Chapter 11

At the back door of the tavern a young man walked out the door staring at the dark and bleak alleyway.

"Make sure you come back for treatment if you're injured okay"

Hearing the voice that came from inside the tavern, the young man's body shivered as he once again remembered how his junior was insulted.

This young man was Yan ming. True to her words, the female did not even blink when she was exposed to his little dragon but instead she giggled a little at it. If this wasn't a low blow to men then what was?

Looking back at the tavern Yan ming swore to never come to this place if he was injured.

Walking slowly on the street Yan ming couldn't help but curse the developers again for how realistic the game was. In this game if you are treated, it would take some time for it to fully heal so until then sharp pain would rise from his leg every time it moved.

"Is that him?"

"Yes it is. It's the fucker that tricked us"

"I heard he was strong?"

"No matter how strong he is, right now he looks injured."

Yan ming walked on the street and heard gossip all over but this particular one caught his attention.

At a corner of the street three players gossiped about him, and judging by the context, it wasn't anything good.

Yan ming glanced their way, quietly checking them out.

The three stood like a normal cartoon iconic bully trio. They leaned on the side of a tailors shop hidden from the most of the streets buh still visible to those that pass the front.

The one to the right was a little bit shorter than the rest at a height of about 5'5. He had a bit of a chubby build and a very short buzz cut.

The one at the Center had a height of 5'9. He had a lean but muscular build and light brown hair that reached his shoulders.

The last man who stood at the entrance of the alley had a very robust physique and also stood at a height of 5'8. His muscular body and average height made one think of an old Disney character that grows muscles with veggies, but this time on crack. He had no hair on his head to his name but overall he looked menacing.

Due to the poor evening lighting in the alley, Yan ming couldn't really see their face but he didn't care. After suffering humiliation after humiliation he just wanted to find a place to let out his anger and luckily, he had volunteers.

The robust man in the group noticed Yan ming's gaze and alerted the others.

"What do you think your looking at!" The robust man spat

"Oh sorry, I was just wondering where you got your looks from?"

Hearing Yan ming's reply the trio became silent. The robust man violently vibrated in anger, veins filling his entire head while the other two stared at Yan ming threateningly

"Careful there bud, you might burst a vein if you're not careful" Yan ming sounded genuine and kind which fueled their anger

"You talk big for a man who is about to die!" The robust man charged at Yan ming, his intentions clear to the world. Close behind him were the other two of the group.

Yan ming knew that if he were to fight them head on, he would be on the back foot but who was he to back down.

Although the game had given him shit throughout, he was still a nation renowned pro gamer and his pride as a pro gamer won't allow him to run away.

But was he gonna fight them head on?

The answer was '


Even if he could fight all three of them, right now he wasn't at his peak. The healing thigh injury had seriously hampered his movement limiting his choices, but it was at times like this that he was happy with his choice of class.

With a smirk Yan ming vanished from their view. The first person to stop was the lean but muscular man with light brown hair followed by the rest of the gang.

Now that they stepped out of the alley, Yan ming could finally see the faces of the trio and give them names.

Yan ming slowly stalked round the group of confused men, his eyes cold and devoid of any emotion.

He dashed at the chubster, bearing the pain and stabbed his dagger deep into his skull.

The sound of a dagger killing slicing flesh alerted the other two. They quickly turned around but was only met with the body of their chubby friend.

"Stay close!"

Panic sank into Wei long's heart. He didn't expect that even while injured Yan ming would still be so strong. It was at this moment that he realized that the rumors of Yan ming having a class were true.

No matter how hard he looked, he just couldn't find traces of Yan ming scaring him.

They didn't know where Yan ming was but Yan ming knew where they were.

He looked towards his robust friend Cheng DU to signal a retreat but all he was met with was another dead body.

'How! Why didn't I hear anything this time.'

From the time that the chubster died till now only a handful of seconds have passed and now Cheng DU was also gone.

When dread San into his being he felt a presence behind him

"Blame your yourself for not recognizing mount Tai!"

Wei Long wanted to react but it was too late. A dagger flashed past his neck, instantly killing him.

Yan ming stood bathed in blood that sprayed on him finally feeling better. In a way he had to give thanks to the iconic trio for being stress relievers.

He was so engrossed in his new found inner peace that he had not noticed a crowd forming on the street until it was too late.

"Oh my God! he just killed those guys"

"And he did it in the open too! is he trying to say that we can't do anything to him?"

Murmurs filled the streets as more and more beta testers crowded the murder site.

"Does anyone know what happened here?"

There was silence for a few seconds until a short girl that looked to be in her early twenties came out

"I saw what happened. Those three men were on their own when suddenly when light bane insulted their ancestors just for looking at him"

"I was also there. They tried to ignore light bane because they knew of his strengths, but he was the one that initiated the fight."

More and more people kept adding more spice to the matter, bringing their once hated views of Yan ming even lower.

While all this was happening Yan ming stood watching the situation. What could he say?

Oh I heard them talking bad about me from across the street so I killed them?

Of course not

No matter what he said in this situation there was nothing that was going to convince them.

Standing there with blood dripping from his dagger, more and more players started getting agitated

'I should probably stay out of public view' entering stealth once more Yan ming vanished from the eyes of surrounding players.

Fearing that he would go after their lives, they all left the area in groups of four or more.

Yan ming knew that from this moment on, he could not depend on the players in Rosen port town.

Heck some of them could even form parties just dedicated to killing him, so he had to reduce his presence in public.

He had to walk the path of a true thief.