Chapter 17 Safe

Author here

I know you guys said that you want more of the mc, and I want that too but with the way i left off at the last chapter, I really want to finish up with Yan ming before going back to the main character.

Oh and the main character is going to have a lot of viewing time after this. please bare with me thank you.

Yan ming sat in his branch listening to the distant screams of pain coming from below. He had to admit that this particular monster was very petty, not even allowing one human to escape. If not for his timely kidnapping he was sure that this girl would have also died.


hearing a groan from his side, Yan ming looked to see that his captive was finally awake.

'Took you long enough'

"Where am I? who are you" she asked when she saw the situation she was in and the unfamiliar person beside her.

Yan ming got of from his sitting position and stood in the shadows casted by the tree, silently staring at her.

The image of a guy in tattered clothes standing in the shadows wasn't a very welcoming sight

Just looking at him gave her a big fright. The only saving grace was that she remembered that she was in a game, and that was the only thing stopping her from screaming nonstop.

After some time Yan ming finally spoke his first words.

"Am Batman"

Coincidence or not, as he said that sentence the wild blew by, making his tattered wear flap in the air. He almost looked like a crood member afflicted with a severe case of suffer.

The serious ambience that had managed to root itself in the area suddenly froze. She stared right at him, while he also stated at her. If before she was scared, now she was just full of disbelief.

The mood in the air slowly but surely headed towards the awkward route. Just when the awkwardness was becoming too much, another scream could be heard signaling the end of the once lively group.

'And that makes it five' Yan ming thought while coming back from his embarrassment.

The girl on the other hand looked traumatized. It seemed like she had just remembered what happened before she lost consciousness.

She shivered and took slow steps backwards forgetting that she was on a branch at the top of a humongous tree.

"Take one more step and you will die."

Hearing what the person in front of her said, she inadvertently stopped in her tracks.

'He just threatened me!' feeling scared and confused various thoughts flowed in her head like a typhoon whole unknown to her, Yan ming wasn't threatening her but instead helping her. If not for his not so friendly statement, she would have walked off the branch herself, dying in the process.

Not caring about her thoughts or behavior, Yan ming continued.

"I will ask you a series of questions, and depending on your behavior, reactions, your answer or how you answer me, my treatment towards you can be very unpredictable. Do you understand?"

His words made made her snap out of her thoughts. She slowly nodded her head, but her body still shivered.

"Good. First question, how long have you and your team been looking for me"

His question caught her off guard. Who are you and why did you think we were loo_ like a bolt of lightning realization dawned on her. This was the bastard that everyone was looking for.

Yan ming observed her reactions and when he saw her bawl her fists and grit her teeth, he knew he had to take action.

With large strides, he quickly closed the gap she had made between them and swiftly slapped her across thw face.


The sound was crisp and loud, traveling for a very large distance. Yan ming even feared that the beast had heard what he just did, but that was a matter of later. For now he needed to get information and then get out of here.

Her face swung to the side and her eyes widened in disbelief. If not for her coming back to her senses, she would have fallen off the tree.

"Remember what I said. I am a man of little patience for people other than myself so you better not test me."

Her eyes were filled with tears, but she fought it back. She wasn't going to give this sick fuck the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

'Should I just fight?' she thought.

"My advice for is to not fight for it will not end well for you. just stay quiet and talk when I ask you a question." Almost as if he could read minds, he immediately destroyed her idea of fighting. She could only grit her teeth and answer.

"Four days"

'Four days huh, that's too long. They should have long reached the inner forest before now, and judging by the way they acted in the forest, they could not have been staying in the forest for a long time.' Something didn't add up so he just had to extract more information.

"Good. Where did you search for me, that it took four days?"

"In the first day, our group and some other groups searched around Rosen port for any signs that you are hiding there, but nothing was found. In the second and third day we searched around the outer regions of Rosen port town, the surrounding forests but like before there was no sign of you. It was only today that we left Rosen port town and decided to head deep Into the forest. At the end of her sentence her face seemed to lose some blood becoming a bit pale.

'Oh I see. No wonder they are just reaching the inner forest now. But am I really that close to Rosen port that it took them one day only?'

Not showing his thoughts on his face, Yan ming asked

"So which direction is Rosen port?"

She pointed in the direction that he was heading before he met their group.

All in all the interrogation went smoothly with no struggles whatsoever.

'Maybe I will even take her and drop her off at Rosen port'

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, Yan ming suddenly felt danger. He looked down and saw the saber tooth beast climbing up the tree. Since one of its prey had seen it, it didn't need to be silent again so it's climbing speed was impressive.

Yan ming looked back to the girl was still lost in thoughts, he could only shake his head in pity

'Blame your ancestors for giving you dog shit luck'

With that he jumped from the branch to another tree's branch, repeating the process before disappearing from view.

The now awake girl stared at the position where Yan ming once was.

'Maybe he wasn't so bad'

His behavior of just leaving after questioning her had put him in a slightly better light in her book.

Just when she was about to relax, the monster finally reached the top vexed that one of its food had escaped.

The appearance of the monster scared her to her knees. She stared at the beast as it slowly walked to her before killing her. Throughout that process she didn't let out a sound, only cursing Light bane in her heart.

Running in the direction that she had pointed to, Yan ming started to see more and more signs of him leaving the forest. The originally dark forest started to have more light, and he could see more and more signs of little wildlife. It was only when he saw the gates of Rosen port did he finally stop in place, years streaming down his face.

He had covered a days worth of travel in hours, but strangely enough he wasn't tired. only joy could be felt in his heart.

"I'm finally safe."