When Klaus picked up the item he found on the ground, it wasn't anything he thought it would be that it turned out. Matter of fact, he couldn't have guessed he would turn out to be holding a card that belong to an FOA official, or at least belonged.

The thing was the FOA wasn't just any alliance. It was sitting at the top of all organization. Amongst anything else the world had under it's belt, it could be said vividly that the government invested more resources into funding and bringing the FOA to the status that it now boasted of.

The FOA could basically be said to be the mother of all factions. Its fundamental members were primarily the zodiac's that ruled the world second only to the one that sits above them all, The world leader.

The FOA was formed such that each zodiac member from his or her ruling cardinal had the best of it's resources and manpower pushed forward into the realization of the alliance. This was an order of necessity that was primarily birth as at the time the cambions ended their attack on the humans and disappeared.

Earth after almost facing her extinction for a third time in such a short period couldn't sit around anymore. With the world leader spare heading the race, he came to a conclusion that there was a need to prepare for situations such as the cambion attack or whatever the case maybe. There was no certainty that the war with the Cambions was over as they could always return anytime they wanted.

The one thing that feared everyone the most was that they knew next to nothing about these savage ferocious beings that nearly ended their race. Yet, they felt they were practically naked and open for an attack at any day and time. So when the world leader suggested an alliance be formed, it was welcomed with an embrace by both the general public and the council of zodiacs who ruled as subordinate to the world leader.

All twelve zodiac members donated their resources into the founding of the FOA. Which at the moment stood tall as the most influential organization known to mankind. Not just because of the powerful forces backing it, but it was just as equally strong in actual man power. It boasted of the best soldiers the world had ever known. The best magic users, healers and techno wizards were all there. It simply only had the best.

As time went on, the world at least knew a degree of peace. So much so that the FOA seemed to have been a rushed project and somewhat a waste of time. So it was decided to be put into use and instead of just being there, it opened its doors and expanded its borders.

And from there on, factions were born from it. Factions however went on to create guilds that answered to them as well. Now the main people who ever truly functioned to the general public's eyes were the extensions.

The factions that came from the first order alliance were becoming known by everyone. And soon enough, people saw it as another means of occupation and strived to join one. But it wasn't that easy to begin with. Factions primarily dealt with large scale issues like high class beast hunting and acted more or less as first line of defence for cities or areas they were situated in.

There were different factions scattered all across the globe but at the very end, they all were under the FOA. And it was very rare to actually see an ideal person with the main FOA tag to their name.

The ones most known to the public worked under the zodiacs. And the zodiacs weren't exactly seen everyday to begin with. The FOA to the public ended up just being an umbrella to the factions and small guide cooperation.

Which is why Klaus was shocked to actually find a card that belonged to one of their members right on the scene of his parent's murder as he knew it to be.

"There is more to this. But one thing is certain, the FOA have bigger worries than just cambions. If I don't find who did this to those that I love, then I'll just have to take them all down!!!" Klaus said out loud as the rain mercilessly soaked him. He held unto the card tightly and walked into his destroyed house where the only thing that still stood was the wall. And even the walls had all changed to black on the inside mostly due to the smoke. The machine item used to control the wall colour was destroyed due to the fire. So the once white peaceful theme was gone. Even the natural theme colour on the outside of the house wasn't available again. The wall was just basically black all over. Every item made of wood was burnt and even part of the wall looked like it was being melted away.

He climbed the stairs and as he walked up, he realized something.

"There's been a clean up job here" Klaus thought as he realized the blood, the numerous bodies all seemed to have disappeared. But just to confirm what he was suspecting, he walked to the room he last saw both of his parents.

And while it was hard as he did all this alone, a certain thing kept on pushing him to go further. So he went into the room whose door was non-existant as it had probably been burnt to ash.

"Nothing..." Klaus said as he walked into the room. There was no sign of anyone there. But there was something he observed.

"The walls, there were holes on these walls from dad's fight. How did it get closed?" Klaus observed. He was right, the walls apart from the burns, looked like nothing had happened to it. The damages done during the fight looked to have all disappeared. Even if it could be fixed, it at least would have required some certain amount of time. This just looked like it had happened over night. He stayed for a minute but with nothing there to pick up on, he proceeded to leave the room. The roof had also been damaged so it didn't really provide shelter for him as rain still poured and soaked him.

He made his way to somewhere else, his own room. And just like before, he didn't need to open any door as there wasn't any to begin with. He looked around and there wasn't any thing to pick up as well. His bed and every other thing in the room had been destroyed. He was about to turn around and leave but his eyes caught something.

"This is all that survived..." Klaus said as he held in his hand the chain weapon he stole from the dark room.

"I guess you are mine now,"... He said as he wrapped it up around his waist and left the room heading out of the house. He stopped just outside the house and took a deep breath. He looked at the dojo for a while and them turned and looked at the main house. Tears dropped from his eyes as he turned away walking in the thunderous downpour in the middle of the night.




"I can't believe all the thrash that want to sign up for the academy this year. I mean look at them!!. They look like they could barely do anything without their parents!!" A fairly robust teenager with brown curly hair said. He faced two other kids when making this statement. The two by his side were smaller than him in comparism. One had a round black pair of glasses on his face with brown hair. And the other simply had a dark green hair and a more slender body than the two he stood with. They were in a large hall filled with other kids their age and more kept on trooping in.

On the outside, more people waited their turn to get in. They all had excited looks on their faces. The building they were trying to get into now had a huge hologram sign projecting outwards that read ..."BLACKWOOD ACADEMY".

Apparently, this was the main city area of blackwood. Spatial train stations were scattered about this place. Tall fancy skyscraper buildings like the one in sight now which was just as gigantic as expected stood too. Today was the day a lot of kids around dreamt for. The line wasn't that long again. What primarily kept people queuing up were two huge security personnel at the large entrance to the gigantic building.

When one approached one of the guard, the action taken was that they stretched forth their hands where a bracelet of some sort was worn and after it was scanned with a strange machine held by the security, they were allowed to go in. Almost everyone was standing waiting patiently inside. It happened that there were no chairs but the crowd of aspiring teenagers didn't bother too much about this as they had more things to worry about.

For one, they had all been waiting for the inspector that would supervise the test to come address them. And when the door opened again, they all turned, this was almost a reflex action at this point as some did it without actually knowing why. But the majority turned to look at the door to see if it was the inspector who had come in. Much to their dissatisfaction, it turned out to be a random male figure in a hoodie with his hands in his pants pocket and a female tagging closely behind him.

"Look at him, he got everyone to look at him. I bet he must feel like he is something now," The chubby kid from earlier stated as he watched the male in the hoodie head towards his direction.

"Hey, watch it clown!!" The robust teenager said to the kid in a black hoodie covering his face. Apparently the one in the hoodie had accidentally barged into the robust kid while trying to make his way through the horde of teenagers all standing around like they were waiting for some gifts. There were chatters everywhere and noise basically permeated the area at this point as they had given up on maintaining quietness.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It was an accident" the kid in the hoodie said and proceeded to leave. It wasn't exactly his fault to begin with as they were densely packed. And on the other hand, this was only a plot by the robust kid to get under the kid with hoodie's skin.

"Hey... You look me in the eye when you talk, you hear me?!!!" The robust kid said pulling on the shoulder of the kid who had a hoodie on.

"I said...look me in the eye and say sorry!!" He ordered again after not getting a response the first time from the kid in the hoodie who basically kept his head low.


The robust kid threw a punch that packed wind along with it. Apparently he was a wind element user so his two friends by his side were not surprised when this happened. But the same could not be said for the people who stood close to him as their hair and light clothing were blown back.


The fist ended up being caught by the kid who had a hoodie on. But just like everyone around, not only was his hoodie blown off, but his long black pony tail flew back in the wind that followed the punch.

His face was revealed. And now the robust kid was standing facing the kid in the hoodie who had blue sparkling eyes.