Kill steal

Granted the whole scenario was a test, the dangers to it were real and in any case, that was why they had some of the safety precautions put in place. The energy beams from the bots most certainly were not fatal, but they could certainly stun a weak individual. And presently, on the ground lieing on top of another bot, which she had successfully managed to destroy was the girl who had both of her arms transformed into large forms that most could inarguably say were bigger than her entire body frame.

"I think that watch does more than just monitor our vitals and measuring our strength. It most likely sends a feedback to the machines over there making them know the target has been subdued. Without it, they keep attacking!!" The blonde guy in Arsha's squad of teenagers deducted. This was also true, again, the world was at a stage were very little was left unnoticed, only certain things were purposely overlooked.