Chapter 12 : Learning from experience

Yan ming left Rosen port town with a solemn look on his face. He knew it was only a matter of time before the other players decide to take him out.

It was either he got stronger or he got killed. For some reason even though he knew it was just a video game, he had a bad feeling about dying ingame.

Especially after the new update. The update was simple, plain and short and the only words that could describe it all was 'This game is pursuing Full Realism'. He had no idea what that meant but he didn't wanna find out.

He was sure that it was not gonna be like Spear art online the anime that if you die in the game you would also die in real life but still he got bad vibes from the death aspect in the game

Deep in thought on his grim prospects in the game, Yan ming felt a pang of hunger hit him.

"Of course there's a hunger mechanic in the bloody game!" He muttered.

Looking around he saw that the forest was getting darker and darker, and from the looks of it darkness would cover the entire forest in no time.

'Why is everything against me lately'

The odds where not looking good in his favor. He would have to be careful when looking for prey.

Because of his injury, he had to look for something that was weak and also easy to catch before nightfall.

If it was before he would have gone to look for rabid bunnies to kill, but due to his little pet incident, the bunnies that were still alive had scattered into the forest so now he could only depend on his luck.

Coming to that conclusion Yan ming felt a headache coming up.

He carefully searched high and low for anything that could use to fill his belly, but every time he was met with either something too big, strong or fast for him to catch.

When nightfall finally came, Yan ming could only climb a tree and curse his bad luck.

Logging off the game Yan ming didn't feel as refreshed as he was the first time he left the game.

His second time in the game left him with new experiences and scars in life.

Massaging his eyebrows to try and relieve his headache, Yan ming logged into the forum to find out what was going on and immediately he was met with juicy information.

*Light bane is a hacker (20,000 views)*

From the title alone Yan ming knew that this post had something to do with what happened today in game.

Looking up to his ceiling Yan ming started to think of which of his ancestors he had offended for him to have such a trouble filled life.

*My name is Wei Long and I am a player of Rosen port town. I am posting this to tell everyone that the player light bane is a hacker. I have deduced that light bane is one of the only people in the beta test to have a class, so his strength in game has been explained but the reason I am calling him a hacker is what happens after he kills you.

I was in town with two of my brother's, just chatting about random things when my brother Cheng DU spotted light bane across the street. We gossiped about him because of what he did in the first system update but we didn't expect him to hear us. To cut the long story short we had a fight with Yan ming which ended in our deaths, but what we did not expect was that as he killed us, the game logged us out and no matter what we did we could not log back in. What the system just kept saying was account has been deleted.

If you get killed by light bane your account is automatically deleted that's just what I am trying to say.*

Reading through the post Yan ming finally knew why he felt uncomfortable with dying ingame.

The developers were total bastards. They didn't tell anybody upright what the game entailed, all they said was that it was Realistic and that's all.

If one didn't think deep or fall into multiple miserable situations like he did, then nobody would know what that meant until they experienced it.

Just a glimpse of the inner workings of the game made him cringe in disgust. How perverse were the developers of the game for them to make it so hard?

In his opinion, all of tokra soft workers that worked on this game were masochists.

He was slowly regretting his decision of joining this beta test but what's done is done.

Getting up from his desk, Yan ming walked into the bathroom to freshen up for the day.


Logging back into the game, Yan ming felt terrible pain coming from his stomach.

It seems like logging out of the game didn't reset his characters status, instead it was like his character was just asleep.

"I really need to find something to eat" Feeling a sense of urgency Yan ming quickly scaled down the tree in hopes of continuing his search for food and thankfully.

Not long after Yan ming was face to face with a cute little rabid bunny. Staring at the cute creature in the eyes, Yan ming couldn't help but think back to his experience with a certain cute animal on drugs.

With the memory fresh in his head Yan ming's expression changed to a crazy one.

Seeing his expression the bunny shit itself.

Ten minutes later, Yan ming sat Infront of a fire cooking his rabbit. If his time in this game had taught him anything, it was never to trust anything cute.

Silently waited for the meat to cook, Yan ming watched his surroundings for any sign of danger only to relax when the meat was ready.

He cut a few strips of meat before rushing out of the area. From experience, he knew that the animals in this game had a demonic sense of smell and he didn't want to stay and see what came this time.

Almost as if to prove his conjecture right, Yan ming heard growls and howls coming from where he just came from

Without realizing it, yan ming had started getting used to the next game.