Wolf's rage

Klaus after seeing the sheer numbers the pack had was no fool to attempt to fight them all. Even he acknowledged just one of them gave him that much trouble. And apparently that one in particular seemed to be a smaller version of the ones in pursuit of him. Usually what this meant was that one hadn't reached the peak of it's evolution. Beast could evolve into the next tier and get stronger. The ones in pursuit of Klaus were probably all at peak Inter-feral class. And they were unrelenting with the chase as they howled and growled their way through the chase.

"I should have known. A lone wolf would be impossible to find considering there's a lot of competition and it would have been killed off before it got into that stage. Now that dead beast has set me up with it's pack" Klaus reasoned as he ran for his life. He wasn't all too deep in the forest to begin with. But considering the uneven ground and obstacles in the way, a hasty retreat was bound to be met with struggle.

The wolves on their own end were not far behind as they made their way through the uneven forest floor like it was nothing. At the back of them all were the two silver colored wolves. With the larger one giving out orders with grunts and all sorts as they ran. They were catching up quickly and Klaus could sense it as the pack announced their closure with blood thirty cries.

Klaus continued on and eventually he could see the settlement gate not far ahead as he busted through the entrance to the forest and made his way to the settlement. He hoped that if they saw the settlement up ahead then they'd rethink their decision to trespass. Beast were evolved enough to know just what task they were up for or not. Infact, this was primal instinct they most likely got from predecessors.

But they announced their intentions loudly as they smashed through the warning sign placed at the entrance of the settlement. They were not backing down and now Klaus knew there was trouble.

It didn't take long for people at the settlement to notice as they could hear the growl and loud beasts sounds coming from a short distance. Immediately they identified it was a horde of beast heading their way.

"That's a blood wolf" one analyzed from the beast howl.

"Can you hear that?....the rumbling…" another man chimed in on the conversation that was going on. He was the third wheel and ruined a serious conversation going on. That was until the men themselves paid attention and realized he was right.

"Doesn't that mean that there are more than one?"

Back outside the settlement where Klaus was being hunted down by the wolves, a thought suddenly sprung up in his mind.

"Wait, what am I doing?. I can't lead them here!.." Klaus realized his mistake too late as he approached the gates of the settlement. Now there was no where to go as a pack of fifty or so peak Inter-feral blood thirsty beast where headed for the settlement.

"I have to try and get them somewhere else. After all they are here for me" Klaus thought as he watched them run towards the settlement. Klaus closed his eyes for a second and like a crazed person, he let out a loud cry swing his chain and running back to direction of the wolves.

"What!!... Is he crazy?!" One man with a large bow and arrow high up a tree said to himself as he arrived few moments ago on the scene, he watched Klaus run straight into danger. Immediately he wasted no time in tying a rope to an arrow and securing the rope firmly to the tree he was on. Then he fired same arrow at another tree ahead. And quickly, he swung down using the bow slide down the rope and then he picked Klaus dropping him off at the gate of the settlement.

"Are you insane!?.. Turn back now, I'll hold them off" the man said on getting to Klaus. But Klaus by now wasn't paying attention and instead stood there looking at the horde of beast flush their way.

"I said turn back now!!!" The man shouted and almost immediately it seemed like Klaus was snapped out of a trance. The sight of the wolves had gotten to him so much he failed to realize when he froze.

The man pulled out an arrow and placed it in the bow. He lifted his gaze and aimed for the pack approaching them. And as he released the arrow from the bow, a loud sound resonated in the area.


It sounded like a gun was fired at that instant. Then the man dropped his bow and placed his two hands out pointing at the arrow flying through the air.

And with a push gesture from him, the one arrow multiplied into twelve and spun like a drill piercing into the beasts coming their way.

"What are you still doing here?.. Leave!!" The man said again as he realized Klaus hadn't gone. He then turned around and held Klaus by the hand dragging him to the city gate.

"Go!!... Call your father!!" The man yelled at Klaus who finally listened and ran off. Then the man turned around and was ready to hold back the wolves. He grabbed another arrow and placing it on the bow, he pulled on the strings backwards and the arrow multiplied into three.

Readying himself as the wolves met him, he fired out the arrows and grabbed more from the pouch on his back firing in quick succession hitting more beasts but there were too many coming his way.

And what stuck out was he hadn't exactly dealt a fatal blow to anyone of the beast.

Now five wolves with arrows stuck in different parts of their bodies all launched at him using their teeth and claws to dismember him.

"Arhghh!!" The man screamed in pain as he was being ripped apart. The other wolves stormed into the settlement. Klaus hearing a scream turned around and found that the man that just sent him to leave seconds ago was being ripped to shreds by the wolves. At the moment the choice to run simply vanished as his legs became too heavy. His insides grew cold as he watched the scene unfold.

The wolves barged in through the gates and were now attacking anyone and everyone they saw not just Klaus. Some of the resident hunters like the man before attempted to halt the momentum of the wolves but were mostly overwhelmed.

More and more people came and did their best throwing all sorts of Ability attacks at the wolves but the thing was the sheer numbers advantage. They couldn't gather up enough fire power to attack the wolves before they themselves were attacked.

Wolves were naturally known by humans to be notoriously good with team work. But a pack of fifty or more magic beast wolves was a completely different thing entirely. They were evolved and simply better than the primitive wolves known to humans before.

To make matters worst, their coordination was next level with the presence of an alpha in the pack. With the alpha being in the pack, it had to be at least a tier above the normal members of the pack. Which meant there was an advanced feral beast in their midst as well. But in this case, since there were two silver wolves fairly larger than the normal pack wolves in their midst, it had to be alpha and it's mate in there.

Klaus regretting what he had done turned to leave the vicinity to go get his father to help but that was when he saw a woman with a child being attacked. And almost instantly her child was displaced from her hand and fell on the ground crying. The woman herself stood between the child who looked to be at the age of two and two wolves who looked hungry with a purpose.

Immediately they wasted no time in rushing at the woman who released a fireball at them to keep them at bay. But she didn't have enough time to conjure up her attacks. They only caused irritations and not any real damage. Eventually the numbers overwhelmed her and the wolves pounced on her tearing her limb by limb. The two year old watched as his mother was being torn apart and her blood splashing everywhere by scary feral beasts.

But his turn was coming as one of the wolves noticed his presence and scurried towards him.

*Bang!!*..*Bang!!*… *Bang!!* …