level up

Chapter 10


[Full recovery complete]

[Daily quest clock countdown active: 0:59:54]

[Daily quest status: 1/3 completed]

•Do 120 push up.

Status: complete.

•Take damages till HP goes below 20

Status : incomplete (1%)

•Run two laps around the field.

Status: incomplete (100%).

And the moment Klaus opened his eyes, his ears and eyes were assaulted by the numerous sounds and notification flooding in all at once. His senses were at that point taking time to adjust themselves to their normal working state.

"Urgh!!.. Why do I feel...feel so light?".. Klaus thought confused. Then he got up and just then his eyes popped out.

"Could it be?. No, it can't!!" Klaus said and almost like a maniac, he began to jump and stomp his foot on the ground. This was short lived as he stopped seconds after he began.

"Its all healed up. No, they are all healed up. This is crazy. I can remember hearing a cracking sound. And those ball thingy ..they fell on me. It certainly wasn't a dream" Klaus said as he thought about it for a few seconds. He also looked around and found the round ball shaped objects laying on the ground. And that's when his thoughts led him back to a recent memory.

"No way!!. That explains why the wound that dad was looking for was no where to be found. Because it healed ...so fast!!" Klaus said in amazement. Then he began to check himself to be absolutely sure. But as he was getting lost in his new found discovery, something drew his attention, in a rude way.

"Arggh!!!" He blurted falling to his knees and holding on tightly to his long black hair packed in a ponytail. He held his head for long as the pain persisted. And after what seemed like eternity that the said frequent pain refused to die out, he thought for sure any minute he was going to go insane.

"I have to complete these quests very fast. I can't keep up like this. And training starts in just an hour" Klaus said as he stood up relieved of the pain. The weird thing was as soon as the pain subsided, he felt no long term drawbacks from it. There was no slight pain even lingering around. It all left and came with full force.

"First, I have to finish this quest" Klaus said and looked at his fist for a second. Then the next minute he swung it carefree at his face. His fist connected with his lip and immediately had it turn open.

"Urgh!" Klaus said in pain as he too acknowledged the power behind his punch even as it was not done with as much force and precision as he would normally have considering it was he who was doing it to himself and the angle of his own hand was a contributing factor. But the end goal was met as in the midst of pain from his own punch, a short smile appeared on his blood split lip.

(-2 HP)


[Daily quest clock countdown active: 0:56:34]

[Daily quest status: 2/3 completed]

•Do 120 push up.

Status : complete

•Take damages till HP goes below 20

Status : complete

•Run two laps around the field.

Status: incomplete (100%).

"Great, now unto the next one" he said as he made his way out of the gym and into the dojo. The very thought running inside his mind was whether he could make it in time back for the daily training session with his dad. Usually, his dad was always the one late for training. He was always the one who was made to wait. He usually made his way into the dojo and began his warm up while he waited. Sometimes it could take as long as an hour. Other times minutes before his dad often arrived .

And with all the good that was in him, he prayed today was the case of the late arrival as he made his way to the field. It was already dawn and he could see a few people moving around. He knew they could recognize him even with the poor lighting condition at that time in the morning. So he had his hoodie covering the top of his head as he made his way through the streets of the settlement. The good thing was his house wasn't all that far off from the exit of the settlement. The field was located outside the settlement in the first place. And considering he had about 15 minutes walk there, he figured it was wise to maintain a steady pace. This was so as not to raise suspicions as a lot of people living in the settlement were either hunters or travellers who tend to have a guarded personality and looked out for suspicious movements.

After all, no one felt safe as there were beast roaming about around them. Other than that, bandit attacks and rogue guides or factions would often come to steal from those they perceived as weak and uncared for by the authorities. But in the case of their settlement located at the west side of BLackwood city, there weren't much reports of banditry or even a rogue faction attack. The most they had ever gotten was a beast attack. And this was usually coordinated and dealt with easily.

Eventually Klaus made it out of the settlement exit and proceeded to the field. But this time as soon as he knew he had very minimal eyes monitoring his movements, he took off running to cut down the time he had to complete the quest and return home before he was discovered.

"I made it" Klaus said as he stopped just at the entrance of the large open field. With only a single large gate standing in the open vast land to mark the entrance, there wasn't much to go off by. No fencing of any sort or barricade to protect the land from being trespassed. This was because the authorities made sure people knew who owned the place. So only a few people ever thought of using the land for their benefits. It was open for recreational activities and just casual occasions. But whenever anyone tried to do anything outside the stipulated use, there always seemed to be an "Enforcer" that came in and "settled" the whole thing.

"So the gate is the starting point. I better get to it" Klaus said and took off sprinting round the field. And at certain intervals he looked back to see how far he was from the gate. This continued on and on until he couldn't see the gate clearly again. With an actual time against him and the countdown clock from the system not really helping out, he pushed himself harder and kept going.

And as he ran round the field, it then occurred to him how those one points he placed in his stat attributes came to play. The change wasn't by a big margin but he could tell there was a difference.

"I and Arsha came here sometime ago and while she chased me I couldn't even keep up the pace at which I'm going now. This whole thing really does work" Klaus thought as he kept running. And after what was like ten minutes of nonstop sprinting, he could see the gate from a far distance once again. Still remaining on the stone paved path that went round the field, he kept the pace and as the gate got bigger in his eyes, exhaustion began to kick in.

"The second lap might be even harder than I thought. Feels like I ran round an entire city" Klaus said as he approached the gate and stopped.

He opened his system to have a look at the progress he had made and just when he saw the time left, he panicked.

[Daily quest clock countdown active: 0:35:25]

[Daily quest status: 2/3 completed]

•Do 120 push up.

Status : complete

•Take damages till HP goes below 20

Status : complete

•Run two laps around the field.

Status: incomplete ( 50%).

"No, I don't have much time left. And its even beginning to get bright out here" Klaus took notice as he could see the field clearer now. And just as he made this observation, a certain thought passed through his mind.

"Wait, how have I been able to see all this while out here with no source of light?. Could it be my vision has been enhanced as well. And i completely forgot..." Klaus said and raised his hand to touch his lip.

"Gone... It has healed up nicely. Though I wonder if people have the same change effected on their bodies once they break their mana shell. It could explain all this sudden change. I better go check it out later. But first..." Klaus said and stood up running off on the stone paved path again. He still had one lap to complete in order to complete the quest.

"This ..is..becoming harder ...than ..I thought" Klaus said as he began to slow down. He looked back at how far he had gone and when he discovered he could still see the gate and it looked fairly large, his hopes were completely smashed.

"There's no way I would be able to complete this lap and get home in time"..

"Can I even complete this lap?" He asked himself unsure as his heart pounded out of his chest and his muscles filled up with acids telling him they couldn't go any more. His entire body basically spoke one language and that was "exhaustion". Eventually after trying his very best to push himself through, he could see the gate a little far away. But his legs weren't moving anymore. And before he knew it they buckled and gave way causing him to fall to the ground. He laid still panting with tiredness and exhaustion taking over him. But just as he was getting comfortable in his new found position, he was reminded yet again of what he was out for.

" Arhgh!!!!" Klaus didn't hold back this time and let out an almighty scream. This was the worst of all particularly because he had forgotten all about the promised "hourly pain" the system gave as punishment. His head was bound to explode in seconds he thought as he clenched hard on it. He didn't even realize when he bit down on the grass and had a whole chunk of it in his mouth. What felt like forever finally ended and he experienced the sweet relief that followed. It occurred to him that the pain stopped after he completed the first two quest. It only came when he thought of quitting again.

[Daily quest clock countdown active: 0:15:47]

[Daily quest status: 2/3 completed]

•Do 120 push up.

Status : complete

•Take damages till HP goes below 20

Status : complete

•Run two laps around the field.

Status: incomplete ( 12%).

He took another look at the quest board and saw the time he had was even shorter than he thought initially. By now he could see the tone of the environment was changing drastically and his vision was even clearer than before. This meant that he was in dire need of finishing the quest and returning home before it was too late. He could tell the distance was still far but with just 12% of the lap left to run, he pushed on. And after several minutes of running and loud self motivation.

"Come on Kay!!"

"Come on!!"


He was at the gate again. But even with no one to tell him he had done it, something else did. He fell flat facing the sky as he was beyond exhausted.


*[Quest complete]*


• [+2 stat points to strength]

• [+2 stat point to agility]

• [+2 stat point to speed]

• [+2 stat point to durability]

• [+2 stat point to perception]

*[Congratulations, you have leveled up]*

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*[Congratulations, you have unlocked a new skill]*