Chapter 16

The situation at hand had filled Varz with great concern. For some reason Varz felt unnerved with the previous demon sighting.

No matter how busy he was in his past life, he still had time to relax either by reading novels, watching anime or by sleeping. So a situation in which he saw a demon deep within fire elemental territory, it just smelt trouble.

'I am still to weak' Varz thought in all seriousness. In the fight against the demon, he could be said to have been worse than useless. if not for his natural body reading skills, he would have been extra baggage like a certain pink haired ninja in an anime, and this fact scared him.

Forget about the players killing him, if he was not careful the npc in this game would end him before any player can.

"Hey laha" Varz called, only to be met by silence.

"Hey laha, I have some questions."

Not giving up, Varz continued to pester laha until she finally answered him.

"You had better have a good excuse for disturbing me, for I am not in the mood to entertain your stupidity."

Hearing her icy tone, Varz couldn't help but be taken aback before answering.

"It's really important, but not so important for us to stop moving. You can just answer my questions as we head for where were going."

Hearing his reply she focused her interest on the road while leaving a small amount of focus on him.

Taking her silence as her giving him the go ahead, Varz laid his piece out.

"I can't help but feel like something really big is going to happen, and to be honest if something actually happens I don't think I am going to make it out alive." Varz confessed


Hearing a snorting sound that came from laha's direction, Varz couldn't help but feel ask.

"What was that for?"

She stopped walking, taking her attention from the road ahead to Varz.

"If another demon were to attack us now, but this time with another friend do you think that you would be able to hold one of them back while I fight the other" her words were filled with mockery as she laid facts out. "At least if you want to disturb me on this new found mission we are undertaking, disturb me with facts that haven't been established already."

stating her mind, she turned around and continued 9n her way ending the conversation.

Although what she said was harsh, Varz knew it was the bitter truth. But even though it was the truth, it didn't mean that he had to stick with it.

'If she doesn't want to bother with me, then I will just have to think of a way to get stronger myself.'


Yan ming logged back into the game and the first thing he saw was the sun shining overhead.

'It should be early in the afternoon' Yan ming thought as he tried to tell the time through the sun's position.

Anyway he didn't have much time to waste. He had to find something to eat while looking for a way back to the starting town.

Nimbly climbing down the tree, Yan ming crouched low to the ground and held his breath as he scanned his surroundings.

He only relaxed when he was sure there were no threats around.

'So far so good'

He picked a random direction and stealthily trekked through the forest.

Yan ming used all his senses to sense for danger. The sounds of insects filled Yan ming's ears, while the smell of leaves and released waste products filled his nostrils.

If it was days ago, he would have complained like a child

But now he was already used to his situation.

Yan ming kept walking in random directions when suddenly he heard something he hadn't heard in a while.

'Was that a voice?'

His hurridly climbed a tree and perched himself just a few meters above ground.

"Hey how long are we going to search for that guy?"

Sure enough, he heard the voice again but this time closer. He couldn't help but feel excited but he immediately calmed down after.

'Happiness leads to relaxation and relaxation leads to death'

quietly chanting that mantra over and over, Yan ming waited patiently for whatever or whoever owned the voice.

He didn't have to wait long before a group of people who he assumed to be players came into view.

From his vantage point, Yan ming deduced that it was a group made up of four guys and two girls judging by their bouncing chests.

"Ugh, because of one guy I have to enter this nasty forest" one of the girls spat. The others seemed to agree with her as they all had eyes that were searched for blood.

"Yeah other players in other towns are having a very good time with this game, but us players in Rosen port town are busy searching for a guy who we don't even know if he is still alive."

The group conversed quite loudly as they walked under the branch Yan ming was on. He just quietly watched as the group of players made unnecessary noise in the forest.

'Wrong move' shaking his head in disappointment, Yan ming made a silent prayer for the group. They were headed straight towards where he had just come from, which just means that they were heading deeper into the forest.

Quietly tailing the group from above, Yan ming spotted a monster that made his spine shiver in fear.

Not far from the group was the same beast that had given him his new scar over his left eye.

The beast quietly moved around the group, not making any noise as it moved past leaves and fallen branches. If he had not been it's original target, Yan ming was sure that he would have not been able to see it.

Halting all movements, Yan ming stayed crouched while admiring the monsters stealth skills.

'How does something so big make zero noise and move stealthily?' He watched the beast move, quietly trying to remember everything the beast did and besides he only needed one player to get answers and directions from.

Mark held his sword and shield combo in hand as he led his group through the forest. It has been days since the search for light bane had started and yet there was still no information. It was like they were looking for a dead man in a big ass forest.

Getting annoyed with the nonstop complaints of his teammates, mark abruptly turned around, ready to scold his teammates, but what he was met with were the jaws of something snapping down on his head.


The forest became silent as the group stared at the scene before them. They were just talking about the hardships they were going through, and now there is a beast with their comrade in it's mouth Infront of them.

'How did it get so close to us?' They wondered as they stared at the scene before them.


no one knew who screed like that, but everyone knew what that scream meant.

Like a group of headless chickens, the group scattered and ran in different directions.

The Saber tooth tiger like beast swallowed the body in it's mouth in one bite before chasing another player.

Yan ming who witnessed the whole thing had his back filled with sweat. If not for his timely reaction a few days ago, he would have ended up in the same situation.

Seeing the monster go after an unfortunate player, Yan ming jumped down from his hiding spot and bolted towards the closest player to him.

His experience in running away from monsters in this unforgiving forest started showing as he quickly caught up to the scared female player.

Like a ghost, Yan ming swiped his hand to the nape of her neck, quickly knocking her our. Because she had been running when he knocked her out, her body flew forward like a kite without strings before crashing onto the rough forest ground.

'Ooof that's gotta hurt'

Maximizing his limited time, Yan ming lugged her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and quickly climbed to the top of another tree but this time it was harder.

At the top, he stabilized her body with his own, waiting for her to wake up before asking/interrogating her.

"I feel like if I continue living like this, I might as well become a bird or a monkey." Yan ming muttered.