Hearing the now familiar sound and seeing the notification displayed in front of him brought joy uncountable.

In a way, it was certainly the opposite way he felt about it a day ago, but now he was elated to see it.

"So this thing doesn't even wait till morning to tell me. How user friendly!!" Klaus said as he got up from bed straight away. To him there was no point of sleeping since he could start right away. He also noticed he wasn't tired any more and it felt like he could go all through the early hours of the day without sleep.


[Daily quest available]

-Do 120 push up.

- Take damages till HP goes below 20.

- Run two laps around the field.

"What?!" Klaus said as he stared at the screen displayed in front of him. He was shocked to the bottom to the extent he closed the system and opened it again to see if there would be changes but it remained the same.

"Everything went up a notch. But that's not even the point" Klaus thought as he stared at the screen some more.

"This has to be a plot right...right?!" He questioned himself as he looked at the last quest. This one was by far the hardest one for him to do and there were two reasons.

The field was basically too large to even do half a lap in the first place. Now he was being asked to do two laps.

"Of all places. The field?.. Really?" Klaus said in a quiet tone to himself. The one place he wanted to avoid by all means necessary was the venue for the last quest. The excitement for the whole thing was gradually dwindling as he wasn't sure he could bring himself to go to the field.

"I'll just skip the last quest. Or perhaps skip today's quest entirely " Klaus resolved inwardly.


[Failure to complete quest :HOURLY PAIN]

[Count down to complete quest : 7: 59: 54]

"What is happening?. Now there are repercussions for skipping a quest?. I wasn't ..." he was going to say but was cut short immediately.

"Arrggh!!!" Klaus groaned holding his head and falling on his knees. He was in severe pain and almost instantly was sweating buckets. But just as the pain came, it left seconds later.

"What just happened?. This thing has to be alive isn't it?" Klaus asked confused as he looked around in his room. He searched for who might have hit him that hard. But even he knew that wasn't the case as the pain he felt came from within. Like something had poked his brain.

"Wait..." Klaus said and opened the system again.

[Failure to complete quest : HOURLY PAIN]

[Count down to complete quest : 7: 59: 54]

"So it starts now?. Its like 1: am. How am I supposed to get all this done before the time runs out?" he thought confused.

"Does this mean I have to sneak out?" He asked himself. He saw himself starting to commit more Crime and break rules in matter of days than he had throughout his life without the system . But the very thought of his father caused him to throw the thought to the back of his mind. He decided to lay back on his bed but then he took one more look at the countdown clock displayed by the system and thinking back to the pain he felt moments ago was enough motivation to push him straight to the task.

Quickly he fell on the ground and began the push up. This was by far the easiest to accomplish without complications. The only difficulty involved in it was the numbers. But he remembered there were times he did more than that in his basic combat training with his dad. The ticking clock coupled with the pain he felt moments ago was more than enough motivation for him to the task without question.

"Unbelievable. I'm working out at night under intense pressure. Thanks to dad 2.0" Klaus thought inwardly.

"Argh!!!" He gulped the scream this time. He was surprised his parents hadn't come to his room the first time. But remembering how thick the walls were gave him the explanation he needed. Yet even at that, he wasn't willing to take the risk especially with his dad who he at one time thought never slept.

"Right on cue. This one was worse than the first" Klaus said laying on the floor of his room defeated. He had only done twenty of the pushup before the pain interrupted.

"Hourly pain because it's increasing as the next hour draws near, now I get it. But if its this way now, what would it be like in the next hour or by dawn?" Klaus dreaded the thought of having to pass through that torture.

And immediately he pushed himself off the ground and began to press on with the push up.

After three more interrupted phase, which was accompanied by the pain almost like a reminder, he was done and was glad that was one out of three.

[One of three daily quests complete]

•Quest - Do 120 push ups.

- status - complete.


[Clock count down shifted- (-1hr) ]

[Count down to complete quest – 6:34: 27]

"!!" Klaus said in horror. Things were getting more complicated as the time he had left just drastically went down by an hour. He was beginning to consider if there was any need to do the quest.

"After all, no matter how I try, I'll never get out in time to complete the last one" he said as he stood up from the ground watching the count down clock.

"I might as well just give up and bare the pain" Klaus said and got on his bed to sleep. Few minutes later and he stood up sitting on the bed and groaning in pain as he held his head.

"Its...getting ..." he could not finish the sentence as the pain eventually disappeared and he fell back on the bed dripped in sweat.

The pain came again and this time lasted longer than the previous one. It was almost like everything was turning bad all at once. The frequency at which the pain would come had now increased too. So now he felt relief for only a matter of minutes before the torture began.

"I can't...I can't bear it!!" Klaus said and quickly went to change his clothes from his actual night wear.

He was now wearing a black hoodie vest with black pants to match it. Not even thinking straight anymore he got out of his room and made his way down to the lower floor. Then gingerly stepping out of the main house, he went straight to the dojo. He was walking like a man possessed. With his eyes focused at the opposite end of the dojo where a door was, he walked straight to this door and opened it.

Then he got inside and stood looking around for a minute.

"My HP walks like a health bar in those video games. The more damage I take the more it reduces just like that time dad and I were in training. So if..." Klaus ended up stopping .

"I can't. No i can't do this. Come on Klaus are you cra....." But he was rudely interrupted yet again as the pain came back visiting even with more intensity than the previous one.

"Ahhhrrr!!!" He screamed gritting his teeth trying hard not to alert anyone.

He knelt down holding his hair this time around and pulled on it. This in a way distracted him from the actual pain but not for long as it came full force yet again and stayed even longer.

"This isn't how it's supposed to work. I mean it clearly says hourly pain but comes every time I even think about rebelling".. Klaus drew from all he had suffered.

"I just have to. In as much as I hate it, I really wish you were the one to put the hurt on me right now dad. But sadly I can't wait around." he said minutes later after he got up from the floor.


[Host's profile]

-Name: Klaus Dean Jackson.

-Nether Gene - Shadow

-HP - 100

-Race: ???

-Class: ???

Stat attributes.

-Strength - 12

-Agility - 7

-Speed - 7

- Durability - 6

- Perception - 8


"How is my HP still at a 100 after all this torture. You are trying to make this harder than it already is for me right?" Klaus said seemingly talking to the system.

But then he straightened his face, no emotions other than the look of determination as he walked over to an area where there were round objects placed on a shelve.

"Fine" he said as he walked over to the shelve and picked one of the round objects.

And to his surprise, it was heavier than he initially imagined. He held it up and placed his right foot out.

"" He said shaking his head.

"I can't hurt myself!!" Klaus said and turned around to drop the heavy round object. But that's when the "hourly pain" visited again forcing him to drop the round object which hit the shelve it was picked from. He on the other hand fell to the ground yet again from the enormous pain he felt in his head. He imagined his head was about to explode any moment then.

Soon several of the round objects were displaced from the shelve and started rolling off. And a pain gripped Klaus failed to realize this fact as he gripped his head laying flat on the ground.

"Arhhh!!" Klaus groaned as one of the object fell with all its weight from the top column of the shelve.

[You have sustained a grave injury]

[0:59:59 till complete recovery]


Soon several more came tumbling down and most of them missed Klaus's laying body by a hair length but six made an exception.



He struggled to get up but the "Hourly pain" gripped him tightly to the ground not allowing him to move. The only thing he could do then was curve into a ball shape and protect his head.



[You have a fractured ankle]

[1: 59:59 till complete recovery]


[Your hip has been bruised]

[0:15:59 till complete recovery]



And finally it was over. But when it did, Klaus attempted to stand up. But the pain was severe and he felt it all through his body. Soon a familiar thing began to occur and he dreaded the thought of being correct. The "Hourly pain" returned and his vision became blurry. This time he didn't clutch his head or scream as he would. He had simply lost the strength to do any of those. Twelve years of training ans he had never been through that much pain in one go. The pain in his head was clouding all his senses as all his two ears could pick up was a buzzing sound that he felt he heard coming from a far distance.

Soon, everything became silent as he fell unconscious due to the excruciating pain he felt. Finally some closure from the indescribable pain.