state of panic

"Hey, watch where you are going!!!" A fairly large man with bald hair yelled as he pointed his hand at a teenager who ran through the streets of the settlement. He was out reinforcing his house with his earth ability most likely due to the wolf attack that happened earlier in the day.

"I don't understand kids these days. Just because his father watches over the settlement does not mean he should go around doing what he likes!!". A woman who stood a distance from the bald headed man said. She looked to be a middle aged woman and the man at most would be older than her with a few years. They were married couples and from the looks of things had no child.

"By the way, wasn't he the one injured by the wolves and could barely walk that his father had to carry him home?" The bald headed man asked his wife.

"Yes, that's definitely Mr Zen's child. I think he goes by Klaus" his wife stated.

"A lot is weird about that family. I mean he should be resting up after the stupid show of bravery he showed today. I mean not many men after seeing the strength of the wolves waited around to fight them off. Yet that small twig thinks he is something and decided to go out and fight. He is lucky to be still alive" The man said and once again focused his attention on reinforcing his house. His wife on the other hand turned to look at the direction Klaus ran from and that was when she noticed a smoke going up in the air.

"Is" The middle aged woman asked. The reason she was unsure was that it was late in the night already. So the smoke and the night sky did seem like one. But more importantly, she could hear the sound of screaming coming from the direction Klaus was running to.

Klaus still running with both of his eyes turned completely black with no sign of white in them suddenly came to a halt. He stood there for a bit and soon fell to his knees hard. As he knelt down in that position, suddenly strange sounds began to penetrate into his ears. They all jammed into his ears simultaneously like it was the first time he was hearing in a long time.

"How did this happen?"..

"What happened here?!" Questions were flying from different directions and different voices practically claimed the entire area he found himself. And now that his eyes had gone back to the blue colour they used to be before, he realized where he was at now.

"How did I get here?" Klaus asked himself as he found he was not to far from a very familiar place. But more so, something else took over the confusion of how he had gotten there.

"What's happening?. Why are people gathered?" Klaus thought to himself as he approached one of the few bungalow houses in the settlement. At the entrance door, he could see so many people rushing in to only come out shaking their heads. Seeing their reaction, Klaus knew something had to be up. And he especially feared the most as this was Arsha's house.

Not waiting around, he forced his way in through the crowd of people and that was when he discovered they were mostly healers who were around.

"I can't do anything. It's just...its just..." The voice ended up saying without ever finishing the statement.

On entering the living room, Klaus discovered there were two sets of people divided into segments. And they were all healers gathered around something he just couldn't get a good look at.

He looked around to see anybody he could at least ask what was going on. He couldn't get through that much amount of people anyway. And finally he found the best person who could answer that question sitting in a foetal position across the room at a lonely corner with her chin placed on her knees. She seemed to be lost because she never noticed when Klaus approached her.

"Arsha?.. What's happening?. Why are all this people here and where are your parents?" Klaus fired a barrage of questions to Arsha. Arsha's lips remained shut but she didn't need to answer as the answer was already on it's way.

"What's the point?!. Their hearts were seemingly pulled out. They died on the spot. Let's not waste our time" one of the healers standing surrounded with the other healers said. Immediately this was said, mean looks were directed towards him and it felt like at that moment he was about to be attacked.

"At least you can see the little girl over there. Have you no sense??!!!!" A female healer amongst them questioned with anger in her tone. The others were behind her and gave the man who had made the earlier statement disapproving gestures and words.

" don't tell me.." Klaus begged as he knelt in front of Arsha and both of their eyes met. That's when Arsha suddenly began to pour out tears. It came out like a flood and Klaus was stomped as to what to do.

"Shiro Senshi's house has been brought to the ground by fire!!!" A man ran in saying. On hearing this, suddenly everybody turned around to look at who had just said it.

Klaus on the other hand hearing this had a different reaction all together. He suddenly grabbed his head as a sharp pain swept through it. And as fast as it came, it left that way.

"What am I doing here?. No,!!" Klaus yelled as he once again bolted out of Arsha's house. People turned around to look at him go and they all wondered what sort of tragedy was befalling the settlement.

"" Klaus repeatedly said as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him. As he ran back to his house, the memories of the event before started flashing back through his head. He remembered returning home to find bodies on the ground. He remembered entering the house to realize his mother had been killed. And he remembered his father fighting off the attackers but was in a bad condition. He remembered his dad's words to him while he held both attackers. But from then on, the memory seemed to be blank up until the point he reached Arsha's house.

"How could I have left him there?. How did I even get here?" Klaus asked himself multiple questions. He just didn't understand what was happening.

Finally, he reached his house and his pace slowed down. Not that he was tired, but he had just suddenly grown weak.

The sight he beheld didn't resemble the house he once knew. It was like a shell of it's former self. He could see people with water abilities around the place trying to quench the fire. And he could hear most of them saying...

"I mean I heard strange noises but coming from Mr Zen's house, I never really cared. We all know he was a training freak" a woman said holding a man who happened to be her husband closely to herself.

"How could this have happened?. I mean its Shiro Senshi of all people" another person standing far away from the fire said.

"Forget that. The material used on this house is naturally non flammable. There's no way the house could have burnt down to this level. So how this happened is questionable" another man with one arm on his side said. It was very rare to find people still those kind of state. There were prosthetics available all through out and even that wasn't the first line called to help. There healers who were capable of regenerating an arm on its own. But those were massively expensive which in this case could be the reason the man in question still hadn't found a solution to his hand yet.

"No sign of him nor his wife" someone else stated. But then they looked around and saw a boy wrapped up with bandages staring at the burning house that didn't seem to be slowing down soon. The water ability users were all already getting drained from the excess use of their mana. Usually houses had fire extinguishers that had sensory nodes and quenched fires automatically. But even that seemed to have been consumed by the fire. People made their way to Klaus to enquire of his father's where about as they all struggled to believe he was consumed by the raging fire.

After a sad look and really no definite answer from the teenager, they all knew what had happened indeed was a tragedy. They all offered their words of encouragement and offered help but Klaus neither responded nor paid attention to what they were saying.

Instead, his eyes roamed about searching for something else. He noticed there were no bodies left in the scene. And he was very sure he had seen bodies laying on the ground earlier on. The thought of the people around taking them away was discarded from his mind as no one ever mentioned anything about it. It's like they all didn't know what had happened. The fire after another hour was now under control but by now, most of the house was gone and that included the dojo as well. It even burnt quicker considering it had places that were made of wood.

Late into the night and the cloud around got thicker and darker. Soon the sky released rain on the earth forcing most of the people to go back to their shelters. They had all tried their possible best to convince him to come along but Klaus stood there in the rain as it forced the last bit of fire to turn to smoke. A lot of people waited around at the balcony or entrance of their houses with the hope that the teenager would change his mind but that never happened.

The settlement was as quiet as ever. In just a day all this tragedy had occurred. And still one person was in the middle of it all.

"It all makes sense now. They were after me. They followed me to Arsha's house but when they didn't see me because I had followed another route back home, they took out her parents who must have gotten in the way. But the bodies, the bodies dad had taken out, all gone.." Klaus thought to himself as he stared down at the house. He began to walk around drenched in rain hoping that his

father was just around the corner some where. His bandages made him uncomfortable so he pulled them off and by then realized his wounds from the wolf attack were all healed. But that didn't bother him as he was still unable to find anything. Absolutely no one around.

"He kept saying get stronger. If only I listened. I could have helped. If only I stayed put. Her parents would still be alive and my mum would still be alive. He was right...I was too weak. Too weak to defend myself that I became a distraction to him. He never had a fighting chance in the first place. And I only came and made it worst. I killed him....I killed them all...." Klaus said as tears ran down his face and he fell on his knees crying. And at that moment while facing the rain soaked ground, he could see something shining on the ground.

It was a small rectangular case. And it had this reflective nature to it. It had a crack on it with blood stains as well. Immediately he picked it and his hands touched the clear glass side, it lit up revealing a screen that bore...

[First Order Alliance]

"The "FOA" were here?" Klaus stared at the card confused.