Uninvited guests 1

Klaus didn't know when he had fallen into a deep sleep in his father's hands. But what he did know as he woke up was that he was in his own room now. And his hands and chest were all covered up in white bandages. He knew straight away that it had to be his mothers doing. He stood up from the bed and took a deep breath as he mentally prepared himself for what was ahead.

"It still hasn't healed. Which means we haven't made it into the next day yet. I have to get something to eat and get my energy points back so I can heal up". Klaus thought as he got out of his room. He gingerly made his way down the stairs that led to their living room. And as he got there, he realized he was just right on time for dinner.

"Oh honey...." Mrs Angie ran up to him and helped him climb down the remaining steps. Klaus looked at her and she looked like she had been crying for quite some time as her eyes were red and all puffed up.

"Mum, I'm fine. Just hungry" Klaus said with a smile hinting at her to let him walk himself. That was when he realized how not fine he was. It took a lot of energy getting those words out. He was weak beyond what he had imagined.

"Come seat. I'll get you fixed right away" Mrs Angie said in between sniffles. Now Klaus was sure his mother must have cried buckets being worried about him. Looking at himself he realized he was in a different cloth which meant that somehow he must have been changed. The very thought of that made him have red cheeks as he wondered who between his two parents did it.

"Wow..I was beaten even more than I thought. Somehow that rush of energy gave me the impression that I was taking minimal damage. Where as I was dying there"...Klaus began to think as he looked at himself properly.

"That boy..I hope he finds a place in his heart to forgive me. I brought this all on the settlement. I should have taken them somewhere else. I should have..." Klaus got cut off in the middle of his thoughts as Mrs Angie served him his dinner. He lost where he was at the moment he made contact with the food and quickly began to devour it like a starved animal.

"You really are hungry" Mrs Angie said with a smile on her face.


[Energy points restored - 100]

[HP will now be recovered using energy points]

[Injuries will now begin to heal up]

[10 energy points - 20 HP]

[HP fully recovered - 100]

[Energy points - 50]

"So what this means is it takes 1 energy point to recover 2 HP, Interesting...." Klaus thought as he watched the notifications pour in.

Klaus was done eating and minutes later he requested for another round. His mother mostly felt he was really hungry. But the truth was he was eating to get his energy points back to it's full capacity.

"Let's see now" Klaus thought to himself as he cleared up the table were he ate.

[Host's profile]

-Name: Klaus Dean Jackson.

-Level - 2

-[100 Exp needed to level up]

•Exp status - [75%]

-Nether Gene - Shadow

-HP - 100

-Ep - 100

-Race: ???

-Class: ???

Stat attributes.

-Strength - 14

-Agility - 9

-Speed - 9

- Durability - 8

- Perception - 10


"Apart from the exp gained, nothing good came out of that quest to be candid. I'd have preferred the one with the stat bonus more" Klaus thought.

"Huh, what's this?" he thought as he saw a red dot attached to a box icon at the left side of the system screen. He had not seen anything like that before. Mostly because they were all greyed out.


[Items found]

•3 Blood wolf core crystals

"What?... How?... I mean I never retrieved the other two and I thought I lost the first one back in the forest while I was being chased. But somehow they..they are here" Klaus thought not knowing how to feel about it. On the one hand it was strange but on the other hand it was great to discover the system could actually retrieve crystals for him.

"But if you could do that, then why did you ask me to do it in the first place?" Klaus thought to himself. He had gotten used to talking to the system like an actual person even as he knew he wasn't going to get any response.

"Does it really matter?.. At least I got something else other than those exp. Now the big question is what will I do with these crystals?".

He knew they could be used for a variety of things. Like forging the crystals into weapon items or even random accessories. But most times that required money and a forger before it could be done. And as far as he knew, there was no money for such kind of things now. Now that he thought about it, he never really knew what his father did for a living like other grown ups around. His father was always at home and so was his mother. But somehow they managed to get by just fine.

"Mum, where's dad?" Klaus asked as he remembered there was something he still had to fix.

"Oh...he is out. But he will be back soon" Mrs Angie replied and just as she said those words, Mr Zen walked in. Immediately Klaus's eyes met with his father, his heart began to thump loudly. He could see his fathers eyes moving round his body as he stood far away from him. Then he proceeded towards the table Klaus sat and took a seat for himself. The living room setting consisted of four chairs all coloured white. There was a fire place at the center which oddly was never used so if one was to go there, then be sure to meet a lot of spiders.

Opposite the fireplace was the dining area which also accommodated the kitchen. And again, the theme was all white. The chairs and tables were brown with a white linen on the table. It really was all white in the house.

Mrs Angie sat too next to Mr Zen as they both stared at Klaus in silence.

"I know..." Klaus was the first to speak.

"I know I might have caused you both to worry so much today. It won't happen again. I'm sorry." Klaus said his piece.

"It's not about what you made us feel. You don't seem to get it" Mr Zen stood up backing them both.

"You don't quite understand what you have done son. Sooner or later they'll know and then they'll come. And I can't watch that happen. Which is why I have decided..." Mr Zen turned around to say this one.

"We leave tonight" he finished saying.

"What?!!... Leave how?!" Klaus asked with a frown on his face.

"Don't worry about packing up. Your father had handled that already. Everything you need has been safely relocated somewhere else. We will leave and move far away from this place. It's the only way to save you from what's coming" Mrs Angie said with a serious tone. There wasn't an atom of doubt in Klaus that his mother was in on the plan as well. Usually, she would be the one he would meet to help him renegotiate things with his dad. But now it didn't look like there was any way out.

"But ...but the academy test is just days away. We can't leave all.. All of these behind!" Klaus tried to argue his way out of it as he pointed at the house and everything he could capture at that moment. His parents looked at themselves and looked back at him.

"No, but we leave at midnight" Mr Zen said and left the room. Shortly after Mrs Angie followed him leaving Klaus distraught.

"I get that the attack was all my fault. But how can they suggest that we leave our lives behind because of one mistake?!!" He thought to himself feeling bad.

He later went into his room and that was when he discovered his mother was not lying at all. Most of his belonging had already been packed out. There really wasn't much to take with him. He knew there was no going back judging from the look on his father's face. To worsen the situation, his mother was fully in on the plan.

"I guess its good bye"... Klaus said as he sat on his bed looking around his room.

" Ash...I have to at least inform Ash". Klaus said in realization.He knew he didn't have much time so it was best he took the opportunity at hand. Not even thinking about being caught like he would normally do for a second, he snuck out of the house heading to Arsha's place.

Seconds after he left the house, Mr Zen burst open into his room with fear and worry written all over his face.

"Klaus!! ...We have to go now!!"


"Klaus?!...Klaus!!!" Mr Zen called as he discovered Klaus was not in his room. But then he turned to head down the stairs. He searched all over the place in the lower floor. He stepped out and went into the door and as he was looking around for Klaus, his movements paused. His body shuddered for a split second and he heard a scream from his own room. He was able to tell because that was where his wife was.

"Arggh!!!" ...

"No!!..." Mr Zen mouthed and in an instant had made it to the house and blasted the door to his room open. On getting inside, he found four figures in an all black uniform with oni masks on their faces standing in his room. And a figure laying on the ground unmoving. He saw red liquid flow from the figure on the ground and almost immediately his hands began to shake and his eyes darted around in the room.



Mr Zen called out looking all over the room. He didn't want to accept that it was his wife that laid dead on the ground. But the reality hit him when one of the figures turned her body over and then he saw her slit throat.

"Looking for her?" The figure said standing over Mrs Angie's dead body.