky.

"Varz, what's wrong?"

Varz stared solemnly in the sky "There is a disturbance in the force!.Someone seems to have understood what true pain is." at the end of his sentence, a flame tear crawled out his eyes.

Laha looked at varz wondering why she hadn't ended this retards life yet.

Yan ming ducked, slid and weaved through the forest, trying to lose his furry friend. He almost had a few close calls, but with quick thinking, Yan ming was able to get out of it.

Yan ming was beginning to lose hope, when he saw the towns gates. With renewed vigor, Yan ming bolted out the forest and into the clearing just outside the town.

The players gang beating the few rabbits they could see were startled when they saw a figure dash past them with great speed.

"Hey fuck__" a player was stopped talking when he saw the bunny he and his party were fighting turn tail and flee.

The smart players ran without notice, while the dumb ones watched the forest closely.

The dire wolf burst through the forest edge, quickly heading to the. earnest player, who was swearing at Yan ming for not warning them.

While this was happening, Yan ming quickly ran into the town and headed towards the town head's residence

"Halt" the guards at the entrance commanded.

Yan ming quickly halted to a stop while gasping for air.

'Damn developers! they added stamina also!!'

"For what reason do you want to see the town head?"

"Honorable sir, I come with grave news. A dire wolf pack which threatens the towns existence is headed for our town!"

As the guard heard what Yan ming had to say, his face paled. He hurriedly blew a horn, loud enough for all in the town to hear.

[*Ding: Emergency Quest*

Defend rosen port town until the towns militia comes to take care of it.


+5 reputation in Rosen port

Hints on how to get a class.]

"Young adventurer, I know that I didn't receive you in a friendly way, but can you hold off the dire wolf pack until reinforcements arrive? if you do, great rewards await you"

The guards gaze which was originally hostile, turned friendly.

[*Ding: A guards request*

lead a team of adventurers and defend the town for 15 minutes.





+10 reputation in Rosen port*]

Yan ming who was about to reject the guards plea suddenly changed his views of the world. If the main quest reward except for the first one was useless, them the personal quest was very useful.

'Everybody deserves a second chance'

With smiles in his face "It would be my honoured duty to protect a town as great and as beautiful as Rosen port"

Yan ming quickly dashed to the towns centre to gather the surrounding players.

Yan ming stood on the fountain edge and looked at the sacrifices to his impending fortune. Fortunately, the system had given them five minutes to prepare.

"My fellow players!" Yan ming bellowed "

The players in the square looked at Yan ming curiously while nodding

See that he had gotten their attention he continued "My name is light bane. my purpose of calling all of you here is to ask for your help."

Yan ming's face had a look of complete seriousness, causing the crowd of players and NPC to give him all their attention.

"No matter how much the world tries to hold you back, always continue with the belief that what you want to achieve Is possible. If the world sends you a storm, you walk into it and come out stronger. Believing is the most important step in actually achieving your beliefs." Yan ming looked at the crowd of players and NPC with a solemn face

From his past interactions with his former gaming team, he knew that if you wanted people to be motivated, you must first talk about random shit that sounds very inspiring. No matter how out of context it is, people won't complain as long as you show them a serious face and it is very inspiring.

"Today, the world has thrown us a pack of oversized dogs. Although now they are stronger than us, we still outnumber them. Remember our job is not to kill them all, it's just to hold them off. Would you allow those vile mutts to destroy this beautiful town? would you allow these mutts to walk over your pride? No! we will not. we shall stand and ight this trial, and we shall come out victorious and stronger than ever.!!" Yan ming roared, followed by a crowd of motivated players and NPC.

[*Ding: you have received the title 'Con man of death's*]

Not paying attention to the sudden notification, Yan ming and a crowd of players rushed out of the gates to overcome their first challenge.

When the first line of players saw that there were only fifty dire wolves, they became excited. They quickly rushed forwards to be the first to slay a wolf.

No one noticed Yan ming silently disappear from the Frontline, but when they finally noticed that he was gone, it was already too late.

The first line of fifteen players crashed into the dire wolves, with none of them coming out alive.

This scene shocked the mob of thousands so much that their momentum and energy died instantly.

Someone finally broke out of their stupor when the wolves charged forward to attack. He bravely inspected the wolf, and what he saw made him pee himself.

"Level 10!!!"

The mob of players quickly scattered everywhere as each player was looking for who to sacrifice so they would survive.

'I thought he said that they were only a little bit stronger than us' they all thought in anger, promising to teach lights bane a lesson when they see him.

While all that happened Yan ming stood on a tree, watching the slaughter happen.

"Fighting!" with an outstretched fist, Yan ming prayed for their HP to last three more minutes.