Ghost of a teacher

Chapter 12

Klaus was not a fool. By now he understood what was happening and the very thought of it made him even more excited than he could have imagined. It was one thing to be beaten flat out by his dad for twelve years in every training session. But what he was witnessing and experiencing himself was something else. Something special and he couldn't contain the excitement building up in him.

He was having two different feelings running through his body at the same time. On one hand, he was anxious as the hair on his body stood up and his skin pores tightened. On the other hand, he was feeling a burst of energy running through his body that couldn't be explained.

"What's happening to me. Its like I'm scared but happy to be scared". This was the only way Klaus could describe the feeling he was feeling now. What he didn't understand was that the thrill of what was ahead was overtaking him. He was simply battle hungry at the moment and basked in the thrill of a challenge in his path. Something that was very unlike him.

" He is somewhere around here," Klaus thought within himself as he had his two clenched up fist in front of him and had his eyes moving about. It became so quiet and then the reality of what was happening dawned on him.

This was not just any training session. It was a defining moment in his life he knew he couldn't afford to fumble. He knew he needed immense concentration if he was to have a chance. Because at the moment, everything he knew his dad for was coming in on full display. This was the warrior he heard of.

He was no stranger to battling with his father but this scenario was a completely different set up entirely. He was up against different obstacles. The first being the poorly lit weapons room they were in. The lighting set up was done in such a way that only a few beams of light was allowed in the room. Making his vision not the best. But he noticed that didn't seem to be that much of a problem as the longer he stayed in it, the more he seemed to be getting familiar with it and could see better.

The other thing was the wall. It seemed to have been rigged in such a way that sounds waves were absorbed. This was particularly a problem for him as he couldn't keep track of where his dad was since it seemed like the man was virtually a ghost.

And as Klaus turned around carefully inspecting the area, he saw a silhouette standing just in an umbra region of the room. Not wasting time he dashed in and threw a punch aiming to knock off what ever was there but at the end of the day, it turned out to be nothing but a figment of his own imagination or so he thought as on turning around he was yet again hit with a kick to his rib region causing him to fall to his knees gripping the area in pain.

[-5 HP]

The system did not fail to let him know of how dire his predicament was. It was almost like his father had become a ghost. The movements were just too fast and at the same time deadly silent. He thought it to be impossible for such a feat to be accomplished in the first place. But as he struggled back up to his feet holding his rib with one arm, he was yet again kicked again but this time from behind and the kick landed on his left leg sweeping him off his balance.

"There has to be something I can do!!" Klaus thought getting frustrated. This situation reminded him of days ago when he didn't have the system and was constantly on the receiving end of a beat down. The memories in themselves weren't the best ones.

He continued to do what he started with and that was listening and looking closely to spot any movement. Eventually it would pay off as for the first time he saw a black foot swinging towards his face but he was too slow to dodge it all and the kick brushed off the bridge of his nose and bruised it.

The speed behind the kick caused his hair to be blown back momentarily and once again his father was gone into the shadows leaving him stunned as to what had just occurred. Not the skill on the display actually, but something else had him completely amazed.


[Skill in use recognized]

-[Ghost walk]-

[Skill recognized performed]

-[Round house kick]-

[Arts derived - Crav maga]

[Category - The way of the feet]

[Host's knowledge - 0%]

[Installing knowledge to host - 1%....]

[Available skill from category]

•Ghost walk. [Select]

•Round house kick. [Select]


"Okay, I'm beginning to like this thing" Klaus thought with a smile cutting across his lip. Then not wasting time, with a single thought he dashed forward and disappeared into the shadows.

[Ghost walk activated]

"Two can play this game dad" Klaus thought as he was blending in with the shadows. It was almost like he had been practicing the move all his life as the entire thing magically came to him and he just knew how to do it. If anything, he felt like one of those A.I machines programmed to adapt on the spot and that was what he was doing.

He didn't know how he knew what he was doing but he did know the root cause of it all to be the system. It was almost like knowledge of the things he saw his father do was being passed down from the system directly into him. And the rate at which this happened surprised him even more.

"Excellent, when your back is forced to the wall, you take matters into your own hands. If fate won't please you then you make it!!!" Mr Zen's voice was heard and in the next instant Klaus heard a clanking sound just above his shoulder.


And when he turned to look, a short dagger was stuck to the wall just directly above his shoulder. It was clear to him at that point he still had so much to learn. More so, his father had weapons in his hands and was dashing straight to where he positioned himself. It was almost like his father could see him perfectly well and this even became more apparent to him as he moved from the spot, his father gave chase.

"Your environment is your friend in a battle, boy!!" Mr Zen's voiced travelled from behind Klaus. Klaus hearing it felt the voice was fading out and turned to see the gap between them both and paid for it as he ran into a solid object in front of him. When he attempted to stagger back to his feet, he then discovered it was his father all along.

"How?!" Klaus thought confused as a blade was pointed towards his throat and he got the all too familiar word again.

"Up!!" Mr Zen said before disappearing into the shadows yet again.