Chapter 9 Update and dread!!

Yan ming looked off the game feeling refreshed. Checking the time, only in the game six hours had passed since he logged in.

He left the capsule,and laid lazily on his bed, remembering his adventure in the world of layfim.

He had managed to be the first player to get a class, giving him a massive boost. But that boost would be annulled because of a certain quest he had caused.

After the emergency quest, he was adventured into the forest, looking for low level beasts before logging off.

[*Ding* System update in progress*]

'Isn't today the first day of the game?'

Feeling confused, Yan ming lazily got up and logged into 'The world of layfim' forum.

There were three main discussions happening in the forum. The first was that the game was too hard. The second was a rally point for all players in Rosen port town to come together and hunt a player called light bane, while the third was on the latest system update.

Being curious, Yan ming opened the post about him.

*Fuck your family to the eighteenth Generation!!!*(10000 likes)

*Shameless cuckold of Rosen port town*(100000 likes)

*May your son be born with no asshole*(100000 likes)

*It would have been better to give birth to barbecue pork than you*( 10000 likes)

*Your mother stepped in shot and brought it home, and now you are here* (10000 likes)

*Are you late for a reincarnation appointment?* (100000 likes).

Yan ming scrolled for five minutes, but could only see hateful and harmful threads. It was funny to him how some posts had a hundred thousand likes when the number of players in Rosen port was only ten thousand.

"Sigh! once again, the masses are not ready to acknowledge greatness. Besides all I did was show pet lovers, their future companions."

He removed the page and entered the first page.

*The game is too hard*.

Yan ming tapped on the first thread and started reading through.

*Why did tokra soft create a game that is not user friendly. I spawned in Grims town, and like every other player, I immediately ran out of town to level up quickly. But to my surprise, I couldn't even beat a bloody rat mole. In my frustration, I ran straight into a ravine looking for anything easier, but was chased by a group of rat moles, forcing me to spend the rest of my playing time on the run.*

Yan ming read through the thread and couldn't help but laugh. He read through other threads, but nothing was of good value. All they talked about was how terrible their first day was or how bad the game balance was.

'Hmm it seems like either the good players kept their revelations to themselves or nobody in the game is smart enough to figure out how to get a class.'

With that thought in mind, Yan ming left, and checked the last page.

Contrary to his thoughts on the new update, the page only contained information on how long the update would last.

'Five hours huh' Checking the clock, Yan ming saw that the time was six am.

With nothing to do, Yan ming put on a jogging outfit and started working out.

Since his pro gamer days, jogging and working out had always cleared his mind, and had made him have good ideas and today was no different.

After his morning workout, Yan ming sent his required one hour clip before mapping out his plans in the game.


Varz walked with laha through the fiery wasteland of sakor feeling depressed. The only thing he had seen since reincarnating was just laha, a wasteland and a mutt which had disgraced him.

Even the vigilance he had over the environment had dulled, after he learned that he was like a level 400 being to the player's.

He would have run mad if not for laha to keep him company. The only source of entertainment was disturbing laha or practicing flame manipulation.

Just like every other day, Varz walked with laha through the wasteland, when suddenly the elements spiked.


Feeling the change in density of the elements, laha became on guard. But after some time, nothing happened.

"Ummm, what just happened?."

Laha looked at Varz with an annoyed expression.

"If I knew, would I be on guard!?" She reproached angrily.


Seeing that laha was in no mood to talk, Varz turned his attention to his status.





"What the fuck!!" Varz yelled, startling laha in the process.

"What is wrong with you!!."

Seeing the dangerous expression in laha eyes, Varz quickly explained

"I can't find my status window!!"

"What do you mean you can't find your status! it's right___" her voice strayed. "Where the fuck is my status!!!"

Varz looked at laha with a deadpan stare. Shaking his head of any criticism he had, he looked at what took the place of his status.

[Name: Varz]

[Strength: F+☠️☠️☠️☠️(Low)]

[Agility: E- ☠️☠️☠️☠️(High)]

[Constitution: F+☠️☠️☠️☠️(medium)]

[Intelligence: F-☠️☠️☠️(Low)]

[Wisdom: F-☠️☠️(Low)]

[Charisma: Too low to be ranked]

[Danger level ☠️☠️☠️☠️].

First thing that Varz noticed was the lack of Hp and Mp on this new screen. Although it was not there, Varz still felt like he could be killed. In essence, he felt like his body became more realistic.

The next thing he noticed was his lack of an experience bar.

'How am I supposed to get stronger then!?'

Them finally the last thing he noticed was the new grading system used for his stats. He couldn't understand how the system graded his stats, but when his read his charisma stat, his eye couldn't help but twitch In annoyance.


Yan ming quietly contemplated on what he should do next when suddenly his alarm rang.

He looked at the clock and realized he had been planning for about four hours, leaving him two minutes before the update would be over.

Like before, he laid in the capsule and waited for the time to be over, before logging in.

Yan ming appeared where he last logged off. He looked around and noticed that the trail in the forest that he had been following had not changed at all.

'If it's not an environmental fix, what was the update about?.'

Yan ming studied everything around him, and strangely enough, his avatar in the game felt more realistic than before. Coming to that realization, Yan ming quickly opened his status window, feeling dread deep in him.

"These mother*****!!"



[Title: Thief's progenitor, Savior of Rosen port]

[Thief ☠️]

[Strength: F☠️ (High)]

[Agility: E- ☠️ (Low])

[Constitution: F☠️ (Low)]

[Intelligence: F☠️ (Low)]

[Wisdom: F☠️ (Low)]

[Charisma: F-☠️(high)]


Seeing the lack of a Hp bar, Yan ming's feeling of dread increased.

[*Ding Patch notes*]

[Stat ranking

5-10 is F-

11-15 is F

16-20 is F+

21-25 Is E-

26-30 is E

31-35 is E+

36-40 is D-

41-45 is D

46-50 is D+

51-55 is C-

56-60 is C

61-65 is C+

66-70 is B-

71-75 is B

76-80 is B+

81-85 is A-

86-90 is A

91-95 is A+

96-100 is S

After S is rank up in danger level.

To increase a stat ranking, training is needed.

Three stat classification should pass the required level before danger level can be evolved.

In pursuit of realism, Hp and Mp bars are removed to make it seem like a real body. Have fun]

Reading through the patch notes, Yan ming couldn't help but sweat.

"These mother****** really need to die!"