Blood lust

Chapter 17

Klaus stopped about ten feet away from the beast and almost immediately, the beast had noticed him.

The blood wolf stood just about the height of a regular wolf only with more muscle mass than a regular one would have. Its fur was all black and it bared large teeth that were unable to feet all in its mouth. The peculiar thing about this wolf beast was that the front paws were essentially twice as large as the back one. The front paw was equally gifted with longer and sharper claws than the ones at the back. Klaus had no trouble this time identifying that indeed this was a beast even without the system telling him it was one from the start.

"I was going to keep that bunny. Now look what you have done!!" Klaus said realizing he was too late. He blamed himself partly for foolishly thinking he had saved the Bunny's life by not hunting it.

But in his mind now, it was all decided. He knew what needed to be done.

Sprinting from his location, he pushed himself through the air using his improved speed.He could feel himself slightly lighter than before. Indeed the stats changes where in full effect after all.

He saw the wolf spit out the bunny out of it's mouth to the ground. It then opened it's mouth wide revealing its razor sharp teeth as its attention had shifted to Klaus.

Holding on to the hilt of his chain sword tightly, he swung the chain at the wolf. But the wolf responded by simply throwing out its paw and knocking the chain off course.

Pulling his chain from the ground, he wrapped it around his left fist like he would do with his white tape. But this time the chain was long enough to wrap around his entire arm so he let part of it fall to the ground with the blade sticking out of the hilt on the ground as well.

Then he held out both fist with one wrapped with a chain and the second one bare as he took a fighting stance.

Immediately realizing that the person in front of it was responsible for ruining its lunch, it entered a furious state and it eyes turned blood red as it charged in.

Seeing this, Klaus was taken aback by the speed burst of the beast. He had heard stories of beast being extraordinarily agile and now he was getting to witness it for himself. But nonetheless, he was unfazed. In his mind, he had seen way faster beings that weren't even beast. This of course was reference to his father.

He watched the beast growl with every movement as it charged in baring its long canines at him. Then he raised his left leg and slammed it down repeating the move usually done by his father but he wasn't aiming to do the invincible attack, the phantom punch. Instead, he unrolled the chain from his fist and as he swung it at the beast. But yet again, it simply responded by jumping out of the way of the blade which hit a tree and got stuck in it.

Klaus then attempted to pull his weapon out but as he noticed, the wolf had closed down the gap between them, he had no choice but to let go of the chain and roll out of the way as the wolf launched at him with a swipe of it's paw.

Then quickly, he grabbed onto the chain and dragged the blade out of the tree in desperation. He knew if there was ever a way to beat the beast, it had to be with this.

The wolf launched at him again with a paw swipe but with the chain now in his hands he didn't think of dodging but instead he attempted to block the attack.

Retracting the blade back into the hilt, he positioned the hilt between himself and the feral beast making the paw hit the hilt instead.

He had successfully blocked the most part of it but the strength from the impact pushed him back slamming him into a tree.


The beast gaining it own bearing after such a powerful attack jumped in again to attack. It slashed its claws again at Klaus's head with full speed and force.

"It's too fast..." Klaus murmured as he could see the beast inches away from him. Gritting his teeth, he managed to move his head in time dodging a fatal blow. The slash unfortunately was a downward one and ended up connecting with his chest area tearing through him although it was not too deep.


The beast repositioned itself firmly on the ground again and growled at klaus as it could see him still standing.

"Get stronger he said..." Klaus mumbled as he gritted his teeth. There was a change rising fast in his body again. The weird excitement energy that would take over him was returning with full force yet again. All his senses were now hyper. His arms were quivering just from the rush of energy he was getting and his eyes were fixed dead on the beast. It was adrenaline pumping through his body but a different one. This one seemed like it had voices to it. It told him what to do. His instincts were filled with nothing more than lust, lust for blood.

The beast seeing its prey seemingly vibrating on a spot like that saw it as an opportunity to finish him off. Its primal instincts had taken over and a huge meal such as Klaus was something the beast wasn't ready to let go of easily.

But the same could be said for Klaus as he had no plans to retreat either. Right now, Klaus wasn't seeing a threat. Right now, he saw a quest that he needed to complete.

Running ahead its eyes were seen glowing. This was the beast activating a special skill known to only its species.

Usually, most beasts had a primal skill only they could perform. Hunters particular felt it was due to the core in their bodies which gave them some form of magic as well.

Now it jumped in the air and began to twirl as it approached Klaus covering its body with a red blur that leaked from its eyes. Its entire body looked like it had been covered in red mist as it came lashing at Klaus.

It blitzed side to side raining down paw slashes on Klaus who at that point couldn't do any thing.

The Wolf's attacks were ferocious and just too wild to predict. Blocking it was utterly useless as it would only mean more damage to him.

[-5 HP]

[-5 HP]


The notification kept pouring in as the wolf did damage to Klaus ripping flesh from his arms, chest and stomach. Then seconds later the wolf stopped the attack and the red glow on its body dispersed.

Klaus on the other hand dropped to one knee with his eyes closed and his mouth moving as he took the hits with his body. Now he was visibly quivering and the wolf could see this too.

The beast surprised its prey wasn't down and out yet went on the attack again. Klaus allowed the beast to get close enough then as it opened its mouth to chump down hard on Klaus's vulnerable neck while he was on his knee, Klaus responded with a fist wrapped with chains underneath the beast's jaw causing it to stagger.

Now Klaus was up on his feet soaked with his own blood due to his torn flesh. He wasted no time in returning the favour as he charged at the wolf and slammed its head with his heel.

"Get stronger he said...." Klaus mouthed as he saw the wolf slash at him with its paw.

Responding to this was Klaus with the hilt of the chain and a blade sticking out from it that dug into the Wolf's paw whilst the paw approached him.

*awwooo* [Wolf cry]

Throwing the chain out again, the beast was now in a position where it couldn't evade the attack. Even if it tried to, it would prove to be hard as Klaus was even faster than when the fight began.

The wolf could now sense a killing intent twice its own coming from its said prey.

Klaus retracted the blade as the wolf attempted to play defence with its teeth. Then he jumped out of the way before the wolf could get a good bite on him and threw the chain at the wolf which wrapped around its neck. With no pause in motion, he dragged the chain back pulling the wolf and making it do his bidding.

[Open palm strike]

With his other hand free, he hit the beast on the head and it looked quite concussed from that strike as it staggered.

Not giving it anytime to recover, he pulled again drawing the beast back to him then pulling his fist back, he rained down punches after punches directly to the beast's skull.

"Never hesitate!!!!"... Klaus mouthed again with a changed expression on his face.

Tightening his grip, he wrapped the chain around the beast's mouth and dragged it towards himself all while his leg was planted down on the Wolf's neck.

The wolf whimpered in pain as it could feel its head being pulled off.

But klaus showed no mercy as he then proceeded to stomp on the Wolf's head repeatedly. It was almost like he was punishing the wolf for it's undoing.

After series of hard stomps taken to the head, the wolf was visibly exhausted from the torture but Klaus wasn't finished with it just yet. He dragged the wolf with the chain wrapped around its mouth and its neck simultaneously and swung it to a tree beside him. Notably, even in a somewhat lost state that he was in, he could tell just how stronger he had gotten to be able to swing the wolf the way it did. It didn't come easy but he was able to accomplish it.

The wolf smashed into the tree and Klaus was right there to pick up where he stopped.

With the wolf's mouth mangled from the chain's unforgiving links, it was left wide open and Klaus saw to put an end to its misery.

[Shadow shuriken bomb]

From his free hand, three shurikens appeared made entirely out of shadows which he threw aiming for the open mouth of the beast.




Three loud bangs echoed but apparently only one had caught the wolf and exploded right on its face causing it to be disfigured beyond recognition. The other two shurikens missed the wolf by a margin and ended up exploding on the near by rock where Klaus initially mounted to look at the bunny. They too went off like miniature grenades with explosive power that caused black smoke in the area.

"So you still live huh?" Klaus said in an undertone as he looked at the wolf still struggling to get back to it's feet. But this attempt was a futile one as it was damaged to a great extent. Klaus was now poised to finish it off as he stepped on the Wolf's head again with sheer brutality and pulled hard on it's chain tied mouth.

"Arrgh!!!!" Klaus let out a yell as he pulled with every ounce of strength that he had in him. The wolf feeling extreme amount of pain as it's mouth was being bent to an unnatural angle let out a final cry.

*Awwoooooooo!!!!* [wolf howling]

And that was the last of it as Klaus held the wolf's upper jaw and half ripped head tied to the chain and dangling in his hands.


[Congratulations, you have gotten your first kill!!]...