Maze run

Klaus observed the situation and already he knew things had gotten out of hand quickly. Most of them didn't even make it to the large entrance before they were trampled or taken out by stray attacks. And he observed that the ones that fell behind and took time to get up were instantly beamed away. Now he understood the reason they were given the bracelet he wore now at the mana testing center. It was used to monitor each student.

At first he thought the academy was ruthless and barbaric, but they did turn out to care for them after all. Certainly it would have been bad if measures like this weren't put in place. In a situation supposing a child got badly hurt and ended up not even making it into the academy, now that was a case he didn't know how it would go.

But he didn't need to waste time as he realized even Arsha had disappeared from his side and had joined the race in the maze. It was everyone for themselves after all, so he never judged.