Uninvited guests 2

Seeing his dead wife laying on the ground, he didn't need any elaborate search to find the perpetrators as they stood in front of him and from all indications, they were proud of their work.

He looked around and could see the direction they stood meant they had come from only one place. Already he had sensed them from afar but while he went to get Klaus and didn't find him, his senses became jumbled up and he lost contact with his key senses. Confusion and fear as to where Klaus had gone made him lose touch with his senses for some time and that was all it took.

"I was distracted for a second. I let my son get taken under my watch. And with fear clouding my senses, I failed to sense them on time. Now... Now"...

"Her heart, it has stopped beating.." Mr Zen muttered as he stared at her lifeless body on the ground with a blank look on his face.

"You can tell from that far?. I guess there's a lot we don't know about you still" one of the masked men said.

Mr Zen turned his attention to the masked men. And now they could see the look on his face was neither one of grief or sorrow. Rather it was one of conviction. And right now, he was more than convinced in his mind and he knew what exactly needed to be done.

"You step into my home, kill my wife and take my son from me?. I'll have to take something from you too" Mr Zen said with a crazed smile on his face.

His hands began to shake vigorously and an intense killing aura engulfed the room.

The masked men could feel a sudden pressure around the room. And this aura was all coming from Mr Zen who approached them one step after another with purpose. He was no room as his steps conveyed his intentions.

"Go!!" The masked man at the front of the group ordered the three at the back. And without any hesitation one man sprung forward with two short blades and swung for Mr Zen's face.

Mr Zen seeing this swiftly swerved to the side and struck at the mid section of the man from the side with speed.

The man stood there motionless but not for long as he collapsed face first on the ground. Slowly his body began to loose it's color fast as his skin was visibly turning pale and his body drying up until he was reduced to a dried up carcass.

As Mr Zen turned to look at the masked men, something about him had changed. Not only was he releasing intense pressure on the room, but his eyes,they had changed too. It was now pitch black with black veins running down from his eye lids all the way to his cheeks.

The other men seeing this gulped. They feared the person they had come for was a completely different person at the moment and they were right.

"You two, take him!!" The masked man who stood at the front and by now was obviously known to be the leader commanded. And yet again like sheeps, the men obeyed without question and ran straight to Mr Zen.

The first one to reach him held no weapon in his hands. But that was because he himself was the weapon.

From his very skin, sharp pointed solid objects sprung out.

The man on the attack concentrated them on his knuckles and made them look like long claws sticking out of his skin. They were five on each fist and without a care in the world he swung once again at Mr Zen's neck.

Mr Zen watched as the claws came towards him and while he could have blocked it, he allowed the hit get in. Immediately this happened, the man who was on the attack had his eyes widened. He couldn't believe his best shot couldn't even make a dent on Mr Zen.

Now it was Mr Zen's turn. Grabbing the sharp solid claws that stuck out of the man's knuckles, he broke them all off by simply closing down his fist on it hard. There was simply no resistance as they all broke off and gave a cracking sound.


"Arrrgghg!!" The man whose claws were broken off screamed. But Mr Zen showed no remorse as he grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground with one hand. Then in a swift motion, he moved from that spot, rotated and drove the man to the ground with equal force and speed.


He proceeded to step on his head as he walked forward gently but the skull didn't see this to be a gentle step as it gave no resistance. It popped instantly splashing its organ contained within and blood on the floor.

There was no movement from the man as he laid still dead with a cracked skull.

And while all this happened, something could be noticed on closer inspection of the dead body as it was losing its color.

A dull white smoke could be seen leaving the body and entering Mr Zen from behind. This was the same for the first man that had been killed by him. And just like the first one, the body with the cracked skull shriveled up as the dull smoke like material flew over to him and entered his body.

The third man seeing Mr Zen was distracted came from behind slashing down with a katana at Mr Zen.

Mr Zen though sensed this and moved his feet ever so slightly. Then with his hand folded into a fist, he clashed with the sword.

His fist broke the sword like glass and it continued on to meet with the masked man's hand which it crushed like soft meat without bone.

"Arggh!!" The man screamed holding his hands. Mr Zen then jumped up and with his heel came crashing down on the man's head delivering a devastating axe kick. The Man's neck and skull were seemingly detached from one another with that one move and he laid still unmoving. Blood gushed out like it was a water fall out of the dead. But this was short lived as the bleeding stopped very quickly.

This was because the same thing that happened to the last two began immediately as the man died. The body shriveled up and a pale white smoke escaped towards Mr Zen.

"Hahahaha... I didn't expect anything less from you Shiro Senshi. On the contrary, there are more where that came from. But just so you are happy in the place you are about to go to now, I'll personally end you myself!!!" The leader of the attackers said and drew two long blades from his back that were in their separate sheaths.

"You don't seem to understand what you've done.....let me explain to you then!!!" Mr Zen said with a trembling tone as he let out more killing aura and the veins on his face as well as his eye color darkened.

The leader of the attackers was both unfazed as he was heartless. Not wasting any time, he dashed at Mr Zen with impressive speed living a web shaped crack where he once was.

Perhaps his ability also had to do with speed because he was incredibly fast. He swung the two blades fast and with equal skill backing it. He wasn't striking like the others who did out of fear and lacked charisma to it. He struck with purpose and precision.

Mr Zen too acknowledged this one had skill. But just like the other fallen ones, his speed meant nothing as he could see everyone of the attacker's move. One blade came from up and the other from below. Mr Zen could have easily dodged the attack but instead decided to take it. After all, it didn't matter where it struck, the result would always be the same and that was that it would end in nothingness.

"It's foolish of you to think a simple blade like that could hurt me"Mr Zen thought as he saw the two blades move towards him. This had happened slower in his eyes as his perception of the reality was quite different.

But then the blades slashed right right through his face and the second one slashed his abdomen. But it didn't just stop there as a sizzling sound was heard and it looked like where he had been cut was burning. But the blade itself had pierced into him coldly meaning there was no heat on it then.

Now for the first time in the fight, Mr Zen's face had changed as he jumped back for a breather with a look of confusion on his face.

"What's the matter?. You've never faced a blessed before?.... Hahahhahah..

" the man laughed maniacally.

Mr Zen took a close look at the blades and could see they were glowing white and vibrating vigorously in the attacker's hands.