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Klaus in the midst of all the chaos noticed his mother was no where to be found. But just as he learnt this and was about to turn back and run out of the room to find her, he spotted something on one side of the wall, someone on the floor.

"Mu... Mum?.." Klaus stuttered as he approached her. Something about how his mother sat and rested on the wall told him all was not well. He walked briskly towards her with weak knees and shaky hands.

She had changed position from being in the middle of the room to the side, laid against a wall.

Mr Zen apparently had to drag her body all the way there.

"Mum?.."Klaus whispered silently as if not to wake her from a slumber. But this was not him being gently, he had simply lost all his strength as he reached for his mothers hands and could feel the coldness of her skin.

"Ah, he is here," a voice rang out from t the other end of the room. When Klaus turned to look, a man could be seen dragged back into the room from the lower floor with a cracked mask that released sparks now and then. His face was covered with blood and one of his arm looked to be missing. This was the leader from earlier on. Mr Zen had done quite the damage to him but failed to finish him off as he was outnumbered.

Standing beside the leader was the figure that dragged him back to the room in a mask as well holding short axes in both hands

"I guess there is no need for the mask, right shiro senshi?" The leader taunted as he removed the mask from his face. And as he did this, something stuck out to Mr Zen. The voice of the attacker had changed the moment the mask was removed.

The mask actually was an equipment that disguised their voices. It toned the frequency of their voices giving them a much darker and scarier tone which also had a bit of mechanical side to it. It all made sense then why everytime one was damaged, it released sparks.

"Arion?... Why…why do all this?!!" Mr Zen asked with shock in his voice. He was stomped to discover it was one of his colleagues he fought along with to protect the settlement all along that came to attack him and his family.

"Why?!!.."Arion asked in a tone that suggests he wasn't all too himself. Perhaps resembling someone that was drunk or mentally incapable of making decisions.

"Well don't you think that question is rather a stupid one?" The leader who turned out to be Arion said.

Arion looked at his ripped off arm, shook his head and sighed before saying…

"I guess I owe you an explanation before you die" ...

" I'm doing this to purge our world of your kind. You do not belong here… Now die!!!!" Arion said and immediately both the men in the room and those from the lower floor all rushed at Mr Zen.

"So be it.." Were the words that left Mr Zen's mouth as he slid his left foot back a bit.

Then with a thunderous scream.

"Arrghh!!!" Mr Zen's eyes began to emit a dark aura from within him and his entire body began to quake. The ground he stood on trembled and more dark veins spread out on the exposed part of his skin. His neck, arms and legs all showed veins that were glowing black.

In a blink of an eye, he blasted off with speed that shook the entire building. Moving around leaving after images of himself as a black blur passed by from one attacker to the next and with each one he passed by, they all had their heads rolling down their body onto the ground with blood spewing out from their neck where their head once called home.

"Take the kid!!" Arion commanded the masked figure beside him who held an axes.

Mr Zen went around dealing with all of them but one kept evading him. This particular one would open portals and disappear inside and then return when he felt it was safe. In almost a minute he had cleared the room of all the masked and he began to slow down.

"I never thought I'd have to use this much power against mere humans. But even as it is, I can't go any further, it's draining me. That cursed blade's syphoning my essence.." Mr Zen thought as he went round taking out every masked man around.

"Now, where did you get those swords?!!" Mr Zen asked with pain in his voice as he dropped to his knees. His body was shaking as he struggled to get back on his feet.

All around him were bodies separated from their heads. Most of them never knew how it had happened.

"Does it matter?. I know it's the only thing that hurts your kind. I mean look at you now, groveling at my feet!!!" Arion replied with a smile on his blood stained face.

Meanwhile the masked figure with the axe approached Klaus who knelt beside an already dead Mrs Angie.

"Mum… You gotta wake up!!. We ..we have to go now.. To.. to the new place. Come on!!" Klaus yelled at his mother with tears rolling down his face.

"She is dead…and you'll be joining her over there soon!!" The masked figure said and swung his axe at Klaus but once again Mr Zen was there to stop the axe with his bare hands. Then he spun with the back of his fist hitting the masked figure and cracking the mask open. And just like the others, sparks left the mask as it got damaged. As for the masked figure, he was sent flying back and crashing into a wall where he sat almost lifeless. Blood spewed out from the figure's ear. And as Mr Zen took a closer look, he realized the person in question was someone he knew.

"Noo!!!" Arion screamed .

"You brought your own son to kill my son?!!!" Mr Zen said in an angry yet confused tone.

"You…I'll make you pay by wiping you off the face of this world and all of your kind!!!!!" Arion said and bolted forward leaving a web shaped crack on the place he last stood. He moved with speed than this time surprised Mr Zen.

More than ever before , the sword in his single hand vibrated with power and the light shone brighter.

"That sword is somehow empowering him" Mr Zen observed.

Arion slashed at Mr. Zen with speed backed up with power. The blade cut through the air and a white line of energy came from the sword travelling fast towards Mr Zen.

Mr Zen seeing this threw his hand out and a black line pulsing with energy left his hand as well. Both energies clashed in the middle and dispersed one another.

"You see, with this sword, I can either become as strong as you are or bring you down to my level" Arion said with a grin and once again thrust his sword forward.

"Arggh!!" Mr. Zen screamed as the attack slashed his stomach and as he got distracted from the pain, Arion had closed the gap between them and thrust his sword forward into his stomach.

Some how the more mr Zen exerted himself, the weaker he became. This was the reason he was unable to atleast defend against the sword attacks.

The sword vibrated and shone brighter than ever. With that one blade stuck inside Mr. Zen's stomach, Arion reached for the second one that was in a sheath on his back and stabbed at Mr. Zen's chest.

"Arghhh!!!" Mr. Zen screamed.

Mr. Zen with one hand held the blade from going in any further. But this one too began to vibrate and the white lines appeared on it and began to cut Mr. Zen's palm.

"You are not so invincible after all!!" Arion said and pushed harder..

"Dad!!!" Klaus shouted and ran towards Mr. Zen but got cut off by the masked man who could open portals. He came out of a portal blocking Klaus's way from getting to his father. And without wasting any time, he threw a fist at Klaus but Klaus raised his hands to block it in time. Though this ended up being useless as his guard was broken and the punch went through anyway pushing him back although he managed to hold his ground just before hitting a wall.

As Klaus raised his head up, he looked to be bleeding from the nose. He fell to the ground not long after and the masked figure drew out a small dagger with the intention of stabbing him.

Mr Zen seeing this tightened his glowing white fist and slammed it hard into Arion's chest.

Then a wavy motion was seen created on Arion's chest as the fist connected making Arion stumble backwards before falling to one knee.

He couldn't get up as he felt a sudden jilt in his body. A strange surge of energy rose inside of him but slowly died back. The feeling was similar to when one activated their Mana cells to the maximum. But with no further consequence other than he couldn't move yet, he let out more taunts.

"Weak!!!.. Is that all you can do, great Shiro Senshi?" Arion screamed like a maniac as he laid on the ground and watched Mr Zen who had a sword stuck in his stomach and one in his chest stagger back a bit.

He grabbed the figure who could teleport by the neck and pushed him to the wall with authority. Then he looked back at Klaus. His already black eyes immediately began to give out a fierce hue from it.

"If this is what needs to be done, so be it" Mr Zen said to Klaus who stood upright with his eyes turned black equally. Klaus had suddenly gone limp and could not even move a muscle. All his concentration were on his father's face. Both of them looked at each other with their eyes jet black.

"The heart of men are evil. I truly hope you understand why we did what we did…" Mr Zen said and looked back at his wife who laid on the ground dead.

"Now we both have failed you. But its not all lost. You still have you. And you are the only thing you should ever trust. Never hesitate to do what needs to be done. You can't do anything if you don't get stronger. Get stronger and remember, hesitation in a situation that threatens your life will lead to you losing it.

It's either your life or theirs ."…. Mr Zen said with a groan to it as the pain was increasing.

"Nice speech but I'm afraid there won't be any need" Arion said interrupting Mr Zen.

He came from behind and kicked Mr Zen in the knee causing the other man to get some sort of breather from Mr Zen's choke hold.

Mr Zen staggered to the ground and the other man began to repeatedly pound him over and over again. But Mr Zen grabbed his fist the very last time and crushed it with sheer force. Then he held on to the Man's jaw and raised a fist to punch him.

But right then, Arion pushed the swords stuck in him further inside.

"Argghh!!" Mr Zen screamed again but then grabbed Arion too by the neck. He turned back still to meet Klaus's eyes fixed on him.

"Never hesitate to kill when necessary. Now run….RUN!!!!" Mr Zen said with his black eyes and with Klaus's eyes still turned black as well, he bolted out of the house.