Here sooner


[Blood wolf killed]

[+50 Exp]

[Blood wolf killed]

[+50 Exp]

Klaus stood with blood covered all over his body. Some of it being that of the wolves and the rest being his own. Now only one stood in front of him. The wolves at a point would have had him killed if not for the sudden burst of energy that overtook him. Now he was sure it had to do with when he was pushed to the extreme in a battle. The random excitement he felt during a fight had always being there. He could only attribute that one to the fact that he was basically trained as a child up until now to fight. Which in his own mind, most likely set his body to function the way it did.

But the sudden burst of strength and vicious instinct during a fight was new to him. His fist had started quivering again and this time it was worse than the previous one as it felt like he needed to put that energy to use very quickly or if it stayed any longer within him, he would explode from the rush.

Only one wolf stood in his way now and while he and the wolf were battered and bruised, he wasn't willing to give up the fight and neither was the wolf. It growled in a bid to intimidate Klaus but after sustaining that much amount of injury from Klaus using the shadow shuriken bombs, the sound that came out of its mouth only came off as a futile attempt to scare Klaus. Klaus had his own problems too as a notification appeared in front of him.


[HP at critical level - 5]

[Energy point - 0]

[Energy is required to be consumed for host's HP and wounds to recover]


"I already got my second chance during the fight with the other two beasts using the energy point. Now I have nothing left. Any loose end and I might not just die, but so will.." Klaus thought turning around to look at the child behind him who was unscathed. He had done a good job up until now protecting the child. Although the presence of the child only made his fight with the beasts a lot more difficult as his movements where somewhat restricted. He couldn't exactly fight with free movement as that would expose the child to an attack.

His energy points were all used up from the fight at this point to recover his HP . Meaning as it stood, he had no second chance if he decided to fight. This was one of the reasons he was confident enough to face the singular wolf in the forest from earlier. With his HP already close to zero, he found that casting the shadow skill even took more toll on him than before. He was getting increasingly tired and wondered if he could actually survive the encounter.

*Rarrr!!!* The wolf announced it's intentions and jumped at Klaus. Klaus seeing this held his weapon tightly with one hand and with the other hand he activated the shadow shuriken bomb. Bearing in mind that he could not leave the spot he was at as he was the only hindrance between the child and the wolf, he stood still unmoving.

"I can't afford to get hit. Not even one hit or I'm gone. So focus!!" Klaus said to himself looking at the wolf as it came with open paws with large claws ready to pounce and rip him apart.

But as the wolf was right in the air, a blur passed in front of Klaus and a loud cracking sound was heard. The next second and the wolf was seen on the ground with a smashed head.

Another wolf came from the side the next instant and Klaus seeing it threw his shadow shuriken bomb at it but before the shurikens could hit the wolf, the wolf's head had being smashed to pieces causing the shurikens to eventually miss it's target and hit a wall nearby. Then it went off with the explosion.

*Bang!!!*...*Bang!!!* ..*Bang!!*....

The sound made people turn their heads to where it was coming from even as they were in their own battle. During their fight, they would hear explosions with dark smoke in a particular area of the settlement. But no one had any idea who it was that was doing it. Their minds simply didn't go to Klaus doing such strong attack.

But one person knew who it was that was causing the explosive sound. And that person was Klaus's father, Mr Zen.

Standing in an all white gear with what looked like a crystal at the knuckles of his gloves, he looked back at his son with shock written all over his face.

Mr Zen made his way to Klaus only to be attacked by two wolves. One jumped on him and clawed hard on his face. But no harm was done as it looked like the claw met with steel. Now with his forearm, Mr zen smashed hard on the Wolf's neck and then raised his fist above his head and smashed it on the Wolf's head. Instantly a cracking sound was heard and the wolf took it's last air.

Soon the other four men that were with Mr Zen outside the settlement arrived. Apparently the man who had brought the news wasn't with them. He most likely ran off to save himself as he had done his own part. The four men analyzed the area and were soon on the situation as well. The five of them with Mr Zen included acted as watchmen over the settlement. They were known to be the strongest out of everyone that resided in the settlement. And before long, the situation was beginning to get under control with just these five.

Mr Zen took the lead in charging at the alpha of the pack.

The silver fur alpha and it's mate stood tall, side by side. Klaus stood and watched with the little boy beside him that he had protected from the wolves assault.

The silver fur's mate who was slightly smaller than the alpha was first to go on the attack. It made huge steps as it approached Mr Zen. And just when it leaped and opened it's large jaw to pounce on Mr Zen, he grabbed the wolf by the head mid hair and with one quick swing smashed it into the ground with it's head splattering everywhere.


A loud terrifying howl was heard. And almost instantly the alpha male took a strong stance and the red mist leaked from its eyes covering it's entire body. Then it began to run towards Mr Zen who stood waiting. And as it made its way towards Mr Zen, more wolves from different angles including the ones with broken limbs all abandoned their targets and were headed towards one place like they were brainwashed. They had all activated their primal skill as they were all covered in red mist running towards Mr Zen.

"Dad!!!" Klaus shouted as he saw a wolf pounced from Mr Zen's back leaping to the height of his neck. Not willing to watch another person get hurt, Klaus with the last strength he had in him threw a shadow shuriken bomb knocking the wolf mid air off it's course and the three explosions followed.

*Bang!!!* ...*Bang!!!* ...*Bang!!!*

Mr Zen and all those that had the leisure of taking their eyes off the situation for a second turned to look at a fallen Klaus on the ground beside a child.

"Enough of all this!!" Mr Zen shouted. Immediately these words left his mouth, his fist began to glow white. He stomped his left foot hard on the ground and tore off in a blistering speed leaving nothing around this time but white blur in view as evidence that he was still around there. The ground beneath his feet suffered the most as it was being chucked up like dust .The white blur moved around going to any where the wolves were left standing. And minutes later, all the wolves laid dead on the ground with their heads looking like it had been crushed by an unfathomable amount of weight.

As for Mr Zen, he was seen picking his son up from the ground and heading home. The two year old's father returned to find his little child. He met the little one shaking, terrified and in a state of shock. It was a scary ordeal and the look on the child's face said it all. The father picked up his child and looked around for the mother. And after passing by a corpse on the ground, he stopped and had only recognized it to be his wife as some of the piece of clothing she had on her survived the encounter. Her face on the other hand was completely unrecognizable at that point. He gently turned his son's face away with his hands shaking. But what he was unaware of was the child had seen it all as it unfolded right before his eyes.

As Mr Zen walked home, he looked back and could see all eyes were on him. And at that time, he could hear almost all they were saying.

"Only if he had made it here on time"... A woman crying with a dead man who looked to have been viciously gutted by the wolves said as she watched him pass by her.

"He is still.. Shiro Senshi".. The bald colleague of Mr Zen who held a big axe like weapon on his back that went by the name Mulah muttered.

" Did you see what his son was able to do?". Another one of Mr Zen's colleagues said. This one held no weapon. Unlike the rest of the men, he had a slim frame. He went by the name Toby.

The one who was being spoken to by toby held a sword in his right hand that was stained with blood, this was Arion. And amongst the men Mr zen worked with, he was considered as the strongest.

Arion dried off the blood on his clothing and gave a nod acknowledging what Toby said. He placed his sword back in its scabbard and his gaze was set on Mr Zen who was walking home. All eyes were all on him as he walked with Klaus in his arms.

There were multiple comments from the few people who hadn't escaped from the settlement and were still alive. But Mr Zen tuned out the noise as he stared at a wounded Klaus in his hands.

Klaus was not in anyway passed out. He was just too weak to move after pushing himself that far. But he wasn't too weak to open his eyes and see the look of disapproval on his father's face.

"What... have done?!!" Mr Zen mouthed looking at Klaus.