Chapter 13

Days have passed since varz had met laha and although they spoke sometimes, it was mostly a question and answer type of conversation.

It was days like this that made varz feel melancholic.

He missed his days as a human. Although there was crazy competition in his place of work, he could always relieve himself by giving his direct juniors crazy workload.

But now all of it was gone. Now he was just a huge mass of flames in the form of a human.

Thinking of all this, Varz couldn't help but sigh.

"Anything wrong?"

Looking at laha, Varz realized that his sigh had caught her attention.

This partner of his was still an enigma to Varz. Except for her short replies to his questions, she made no other attempt at a conversation.

"Nah. Am just thinking about some stuff so you don't need to worry" Varz replied.

"You flatter yourself if you think that I am worried about you. I only asked what was wrong because I didn't want to walk with a faulty being."

Without waiting for his reply, she started walking away.

"Hey! Don't you think you're being a lil bit harsh" Varz said. Although they don't really talk, He had considered her a good friend to be with.

Laha stopped and looked at Varz "Shhhh!"

"What do you mean shhh! You can_"

"Shhhhh!" She looked around cautiously as if searching for something.

Sensing the change in her demeanor, Varz put the matter behind to bring it up later. He quieted down and joined laha to look for any signs of danger.

Five minutes passed like that and laha still hadn't moved from her spot.

"Hey what are you looking for" Varz whispered cautiously.

"I sensed an energy signature similar to demons" She replied still cautious

"What do you mean? I don't feel anything different" Varz asked feeling confused.

Laha looked at him incredulously "Don't you feel the change in the environment?"

Seeing her expression Varz tried to feel anything different, but as usual he only felt the warm heat from the surrounding environment.

When he was about to give up, he finally felt something different. It was like an irritating presence in the warm and relaxing heat he normally felt.

*Ding Congratulations for unlocking elementary energy sense.*

With the notification from the system came a huge irritation for this particular area.

"Ugh! What's that" Varz asked

"That's the aura that surrounds demons. everywhere they pass, they leave little traces of this signature."

"If that's the case, why does it feel this way?"

This particular energy signature made Varz feel like he had an irritating itch on his back which he could not reach or scratch which was driving him crazy.

"It's a normal reaction for a fire elemental. Even though fire elemental's and demons both follow the flame series, one is pure while the other is insidious." She explained "From the beginning of time both sides have never liked each other, and have always fought for supremacy and land in these mountain region of sakor."

Hearing what she had to say, Varz became more confused

"I thought you said that sakor was the safest place for us fire elemental's?"

"That's because it is. Although Sakor can be said to be the home of Fire elemental's, in truth we share this region with other races and the devil's and demons are one of them. It's just that we have different territories."

Realization dawned on him when he heard her words but there was still lingering confusion in him.

"If we share the same region with them, why are you so surprised by this energy signature?" Varz asked

"Like I said before, we have territories and right now this is deep into our territory. Demons are not supposed to be anywhere close to this place.If they are here then what happened to the Frontline"

At the end of her sentence, her words trailing off she pushed Varz away before leaping away.


The spot where they once stood before became a crater five meters wide and two feet deep appeared.

Debris fell from the sky, pelting the bodies of laha and Varz, while smoke and dust rose.

Like a nimble cat, laha stood up and took a combat pose.

*Clap clap clap*

From the smoke, a three meter tall being with thick red skin, sharp claws on both hands and feet and thick horns appeared with an amused expression on it's face. "I have to say, I am surprised that you were able to react in time to not only save yourself, but also your companion. I'm impressed." The mocking

When Varz saw the red being, his body was filled with a great amount hate and disgust.

"What are you doing here demon!" laha spat "How did you get past the Frontline?"

The demon sensing her outrage revealed an even bigger smile than the one he had before

"Who knows. Why don't you come and find out" He teased.

Laha silently lashed out with a flaming whip at the demon.

The demon coldly looked at the whip made of flames, before revealing a nauseating smile. He raised his left hand and caught the whip in motion. With a little squeeze, the fire disappeared like it was never there.

"You're going to have to try more than that to get what you want" He chuckled.

Laha seeing the result did not despair. She made a fireball, launching it at the demon.

"Like I said before, you have to do better than this"

Like before, he raised his left hand and gripped the fireball, making it disperse, but this time there was a surprise waiting for him.

When laha launched the fireball at the demon, she took advantage of the fact that the demons sight was blocked to dash towards it. Laha appeared in his front with a huge flaming great sword in hand, causing it's facial expression to change.

For the first time since its arrival, the demon looked genuinely surprised.

Laha swiped her blade, intent on beheading the demon.

Although he was surprised, the demon was still able to react fast enough to lean back and avoid losing his head.

Even though he avoided being beheaded, he still couldn't avoid being injured. On his left cheek was a deep gash caused by the sword. Since the blade was made of fire, the wound was cauterized so no blood came out.

The demons once amused look was now replaced with fury.

"How dare you!"

The demon swiped his claw at laha, but she had already retreated to a safe distance.

"Hmm all talk and no action! typical of a demon" laha mocked.

The demon pushed off the ground, launching himself at laha with speed so great that he appeared as a huge red blur.

Seeing this, laha smiled before turning into a wave of flames as she met his charge with her own.

Varz stood rooted as he watched two blurs change the landscape with their devastating attacks.

He knew laha was strong, but he never knew she was this strong.

The two times clashed time after time with no one having the upper hand. Although the demon was stronger and better defense, laha seemed to be faster and slicker as she weaved through all his attacks with relative ease.

The two seemed to have been enveloped in their own world, forgetting about Varz existence. All they wanted was to see the other party dead.

Seeing that their attacks weren't doing anything to the other person, they both retreated to a safe distance. At this time, their environment had taken a a drastic change in appearance.

Craters of different shapes and sizes filled the land, fires of different colors and intensity appeared everywhere. Overall, Varz knew that this wasn't a battle that he could interfere in. He might have been a danger level ☠️☠️☠️☠️ being like them, they were on a different scale.

'So this is what level ☠️☠️☠️☠️ beings are capable of?' Varz thought as he observed them.