Chapter 10

With every passing moment, frustration filled every fiber of Yan ming's being.

What did they mean by pursuit of realism?

It's a fucking game!

People play games to get away from reality not to jump into another one.

"Sigh! I can't be needy and picky at the same time." right now he had to remove all thoughts that would slow his progress. He had an advantage by being the first person to have a class and ascend to danger level ☠️, but if he was not careful his lead won't mean anything.

Having a new resolution, he steeled his heart and continued searching for mobs to slay.

In a forest there are a lot of things to take into account, especially after the new update. He didn't notice it before but now that he was searching for wild animals, everything felt different.

It was almost like he was using his real body this time. If last time the game felt ultra realistic, now it felt like it was an actual reality.

Whoever said the forest had a nice smell and a relaxing environment had to have been on drugs or something. The wind carried the smell of dried wood, damp moss and other indescribable things, making Yan ming's nose to wrinkle in disgust. The forest housed mosquitoes and ants so large that Yan ming was scared by their apparent size. He didn't know if they were that big because it was a fantasy game but deep down he swore to himself never to head into a forest.

After a long and treacherous trek through the forest, he finally found his first opponent.

Ten meters to his front stood a red fox. It bared it teeth at him and growled manacingly, but compared to the dire wolf he saw before this could be considered cute.

Yan ming pulled out his dagger while walking towards the fox with a smile on his face.

"It's not your lucky day little fella. This big brother is not feeling too good right now so why don't you die for me!"

Although his words were threatening, his smiling face looked pure, like a monk preaching Buddhism.

The fox sensing his hostile intent dashed towards him at breakneck speed before sinking it's teeth into his thighs.

From Yan ming's perspective, he saw a cute little fox that posed no threat to him suddenly vanish from sight, while pain flared flared from his thighs.

Time seemed to slow down as his brain processed everything.


In fear, he stabbed the fox in the head over and over again, and only stopped when the jaws of the fox slacked.

Never in his life did he expect that such a small and cute animal could be so fierce.

"Realistic my ass! that thing moved so fast that it basically teleported!"

Yan ming once again found a new reason to curse tokra soft, but now was not the time. Yan ming shivered when he remembered that blood attracts other animals in this game.

Time was not on his side so he hurriedly pried the jaws of the fox open before tanking it off his leg.

Blood flowed out profusely and showed no signs of stopping.

Yan ming took one last glare at the the fox's body before limping away.

'I will never trust another cute thing in this God damn game!' with that thought, he rushed back to town.

Luckily he didn't run into animal or creature, so apart from his discomfort from the still blessing injury everything was okay.

In Rosen port town, the surrounding players all glared at Yan ming while some gloated at his injured state, but nobody took action. They still remembered how Yan ming easily dispatched another player so they could only glare at him.

'Sigh! Once again greatness attracts scorn from the multitude, but since I am noble at heart, I will ignore them.'

Ignoring their obvious gazes, Yan ming walked into the town's only temple.

Inside he was met with a very archaic but catholic setting.

There were rows upon rows of wooden chairs placed at the left and right hand side, being separated by a red carpet going through the middle. The carpet crawled from the entrance of the temple down to the alter which was place at the front above some stairs. In the middle of the church a huge Chandler hung, reflecting the light that passed through the multi coloured windows.

As he was admiring the temple, he didn't notice a nun walk up to him.

"Excuse me, do you have any business with us?"

Hearing a sweet voice, Yan ming was pulled out of his stupor. He quickly observed the nun, and couldn't help but be satisfied.

She had an angular face that seemed to be framed to fit her long blonde hair A bosom that seemed big nut not too big, perfectly portable. He wasn't able to see the behind but from what he had seen, he was satisfied.

"Hello" she called once more

"Ah yes sorry" scratching the back of his head in embarrassment "I came here to get treated"

"umm sir, this is a temple." she replied

Hearing her answer Yan ming cocked his head to the side

"Don't you guys heal adventurers?"

"Why would you think that? this this not a hospital neither is it a guild house." hearing her words, Yan ming felt like spitting out blood.

Isn't it normal to go to a temple or visit a priest if you are injured in an rpg game?

Holding in his embarrassment he smiled and looked at the nun "Do where should I go to get treated?"

"Sir did you not hear me? do you have dementia or are you just retarded? I am pretty sure I said hospital"

"Oh am__" his words trailed off when he saw the nun walking away ' This bitch'

Taking a deep breath he calmly walked out the temple and headed for the tavern or guild house.

limping into the familiar tavern, Yan ming sat on the stool and waited for the female bartender to finish serving a customer.

"Well what do we have here. I thought I wouldn't have to see you again for a while."

He didn't have to wait long as the female bartender had seen him enter

"Please I don't have time to talk, I just want to know if I can treat my leg here. if not please where is the hospital?"

Remembering the female bartenders chattiness the first time they met, he figured that if he didn't get to the point this may be the place he would die.

"Hmph no fun at all" As if sensing his thoughts she pouted before getting serious "You can treated here, but it's gonna cost you" at the end of her sentence a cocky grin broke out in her face.

"Sigh! how much"

At his answer, she released a smile so wide that it reminded Yan ming of an anime he watched called attack of giants.


"Not much, just 60 gold. Nothing more nothing less."

Yan ming looked at her then his wallet before swallowing spit "Are you sure th__"

"Nothing more nothing less."


"Nothing more nothing less"

Seeing the smile in her face Yan ming once again shivered and pitied his now empty wallet before reluctantly handing over the gold.

"Pleasure doing business with you. If you may please follow me" with a crisp and happy voice she led him into a side door in the bar.

The room wasn't that big and was poorly lit, but from what he could see it only contained a small bed, some medical equipment and bandages.

"Please lie down so I can get on with the treatment"

Hearing what she said he looked at her once again in shock "Your the doctor!"

"Of course"

Throughout the conversation her smile never went off, unnerving Yan ming. He warily laid on the bed, but that's when he felt like he made a mistake. Just looking at the devilish smile on her face, he knew he fucked up.

"Ok now please remove your pants so I can treat you"

"Is that really necessary?"

"Of course the injury is at your upper thigh so you have to remove your pants and also your underwear"

"Are you sure about the underwear?"

She waved her hand dismissively "Am sure and don't worry it's not like there is anything to see there"

*Critical damage*

Yan ming felt his pride and dignity get damaged

His listless body removed everything while his eyes stared I to the void

'One day I will find and kill whoever programmed this game'