Not alone


[Congratulations, you have gotten your first kill!!]

[Quest - Take down the blood wolf]

[Quest status - complete]

[Quest reward]

Beast level - Mid level Inter-feral beast

Reward- 50 Exp

[Additional quest : Retrieve blood Wolf's core]


Klaus received the following information as he held the part of the Wolf's head attached to the chain in his hands. Apparently, just like he had figured, the chain did turn out to be put to good use.

He wasn't exactly the weapons person. He relied mostly on his fist. But there was something that happened when he picked the weapon during the training session that occurred earlier with his father.


[Melee weapon compatibility - 98%]

[Would you like to learn use?]


The system disclosed to him that he could learn to use the weapon just like how he learnt skills on the go. But at that time he paid little attention to it as he was in an intense exchange. But as he was about to step out of the room, he decided to give it a try and let the system do its thing. Mid way into the fight with the beast, he received a notification.


[Melee weapon knowledge installation : 100%]


This was how the complexion of the fight changed drastically. He knew he would have had a harder time defeating the beast if he had gone in just bare handed. Another thing stated by the system was that the beast was just at it's mid level of the Inter-feral class . What this meant was that the beast wasn't the strongest there was out there. There was the peak level inter-feral beast. This was the highest the class could go before an evolution occurred and they go into a new class. Even as the beast he fought wasn't the strongest of the inter-feral class, it certainly did damage to him as there were claw designs all over him.

Now something else was beginning to happen to him. As the beast was dead, his quivering state had started to die down. He was slowly drifting back to his normal condition. The increased heart rate and enormous influx of energy he felt coursing through him was also starting to fade.

And that was when he fell to his knees and the toll of the battle he just had came in with full force. He was extremely beaten and injured by the wolf that even he couldn't believe he had actually managed to kill it.

"I can't remain here. My wounds need attention" Klaus said as he gathered all the energy he could and got back to his feet.

His eyes met the Wolf's lifeless body and as he stared at it, he realized just how badly he had dealt with the wolf himself.

"What came over me?" Klaus asked himself as he looked at the chain wrapped around his fist and part of the wolfs head hanging on the other length of the chain.

For some reason he wasn't disgusted neither was there any ounce of remorse for what he had done. Instead, his thoughts now were on getting the core from the beast. He knew beast cores usually were found inside of them. But not being a professional hunter in the first place, he found it difficult to begin the search for it.

"Now where would yours be?. I guess I'm just going to start digging to find out" Klaus said as he bent down and reached for the neck of the wolf with his free hand.

He unwrapped the other hand from the chain and held the hilt. He then pressed the tiny button on the hilt and the short bent blade came out of it. Not even hesitating for a second , he dug the blade into the wolf and began to dissect it like it was something he had being doing all his life.

"The core,right in the chest" Klaus said as his blade met with a solid red shining crystal. He dropped the blade and pulled the core out of the beast.

"Amazing..." Klaus said as he studied the beast core closely. The crystal in his hand had a round shape to it with a crimson red colour. It looked like some form of energy was constantly moving inside of it and occasionally it blinked with light.


[Beast core successfully retrieved]

[Would you like to store it?]

[Yes] - [No]

"Store it?" Klaus said to himself wondering what that meant. But as he thought of what choice to make, something else distracted him.


Wolves came out from the forest from all corners and there was one thing that stood out about them all.



[Blood wolf pack in the vicinity]

"You don't say!!". Klaus muttered as he watched more and more of them come out from the shade of the forest. Then a frown grew on his face and he turned and look down on the dead carcass.

"You bastard!! called your family on me didn't you?!!" Klaus said after figuring out why the wolf was howling all those time. Apparently this was a call for back up. The wolf couldn't be credited for this effort having being achieved all alone though. The shadow skill casted by Klaus that resulted in those bangs might have also helped the other wolves in locating them faster.

Now that Klaus noticed, the one he fought was considerably smaller than the ones he was looking at now. They all looked bigger and scarier with scars on their faces. Meaning they must have probably being in a lot of fights and most importantly they were older and stronger.

He knew it was suicide to decide to fight them all at once. So he settled for the most convenient option available, he ran.

But the wolves weren't going to let him go just that way, a loud howl that sent shivers through his spine was heard.


The sound was beyond deafening. Klaus turned back to look and that was when he saw two large wolves with a silver coat and blood red eyes howling in unison. One of them was bigger than the other. But together, they looked bigger than the rest of the pack. Immediately the howl came to a stop, the other less bigger wolves went on the chase.

"Its the alpha..." Klaus said as his eyes went straight to meet one of the wolf.

The wounds on his body from the wolf battle wasn't all too deep but it drew large amount of blood. He discovered they hadn't healed up yet. Which meant his healing wasn't as instantaneous as he had thought.

But that was among the least of his worries. From the sound of the groars and repeated roars coming from his back, he was more than certain that they were unrelenting.

He had somehow managed to get a head start but even with that, he knew it was only a matter of time before they caught up.

He was lucky they weren't exactly built for speed as much as their predecessors. The wolves of the pre-war era were naturally smaller than these ones. But what they lacked in size, they made it up for in speed.

But in the case of the beasts giving chase, their large front paws mostly packed power for slashing and disemboweling their prey. With their size and build mostly engineered towards power, they weren't as fast as the regular wolves known before the storm.

But against an average teenager who was wounded on top of that, it was only a matter of time.


He heard another bone chilling howl and this time it seemed to have come from two different sources. He couldn't just help but turn around and that's when he knew what that last howl was for.

"" Klaus repeatedly said as he pushed himself harder trying to stay out of range. But even he knew this was it. This was a battle he couldn't win, not alone.